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Problem embedding images


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I'm trying to embed images into my posts for a Let's Play, but for whatever reason when putting images from Google Photos in it gives me this error message: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.

I don't understand why I seeing this message, as I am using the normal image insertion method. Is it that the forum has a problem with Google Photos?

Image for reference/testing: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-QGYjghwqzJI/VOOoqPuE3bI/AAAAAAAABTM/TY4hktzQ1W0/w256-h224-no/Fire%2BEmblem%2B4%2B-%2BGenealogy%2Bof%2Bthe%2BHoly%2BWar101.png

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Just do what I do, by uploading the image to Imgur, then posting the image on to Serenes from Imgur.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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I've tried everything, the guy in control of it used to work in IT. I'd rather not hack into it, my father gets angry when I go outside the limits anyway. What I want to know is whether or not I can use Google's services to embed images, or an alternative that does not include messing with stuff.

Edited by Forceman
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Let's try one image.


Ah, there's the problem. I guess it's trying to tell me that I have too many images.

Image limits on posts are extremely common (most forums that i can think of have one.) many an update has been split into two parts to avoid this. In other news: yay! FE4!

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The problem boils down to replacing formerly uploaded images with the image links. I guess the uploader was confused, even though I removed all of the pictures. A new post with all the images worked, so I assume it was just some wonky bug.

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