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The creepy as frick blood pact.


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It's revealed that there are two standards that have to be met to escape a blood pact:

1: Signer of the pact is killed by a third party.

2: Document is destroyed.

There's a bit of a plot hole on playthroughs after you beat it once, you can choose to let Pelleas live. BUT both standards have to be met. So by rights, even if the document is burned/shredded/whatever, Daein will still get the nasty plague because the person who signed it is still alive.

Can anyone who's done a second playthrough explain this to me? I probably won't do a second playthrough for awhile so I don't care about spoilers, I know all the big ones anyway. How do they get out of this mess? Are things somehow reset after the goddesses intervene?

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Yeah, what Radiant Head said. Pelleas was noble and brave as fuck for being willing to die to save Daein though.

And the whole thing about blood pacts was sooo fascinating, yet creepy indeed. And I don't usually find creepy things interesting. Just...creepy. :P

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Okay that makes sense. So on second + playthroughs, they kill Lekain and rip the paper up.

And ikr...that part is depressing. Never mind how Micaiah was able to actually stab him in the heart when her strength stat tends to suck *bricked* They're both squishy mages anyway so I guess it works. But that's gameplay stuff anyway.

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Basically that's what happens.

I dunno why they reserve this for second runs though. Kinda silly, especially since Pelleas is one of two potential Dark users in the game (the other is also 2nd pt only and has the most stupid recruitment requisites in the series.)

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Well, at that point is likely the desperation of getting out of the situation didn't lead them to think it all through. Not to mention, already filled with the idea of killing the pact-makers, the thought that the pacts can also operate on titles rather than persons (which was the case and also why Pelleas's death did nothing to change it) didn't crossed their minds.

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Yeah it was weird that it didn't occur to them in first pt that if it doesn't work, they killed him for nothing.

A few times Micaiah mentions him dying in vain, now they have to find a way out etc etc etc. But yeah. Desperation can lead to not thinking clearly. And she DID tell him to go do research, and he found that, so...

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