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Character Speculation

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Let's speculate on what the characters will be like. This thread is ultimately useless, but have fun.


Starts out as a villain, is somewhat callous, cold and standoffish, but ultimately defects to Kamui's side to redeem himself. He is very serious and a remarkable warrior.


An innocent and competent maid. Sweet, meek, and creative, perhaps a bit too overly concerned with the avatar.


An adorable but tomboyish Pegasus knight with an aversion to pink, frilly dresses, and anything cutesy. She is notable for having a fiery temper!

Dancer girl

A sober-minded and serious girl with a mysterious past and somber disposition.


A cheeky myrmidon who is very quirky, but agreeable and who cares for her comrades.



This speculation is purely superficial and meaningless, so don't take it too seriously. I pulled this out of thin air, after all. Any suggestions, other ideas, or speculation for other characters, like the androgynous archer or Lord Lobster?

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If I'm to back those speculations of yours, then Felicia wins Waifu of the Year 2015 and I call dibs.

Seriously though, I'm in agreement with all of that, but I would furthermore think that Kazahana is either a really big jokester or a Cloudcuckoolander type. Or maybe a mix of both. ...Good lord would that be adorably frightening.

EDIT: As for the Lobster, I imagine him to be a very proud and capable warrior type, much like the quintessential samurai, but also someone who is surprisingly sociable off the battlefield, and perhaps even humble. So, kind of like a toned-down Basilio with the added humility.

Edited by Ambulz
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If I'm to back those speculations of yours, then Felicia wins Waifu of the Year 2015 and I call dibs.

I'd say Hinoka wins the Waifu award if it's true and I also call dibs on her.


Starts out as a villain, is somewhat callous, cold and standoffish, but ultimately defects to Kamui's side to redeem himself. He is very serious and a remarkable warrior.



If by bland for Kamui you mean the fact that he's the supposed Avatar I can agree with that. Harsh criticisms will come later unless he's a silent protagonist.

I feel like Marx would be the type of guy who obeys his father no matter what... I think he seems to be a little bit gullible but not really like a villain since he's like "No, father can't be bad" or whatever he said. Something about his father doing something.

Edited by DualMix
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I have a feeling that Lobster is going to be xenophobic and unwilling to solve the conflict with the west on peaceful terms. He's going to a proud warrior who thinks diplomacy is for weaklings.

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I can see them being taken a few ways:

Marx could be arrogant and spiteful of the Eastern faction because reasons, or he could be misled and believe them to be evil because of his own oversimplified view of morals, or he could recognize the Eastern faction as having perfectly valid reasons to fight but continue to oppose them because "muh honor"

Dancer girl I could see taken in several different directions. She could be innocent and naive, or wise, or simply scared.

Samuraditz would probably be taken in the same direction as Marx.

For everyone else, I agree with OP.

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I have a feeling that Lobster is going to be xenophobic and unwilling to solve the conflict with the west on peaceful terms. He's going to a proud warrior who thinks diplomacy is for weaklings.

If we get the whole "choose what side you're for" shibang, then I think that might be a discouragement to joining his side. Unless he would cool off over time and slowly begin to recognize your capabilities as a (foreign?) military leader. That'd be cool.

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I agree with everyone on Lobster Lord. I kind speculate he might also have a penchant for honorable combat and/or behavior on and off the battlefield, because...you know, samurais. Samurai? Samuraes ?

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I agree with everyone on Lobster Lord. I kind speculate he might also have a penchant for honorable combat and/or behavior on and off the battlefield, because...you know, samurais. Samurai? Samuraes ?

It's supposed to be samurai but people usually just say samurais so you got it on the first part.

Lobster Lord could actually be really chill... I mean he is a samurai but you never know. He could be the next Afro Samurai.

I still think Marx would be all over his dad though.

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It's supposed to be samurai but people usually just say samurais so you got it on the first part.

Lobster Lord could actually be really chill... I mean he is a samurai but you never know. He could be the next Afro Samurai.

I still think Marx would be all over his dad though.

The general rule of thumb for using foreign words is to use a singular form even in a plural context. Anime, not animes. Samurai, not samurais. Japanese doesn't really do plural nouns anyway.

One thing I noted in the context of the Marx vs Lobster dual was that while Marx had a serious-business face, Lobster looked like he was having a good time and was looking forward to the fight. Perhaps it hints at a more affable personality in addition to a love for fighting.

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Not-Ninian should be the tactician/advisor character. I think this would be a cool role for her if she isn't a lord. Bonus points if she has ulterior motives that she can't reveal to Kamui for some reason.

This kind of sounds like Katarina now that I think about it... But Not-Ninian would hopefully be smarter/wiser since Katarina annoyed a lot of people.

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It's supposed to be samurai but people usually just say samurais so you got it on the first part.

Lobster Lord could actually be really chill... I mean he is a samurai but you never know. He could be the next Afro Samurai.

I still think Marx would be all over his dad though.

Thank you. I imagine Marx to be somewhat spiteful, but ultimately misled by a cruel father for whom he still childishly harbors unconditional love, like Zuko (sorry, just rewatched Avatar), minus the exile/honor thing.

I agree with the Geek that Marx may have a juvenile conceptualization of right and wrong, like Light (sorry,just rewatched Death Note).

The general rule of thumb for using foreign words is to use a singular form even in a plural context. Anime, not animes. Samurai, not samurais. Japanese doesn't really do plural nouns anyway.

One thing I noted in the context of the Marx vs Lobster dual was that while Marx had a serious-business face, Lobster looked like he was having a good time and was looking forward to the fight. Perhaps it hints at a more affable personality in addition to a love for fighting.

Why, I do believe you're right! Maybe he'll have a love for battle, like Ephraim or something. A warmongering samurai is certainly an interesting twist, be that the case. They're usually depicted as calm and collected and non-violent off the battlefield.

Edited by Respite&Nepenthe
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