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Question about Awareness (FE4)


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What does it nullify?

Does it nullify Pursuit is the main question, but hey, might as well ask the rest.

It does not nulify pursuit, but it does nullify great shield, all 3 sword skills, and all criticals (including those caused by effective weapons). i don't know if it nullifies continue, charge or miracle

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The only things awareness blocks are the swordskills, and crits in general (this includes bows against flying units, or any effective bonus)

Charge, Continue, Big Shield :((((, Ambush, and Prayer aren't blocked. I'm actually kind of unsure on Ambush and Prayer, but I assume they aren't blocked.

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The only things awareness blocks are the swordskills, and crits in general (this includes bows against flying units, or any effective bonus)

Charge, Continue, Big Shield :((((, Ambush, and Prayer aren't blocked. I'm actually kind of unsure on Ambush and Prayer, but I assume they aren't blocked.

Oh. i must have misremembered about big shield. too bad.

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It blocks all "offensive skills", but "defensive skills" like wrath, ambush, great shield (I hate that stupid skill) and prayer aren't. Course, this doesn't explain continue, charge, and pursuit. Note: I could be wrong about wrath, I know either FE4 or FE5 awareness doesn't block wrath.

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The only things awareness blocks are the swordskills, and crits in general (this includes bows against flying units, or any effective bonus)

Charge, Continue, Big Shield :((((, Ambush, and Prayer aren't blocked. I'm actually kind of unsure on Ambush and Prayer, but I assume they aren't blocked.

Prayer isn't blocked. I learned this the hard way against one of the deadlords.

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