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Duelist Kingdom Mafia [Game Over]


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Dandragon was told to target RD. Just because there's nothing that screams scum doesn't mean I'm town (I mean...I AM town, but I'd like to think I'm fairly good at staying under the radar and appearing townie as scum). I've spent far more time rolespeccing than RD has, I'm pretty sure. I dunno, I feel like you're just WIFOMing at this point, but everyone else can get their own conclusions out of it.

My mistake, but it still seems like it worked out really nicely that he died. Like, it would be the easiest thing in the world for scum to do and then claim "yeah, I saw him, shame he died bro." Refa, whilst there's nothing that massively screams you're scum, I feel that a lot of your play is fairly towny. I mean, unless you're totally lying to your bro, which is not cool, bro, I'd be more inclined to believe that you're town rather than scum trying to look town.

RD's rolespeccing is more dastardly considering what's happened. I don't see how your speculation would have necessarily given scum information on who to target. It may seem like a longshot, but that's how it feels to me.

I'm going to be raging if it's something like Prims/Refa.

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Radiant Dragon (4): Prims, Refa, Shin, Bluedoom

Shin (1): SB.
Refa (1): Radiant Dragon

As the tourney drew to a close, the poor unsuspecting players did not realize that their host had been mercilessly blinded by the hand of some random limey who wanted more power and more screen time. Though, moments after the deed was done, an aura filled the air, and it was no surprise that suddenly, everybody wanted more screen time for themselves. How do you get more screen time in a show about a children's card game? You off the main character, that's how! How do you off the main character? Well, that's not something that 4kids would condone, so I'll have to leave the details for another day

Radiant Dragon has been lynched. He was...

Dear Radiant Dragon, you are Yugi Moto.

You're the hero of the show, probably appear bipolar to your friends. I mean, you grow 8 inches taller by screaming your name and glowing yellow. That's not normal, but I'm sure your friends realize that no psychologist alive could diagnose your problems.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with:
##Night 1: Pharoah is looking at [uSER]. You will learn the role performed by [uSER], if they have an active role and chose to target anyone. OR ##Night 1: Yugi is looking at [uSER]. You will track [uSER], learning who they visited during the night.

##Night 2: Soul Crush on [uSER]. You will both prevent [uSER] from acting during the night, and protect [uSER] from any action that would harm them during the night. OR ##Night 2: Just guarding [uSER]. You will prevent [uSER] from being targeted during the night by anything that would not harm them.

##Night 3: Let [uSER] hold my Puzzle.. You will allow [uSER] to target two people for their next action. OR##Night 3: Back to episode 1.. You will learn how many town members were on the lynched player during Day 1.

How confusing!

In short, you are the Mafia Conditional Jack of All Trades (Follower/Tracker + Jail-keeper/Safeguard + Motivator/Conditional Sensor).

You are aligned with the Mafia, and win when the Mafia can achieve parity with the Town, or when nothing can stop this from occuring.

With my last breath....I curse you Bakuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........................

Night 3 ends in 24 hours...ish. 3/5/15 at 2pm CST (GMT-6).

Edited by Sara.
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Something something flavor something was shouted from the loudspeakers, and also another flying message courtesy of an anonymous sponsor through Duelta Airlines was spotted, as the tourney was obviously coming to a close.


With that out of the way, Crone's announcement of Pegasus's death and an apparent agreement to split the three million dollar prize among the remaining competitors, things got heated. Really heated. Really fast. So fast, that it was just decided that people should be blown up, to increase the percentage of earned winnings, by having everyone left alive dump their remaining resources into one last killsplosion.

And it worked! In an astounding double-suicide that even the Hunger Games would soon borrow its writing from, Shin and Bluedoom stood atop the very trap card that was fastened to a land mine that apparently Bluedoom was hiding from everybody in his incredibly E-rated cleavage.

With no weapons left to kill anybody with, SB., Refa and Prims rushed to the castle, swiped their prize money from Crone, and returned to the docks, anxious to return back to civilization and spend their money on:

More cards to play this children's card game with

A lawyer, to get a law suit filed against his birth-hospital, for screwing up his name so badly

An investment with Kellogg's, for a new Brain-themed breakfast cereal called Braaaaains

The trio would later grow up and never interact with each other again. But that, my children, is a story for FUNimation Studios to tell.

Shin has been killed. He was...

Dear Shin, you are Rex Raptor.

You like dinosaurs. WAY TOO MUCH. You've got a goofy spike of white hair on your head, and constantly lose duels. How'd you get nationally ranked again?

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: How do I beat [uSER] in a duel?! You'll take a big bite of of [uSER], and learn their full RolePM. This will fill your appetite for RolePMs though, and thus, you can only do this once.

Also, during the day, your vote will instantly default to any [uSER] that is not yourself, if [uSER] is at L-1. This applies only if you are not currently voting for somebody else, or have ##Unvoted. Also, this is secret, and will not display on End-of-phase Votals, but the Lynch'd player will be displayed as having the hammer-required amount of votes on them. (Thus, you will be listed under the "Not Voting" users). You can deactivate this for the next phase and hide this ability from any checks by responding to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Holding back the bite! This will only deactivate it for the next day phase, and has to be submitted again for the following night phase to maintain its secrecy. Though, it is active during Day 1 no matter what. How nifty!

In short, you are the Mafia One-shot Max Cop + Auto Hammer.

You are aligned with the Mafia, and win when the Mafia can achieve parity with the Town, or when nothing can stop this from occurring.

Mitsuki Bluedoom also been killed. He was...

Dear Mitsuki, you are Mai Valentine.

The stereotypical tough chick; you and your screw feminism harpy deck tool around for prize money and who knows what else. How did your hair get so huge? You're seriously a product of the '70s.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Setting a "Trap Card" for [uSER]. or##Night X: In your face, hot shot!. The former applies a prime to [uSER], and the latter activates the prime, causing the prime'd [uSER] to die in a fiery explosion of pain and suffering. Each action can only be used one time. How bossy!

In short, you are the Town One-shot Arsonist.

You are aligned with the Town, and win when the rest of the living players are also Town.

And thus, the surviving competitors fled the island by jacking amphibious yacht, after robbing Pegasus's castle blind. What? We never said this would be a 4kids ending!

Refa survived! He was...

Dear Refa, you are PaniK.

You're an Eliminator for Duelist Kingdom, and you're kind of a jerk. Shadows and Darkness and Evil and yada yada. Why did you capitalize the K at the end of your name? I'd sue the hospital where your Birth Certificate was approved...you've got a major case there.

During the day, you cannot perform the standard ##Vote [uSER]. The only way you may perform votes is to post##Vote. Your super powered vote will affect all living [uSER]s, including yourself, for +1 vote. This ability is deactivated in instances of *YLO, and in these situations, you may vote normally. So creepy!

In short, you are the Town Ultra-voter.

You are aligned with the Town, and win when the rest of the living players are also Town.

Polydeuces Prims survived! He was...

Dear Blackhawk Stinger, you are Bonz.

Your face is creepy, and you're mocked for it. That sucks. You work for Bandit Keith, voluntarily. That sucks. Your death jokes are pretty good. I'd say keep up your career in dueling, but you'd probably do well as a comic at the Haunted Mansion in Walt Disney World.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with: ##Night X: Announcing [THIS] from beyoooonnnndddd the graaavvvveeee. This message will be broadcasted, anonymously, during the following phase update. [THIS] can be, well, anything, as long as it's a meme picture(s), and not just words. How unexpected!

Also, since you're pretty much a zombie, you can stay up all night practicing your spooky faces and otherwise scary behavior, meaning you don't sleep, and can post all night long. Your latest obsession is poetry, so all your night posts must be made in Haiku format (5-7-5 syllable. Failure to do so results in losing your insomnia. How wacky!

In short, you are the Town Conditional Insomniac + Announcer.

You are aligned with the Town, and win when the rest of the living players are also Town.

SB. survived! He was...

Dear SB., you are Joey Wheeler.

Your a chivalrous idiot who wins duels using the Luck of the Cards. I'd elaborate more, but you're just too awesome for words.

Since you're inexperienced in general, you can't use your awesome street-smarts to figure out the roles of those guys over there. However, if anyone comes near you at any time, you'll figure out what their powers are, with your cool Brooklyn accent and over-sized hairdo. How manly!

In short, you are the Town Reflexive Role Cop.

You are aligned with the Town, and win when the rest of the living players are also Town.

Congrats to Town winning this game, and splitting 3 million dollars among the 3 living players.

Queue Raging @ Host for imbalanced game I know I know Town 2 Stronk I'll cover it in postgame

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[3/4/2015 3:00:08 PM] Lord Rayfaquaza³: I think SB is the last scum.

[3/4/2015 4:36:17 PM] Lord Rayfaquaza³: Nah, I'm just dumb whoops.

[3/4/2015 4:37:43 PM] Lord Rayfaquaza³: I just realized if Shin was town it'd be Potential LYLO.

[3/4/2015 10:05:37 PM] Lord Rayfaquaza³: elieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you should update early IMO


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Be careful posting cases in the thread, thread
Can't be sure you'll be seen as town, town
And besides in the night, night phase
I'm just dreaming of priming you for once

I'm in the de-details with the mod
So now the scumteam can never get me on my level
I just gotta get you targeted
I'm a young townie's rage
Gonna need a maf to ignite

My case words what you did in the thread

So light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
You're on fire

So light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
Light 'em up, up, up
You're on fire

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa
In the thread, thread
Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa
In the thread, thread

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"@SB "Probably would've lynched Baldrick for being a sneak" that is why rolespec is bullshit! Remind me to drill that into you postgame"

It was because of the actual name for the role being journalist, whereas a sneak makes the target a ninja for the night

so it made no sense thanks eli

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[11:05:01 PM] Elieson: your posts

[11:05:03 PM] Elieson: are fucking ugly

[11:05:09 PM] Refa #5: WOW

[11:05:15 PM] Elieson: I'd let you edit that one if I hadn't literally put in the rule for no edits

[11:05:27 PM] Elieson: lol

[11:05:30 PM] Elieson: did you have quotes in there

[11:05:34 PM] Elieson: and you just lost them somehow?

[11:05:44 PM] Refa #5: No lol.

[11:05:58 PM] Refa #5: I was just too lazy to check.

[11:06:04 PM] Refa #5: That's why there are a lot of missing words.

[11:06:38 PM] Refa #5: Man, making poorly formatted posts is a great scum tactic.

[11:06:47 PM] Refa #5: Since no one will try to read your posts.

[11:07:39 PM] Elieson: good thing you're scum this t-

[11:07:41 PM] Elieson: waiiiit a minute

[11:07:47 PM] Refa #5: Hahaha.

[11:08:11 PM] Refa #5: Totally going to quote this at the end of the game if I don't forget.

Also never forget. I wasn't particularly amazing, but the only town lynch I was on board for at the end of the day was Rapier, so I don't feel too bad.

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