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[FE7] HNM draft


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11 - 6/6

Standard clear. No red gem, but Hector got 2 level ups

12 - 4/10

Hector stayed on the north. Marcus cleared the south then went to the north to help Hector and kill the boss.

13 - 7/17

Only having Marcus and Hector made this slower than it had to be. Hector went to the village, Marcus went south.

13x - 7/24

Tried to get as much experience on Hector as possible, since I didn't have any other units to get exp on. Got the Village.

14 - 5/29

Deployed Serra to get Erk, not only for the goddess icon but also to avoid visiting the village, which saved turns. Marcus killed almost everything in the map. Hector killed a pirate and the soldiers that start next to you.

15 - 7/36

Another defend map. Marcus went south, and killed the boss. Hector killed a couple of soldiers and the enemies on the north. I let them attack merlinus so Priscilla could heal him almost every turn.

16 - 5/41

Marcus rescued Hector and went to the boss. Priscilla got the village. Sain and Wil bought stuff. Kent and Lyn killed things for exp.

17 - 12/53

Kent and Hector went to the boss, killing the things in the way. Lyn and Priscilla followed them. Raven was killed. I killed the enemy thief for the knight crest and got the chest keys

17x - 4/57

Kent talked to Fargus. Hector killed Damian. Lyn killed the pirates in the upper part of the map. Priscilla recruited Canas for his book and healed Hector when possible.

18 - 3/60

Kent rushed to the boss. Hector and Lyn killed stuff. Priscilla visited the item shop in the first turn and then healed Lyn on the other turns.

19 - 6/66

Kent rushed to Uhai. Lyn, Hector and Dart killed things for exp. Priscilla healed them.

19x - 7/73

Kent rushed to the boss while holding Hector. Dart and Lyn killed things for EXP. Lyn also visited the village.

20 - 6/79

Promoted Kent before the chapter started. Kent, Priscilla, Lyn and Hector rushed to the boss. Dart stayed behind to get exp. Could have beaten it on turn 5, but decided to recruit Legault because Priscilla really wants that Barrier staff.

21 - 2/81

Kent rushed to Oleg. Lyn visited the restore village. No one else could do much -_-

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Normal stuff.


Man, my Hector is starting to suck.


Hector got a few better levels here. Marcus carried Hector to victory and Silverlance'd the boss. Eliwood and Bartre fetched the village.


Eliwood got a few really good levels. Hector started to suck less and got his first point(s) of speed.


Marcus charged up the middle. Things were easier than normal since he actually proc'd speed twice. Eliwood killed the pirates down south, Hector oneshotted the cavalier, and Bartre killed the soldiers near the start.


Defence map. Deployed Matthew so Marcus could cart him around and weaken stuff for the others.

HECTOR         10.47 24 14 07 08 05 11 03 B AXE                    C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD        09.96 23 09 11 12 11 08 02 B SWORD                  C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/04.90 33 15 18 13 10 10 08 A SWORD A LACNE B AXE
BARTRE         06.42 33 10 08 04 05 05 00 D AXE
SERRA          03.32 18 03 05 09 08 02 05 C STAFF


Bartre and Florina dropped Marcus over the cliff on turn 1, then Florina rescued Hector ahead, and Marcus dropped him in range of seizing on turn 2. He silver lanced the boss (he needs 1 strength proc on base to ORKO), and Hector seized. Wil distracted an archer, Eliwood got the red gem, and Sain got the Heavy spear. Lyn and Kent shopped.

CHAPTER 17 - 10/46 TURNS

Florina couldn't really boost Hector ahead without death, so she boosted Eliwood ahead later in the chapter, and on turn 10, Eliwood's two rapier hits weakened the boss enough for Florina to kill him with the Heavy spear, allowing Hector to seize. Wil got the unlock staff and hero crest, thankfully I don't need the knight crest this run.

CHAPTER 17x - 3/49 TURNS

Florina flew to Fargus. Got Canas.


I'm actually pretty proud of myself for this one.

Florina rescued Serra ahead after she healed Wil (he took damage from the shaman near the start), and Hector rescued Wil. Canas moved ahead. Hector gave Wil to Canas (why does Canas have more con than Wil anyway...) and he dropped him. Florina dropped Serra in a chokepoint near two shaman, who attacked Serra on the EP (she can't die).

Canas killed the shaman blocking Serra's path to the boss (and obtained the guiding ring) and Florina hit the boss for 7x2 damage, and Serra healed her since she'd die on the EP otherwise. Wil Rescued Serra, so the boss would attack Florina again, and she killed him on the enemy phase.

7 strength bosskiller too good


Florina dropped Eliwood ahead on turn 2, (since he actually doubles Uhai, he was my best bosskiller) and they ran to Uhai, with Eliwood engaging on turn 5, and Florina finishing him with the horseslayer. Everyone else got exp where they could, Florina got the torch thief.

NPC Fiora stole a couple kills from Canas -_-


Florina dropped Hector on a mountain on turn 2, and between Florina and Hector they killed all the mages surrounding the boss area. Hector killed Aion himself on turn 3, and seized on turn 4.


Serra unlocked the door near the start, and Wil ran through, killing the longbow archer after a few turns. Canas stayed behind to get the silver bow and brave bow (Wil was too chump to kill the sniper) and Florina + Hector chained Serra ahead. Eliwood killed a few cavs and the boss on the enemy phase, and ran ahead, Serra unlocked the second door leading to the chests. Wil's chumpy stats attacked the nomads instead of Eliwood, so he wouldn't get blocked off. Eliwood killed the Cavalier blocking the door on turn 4, allowing Florina to drop Hector there, Bartre made his way to the chests. Serra unlocked the door, and Florina killed the Myrmidon blocking Hector's path to the throne, and Hector weakened Darin enough for Florina to finish him with the heavy spear and get a fantastic res only levelup. Bartre fetched Luna from a chest. I could have 4 turned if I had someone that could ORKO Darin. Unfoutunately Bartre is way too slow.

since its about the halfway mark, stat update


Hector sometimes just owns. Sometimes he turns out like this


He's fantastic.


His speed is really nice, helped out a lot against Uhai.


Bartre/10. Been holding him back a bit because I want Serra to outlevel him, which shouldn't be an issue I don't think.




even a chumpy Florina is amazing

She's been fed a lot of bosskills to keep her level high. Hopefully she starts getting strength sometime though.


idk that's probably pretty good for Wil

he helped that one time in chapter 18




Got the Elysian Whip. Killed stuff. Not a lot happened.


Promoted Florina. Ferried Hector to the boss for the kill.


Pent helped Canas kill one bossguy, Florina killed the other.

Got the body ring for Canas.

No gaiden though.


Filla's Might Canas ended up critting with Luna.

Edited by General Horace
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22 - 3/84

Kent rushed to the boss. Dart killed stuff for exp. Hector recruited Heath. Priscilla used barrier as much as possible.

23 - 4/88

Heath ferried Kent to the bosses, with the help of a ninis's grace. Dart killed almost all the enemies on the upper right part of the map. Hector, Lyn and Ninian stayed on the bottom on the map. The only treasure I got was the ocean seal.

24 - 2/90

Kent went to Lloyd's range, with a spear. Heath killed the bishop for exp and the orion's bolt. Lyn killed a couple of wyverns.

25 - 5/95

Heath went to the east, holding Lyn, who visited the village. Dart went to the west and Kent and Hector went to the north.

26 - 11/106

Dart promoted before the chapter. I tried to focus on giving exp to Heath and Lyn. Both promoted after the end of the chapter. I got the Hammerne staff

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Bartre had to do a lot of work here, so I think i'm going to Jerme, the turn or 2 it costs isn't really a big deal I don't think.

Bartre and Canas went north, Canas dropped Eliwood over the river for the south fortress, and Florina got the last one.

Chapter 26 - 11/91 TURNS

Bartre and Eliwood promoted. Routed stuff


Eh, Jerme only costed a turn, would have costed less than that if I had a unit that could ORKO Jerme from range (Eliwood could have if he had the weapon rank to use the spear, but alas.

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Chapter 11: 6/6 turns

Standard stuff, Hector's level was actually pretty good.

Chapter 12: 4/10 turns

Rebecca gets the book whilst Oswin and Marcus help Hector break stuff. More good levels for Hector.

Chapter 13: 5/15 turns

Fun fact, if Hector manages to get to 10 strength, he can break the logs! I needed him to because stoopid Oswin and his 4 move. Rebecca got a passable level.

Chapter 13x: 7/22 turns

Nothing special really, people get a few levels and Hector steals the village.

Chapter 14: 4/26 turns

Marcus carried Hector down the middle and broke stuff. Oswin and Rebecca kinda did stuff too I guess.

I have like one more chapter then Horace wins because Florina. Rage.
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Chapter 15 - 7/33 turns

Killed stuff, got the axe. Not much else. Also gg winning.

Chapter 16: 5/38 turns

Thus it begins, Marcus and Hector go for their last journey together. The others make a mad scramble for XP. Fairwell, Marcus, I only pray Sain can catch up.

Chapter 17: 11/49 turns

I fall further behind Horace, Sain isn't buff enough either to survive everything. I also grab the Knight Crest, it did cost a turn but I feel that it's going to be better than waiting for the next one. Rebecca manages to snag the other chests.

Chapter 17x: 3/52 turns

It turns out that my Sain's strength screwed, but on the plus side, there was a tactic I could use to let Sain get to Fergus on turn 3. I also recruit Canas because that book is more valuable than Oswin doing anything.


Chapter 18: 3/55 turns

Sain gets his stronk back and basically kills all the Shamans. The others hang around to get some XP or something like that. I also feed him both of the secret books because lol having anyone else do stuff.

Chapter 19: 5/60 turns

With a bit of clever torch usage, Sain gets to Uhai and makes him kill himself EP on the horseslayer. The others... yeah, they kinda scrounge for XP. On the plus side, Rebecca can nearly kill stuff!

Chapter 19x: 4/64 turns

My Sain has like no res, but he's like +2 speed which lets him double the boss after a fortunate proc. I don't really have anything for the rest of my team to do. They're just kinda there.


[spoiler=EL TEAM]


Spends most of his time in Sain's saddlebags.


Spends most of her time mooching kills off Oswin.


Spends most of his time having his kills mooched by Rebecca.


Literally the only reason this run's working. He promoted at like level 14 before Uhai's chapter. He's like 3 and a bit speed over what he should be, as well as being super thwompy. He's probably saved a turn or two by virtue of being really fast.

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The Squad: Fiora, Lucius, Isadora, Raven, Dorcas, Guy, Karel

Chapter 11: 6/6 Turns

yup chapter 11. hector leveled twice

Chapter 12: 6/12 Turns

I had Dorcas and Marcus clear the enemies in the bottom half then Marcus runs up to help hector with the boss. definitely could have done this one quicker but both Dorcas and Marcus had pretty sketchy hit rates on most enemies.

Chapter 13: 6/18 Turns

I sent Dorcas to go to the village and kill the one Pegasus. Marcus killed all the enemies south, with hectors help, and got Mathew to recruit guy safely.

Chapter 13x: 7/25 Turns

Defense. Marcus takes a visit to the village and takes their money. Guy gets a few good level ups

Chapter 14: 5/30 Turns

Deployed Serra so i could recruit Erk and get Raven and Lucius later. Marcus rescues Hector then drops him in a forest, and they kill all the horseback units. Guy kills the pirates on the beach and Dorcas kills the one Calvary unit above the cliff trying to kill Erk.

Chapter 15: 7/37 Turns

Defend map. Tried to funnel as much exp into Guy and Dorcas as i could.

Edited by LordNinja123
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27 - 6/112

Heath carried Hector to the boss. I decided to skip Harken because he costed too many turns.

28 - 15/127

Defend chapter.

28x - (free)/127

I routed the map and got priscilla to level 20. She promoted after it.

29 - 5/132

Heath, who got the boots, went to the village and killed the enemies on the west. Kent went to the boss, while helping Priscilla and Dart to kill the enemies in the center and in the north. Hector, Lyn and Jaffar stayed to take care of Vaida and her reinforcements.

30 - 4/136

I deployed Priscilla, Hector and Heath. Heath rescued Hector and Priscilla warped them as far torwards the boss as she could. Then they headed to the throne, and priscilla killed stuff for exp. I managed to get the wolf beil

31 - 11/147

31x - 5/152

Lyn and Hector went to the arena as much as possible. Everyone else bought items.

32 - 4/156

Heath rescued Hector and went as far as he could while staying on Nil's and Priscilla's range. Nils danced him and then Priscilla warped him as far as she could. I could have beaten this chapter on turn 3 if the brave lance had critted twice, but it only critted once.

32x - 1/157

Lyn was warped and critted kishuna with a silver sword.

Final - 3+1/161

Lyn handled Uhai's room, Hector and Athos the one with the mages, Heath the one with the generals, Kent the one with Ursula, Jafar the one with the beserkers and Dart the one with Linus and Lloyd, then Athos was warped to kill Nergal. Athos also Killed the dragon.

Edited by Nobody
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Chapter 20: 6/70 turns

Sain clears the way for Hector whilst the others again try to get some XP. Lowen actually carries Lyn behind Sain so I can recruit Legault. He probably isn't worth the turn it cost, but WORTH IT. I also manage to get the Brave Bow because lolRebecca.

Chapter 21: 3/73 turns

Sain goes forward, gg. He's about 12 damage short of ORKOing the boss

Chapter 22: 3/76 turns

In much the same fashion, Sain goes forwards. However, Rath is recruited and the others manage to kill some stuff to the left. I even take a cheeky peek at the secret shop!

Chapter 23: 4/80 turns

Turns out that it only costs a turn if you don't have a flier. This level was generally dedicated to Rath's self improvement. Florina dropped NPC Hawkeye to do some work for me. I only got the Ocean Seal, it's not possible to grab anything else without it costing turns.

Chapter 24: 2/82 turns

If by some miracle Sain doubled Lloyd, it'd be a one turn, but alas. Everyone else kinda does stuff. Promoting Rebecca isn't really worth it, she can wait.

Chapter 25: 7/89 turns

I wish I could fly. Sain captures two points by himself with a hand from Hector whilst Rath goes to figure out swords after promoting.

Chapter 26: 11/100 turns

Pent so good. Sain kills Vaida whilst the others kinda break stuff. Rath hits D swords and makes decent progress to C.

Chapter 27: 5/105 turns

Suck it, Horace. Rath actually hit C swords after an attack so he could use the Killing Edge to blitz his way to the throne. The others do stuff too I guess.

Chapter 28: 15/120 turns

Defense chapter so pro, I pretty much dedicate it to Sain, Pent and Rath getting levels. Rath hits B swords! Woo! Also, I get all the swag.

Chapter 28x: Free/120 turns

This was kinda dull, I mostly let my main trio get kills. I swear Rebecca will promote one day.

Chapter 29: 5/125 turns

Turns out that Rath struggles to reach Linus because he has no 1-2 range. Instead, I pull some rescue hijinks with Pent so he can force Sain forwards. Rath instead goes for the Warp village and does pretty swag. Rebecca ends up saving the run by killing off the pesky wyverns with Hector.

Chapter 30: 4/129 turns

I would have needed a hax Pent to get 3 turns, but 4's good enough.

Chapter 31: 11/140 turns

Got the swag, killed the chumps.

Chapter 31x: 5/145 turns

Lol, joke chapter. Rebecca and Legault promote.

Chapter 32: 5/150 turns

OK, this kinda sucks, Rath takes forever to get to Limstella and then I pray for a Brave Bow crit. Stoopid weenie Rath. On the plus side, Renault is recruited?

Chapter 32x: 1/151 turns

Lol, Sain is buff enough to OHKO with a Killer Axe crit.

Chapter Final: 5/156 turns

I can't quite 4 turn it without some major hax so I have to settle. It turns out having so many chumps was a detriment!

Dragon: 1/157 turns

Lol, Luna!Athos.

[spoiler=El team]


Never actually a detriment, although it was kinda annoying he got too fat for Sain to carry.


I liked the part where Jerme didn't double him.




He warped and broke stuff. In all honesty, Erk would have been a better pick, but that'd had saved like a turn or something.


By virtue of being the best Hector ferry left, he was kinda great. His lack of 1-2 range really hurt though.


She kinda did stuff sometimes. Her promotion was delayed in favour of the superior bow unit.


He broke a tree once?


If he had one fewer con, he'd be amazing. He pretty much filled in for a flier until Hector promoted.


Opened a few doors, that was pretty much it.


Probably not worth the turn he cost. Fun fact: he never gained strength.

Edited by Shin
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  • 3 weeks later...

well i had the rest of the chapters posted long ago but the forum ate them and i forgot to post them again


I forget what my team was man, I probably trained Serra or something to increase her magic



CHAPTER 29 - 5/118 TURNS

I do remember Florina being too lame to 4HKO Linus so I took an extra turn

CHAPTER 30 - 4/122 TURNS

Serra did warping stuff or something

CHAPTER 31 - 11/133 TURNS

got swag, killed the chumps

CHAPTER 31X - 5/138

trained Eliwood, got KARLA

CHAPTER 32 - 4/142 TURNS

Flew to the boss, Hector killed her because Florina was too chump


I don't remember what I did but I did it.

Eliwood and Serra were the best, Florina despite sucking was also the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 11 – 6/6

Chapter 12 – 5/11

I was disappointed in Lowen for just gaining luck when he leveled up

Chapter 13 – 7/18

Chapter 13x – 7/25

Got to the village for the money and successfully defend without losing someone

Chapter 14 – 5/30

Recruited Erk and he helped Marcus clear out the enemies up north while Matthew and Lowen face off the enemies down south

Chapter 15 – 7/37

Got both treasures and took out the boss

Chapter 16 – 5/42

Marcus carried Hector to the seize point and Marcus crit the boss

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Chapter 17 – 12/54

Erk cleared the enemies so Matthew can get the treasures down south while Hector and Lowen headed to the seize point

Chapter 17x – 4/58

Funny thing, if Hector hit the blackfang boss once, I would have Erk attack him if he can kill him but Hector crit’ed him

Chapter 18 – 3/61

Matthew and Lowen headed to the boss where they get what I need and took the enemies out

Chapter 19 – 7/68

Lowen went alone to fight Uhai

Chapter 19x – 7/75

Lowen carried Hector near the boss

Chapter 20 – 7/82

Chapter 21 – 3/83

Promoted Erk

Chapter 22 – 3/86

Lowen goes to the boss and took him out

Chapter 23 – 5?/91

Chapter 24 – 2/93

Chapter 25 – 10/103

Lowen goes to the northwest point and then the northeast point, Matthew goes to the southern point and everybody else defends

Chapter 26 – 11/114

Chapter 27 – 7/121

Farina carried Lowen near enough inside the building and then carried Hector to the throne

Chapter 28 – 15/136

Lowen alone fight his way through on the left side and attacks the enemies from behind while every takes the right side

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Chapter 23 is 6 turns after checking

Chapter 29 – 9/146

Lowen goes down the path to get to Linus while everybody else just attack the center

Chapter 30 – 8/154

Chapter 31 – 11/165

Chapter 31x – 5/170

Chapter 32 – 8/178

Chapter 32x – 5/183

Final – 7+2/192


Matthew – B: 109 W: 43

Lowen – B: 337 W: 198

Erk – B: 96 W: 65

Hawkeye – B: 110 W: 82

Farina – B: 161 W: 94

Louise – B: 71 W: 39

Nino – B: 52 W: 34

Hector – B: 156 W: 91

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