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Thracia 776 Script Rewrite


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Since I'm contemplating doing a Thracia 776 Project, let's see how many chapters I can do before I completely abandon the project altogether! Are we ready? No? Well too bad:

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

<Chapter Opening>
This is not a tale complete;
rather: one ripple of many within the
tempestuous waters of Jugdral.
Our tale begins with loss.
Travant, of the mountainous Southern Thracia,
oblivious of the ulterior, bloodthirsty
towards the bountiful, and without mercy,
laid waste to the traveling battalion of
the Leonster district to the north, snuffing
its heir, Prince Quan, and wife, Ethlin.
With his son lost in an act of brotherhood-
forcibly removed from mortal coil in the harsh,
vast desert of Yied- Calf, king of Leonster,
had not even time to grieve, as he steeled
himself to sally Capital Manster, to only be
betrayed, ambushed from behind. Valiantly though
he fought, Leonster, of the four kingdoms of
Manster District, became without its king
upon that day.
A child robbed of his parents; A child robbed
of his grandfather; A child robbed of his
inheritance, homeland and heritage;
This is the tale of how Leif, son of Quan,
heir to Leonster, rose up and conquered
the Manster District.
Leif, in his infancy, bore witness to the
his father's castle, citizens, and kingdom,
consumed in the fires of bloody, brutal conquest.
Finn, Quan's most trusted and proven squire,
stared fire back as he held his prince in
this sight.
He swore a knightly oath to only look upon
these lands again on the day he would reclaim
them for his Prince, and, taking only himself, his
liege, and his daughter, did not look back.
But the path to safety was not clear.
The might of the Grann Empire had spread
throughout the Manster District, in search
of the young heir apparent.
Their Empire's search, believing the end
justifies any and all means,
left Leif in an adolescence of generous,
yet fleeting sanctuary.
Leif grew to appreciate the cultures, societal
norms, townsfolk, and most grateful of all,
the sanctuaries of the cities Tahra, Alster...
...as well as bearing witness to the cruelties
committed in Grann's might in grisly
inquisition to those who had granted
him protection.
Within years of perilous flight, they had went
from town to town, before finally
finding humble lodging and, eventually,
belonging, in the eastern village of Fiana.
It was a hamlet of stewardship, under the
governing of a warrior who went by the name
of Eyvel, Fiana
sought to protect the villages made vulnerable
from the Grann Empire's harsh taxation from
bandits and thieves.
But Leif knew what caused the villages to become
such easy pickings, and what drove men to the
desperation of brigandage.
Yet, in his newfound community with Fiana, along
with the gratification of his work to protect
the nearby villas,
Leif's outrage for the Grann Empire
had been left without a spark.
And now our story begins to unfold... with a spark.
Raydrik: Still haven't found him, have you?
Weissman: I'm afraid that we-
R: As you should be, you incompetent!
...enough. Round the villagers up and
grab your tools for inquisition.
W: Preparations are already underway,
So far they've said though this is his residence,
he's apparently on a mission with the Fiana
Militia to deflect some pirate scum.
R: Fiana Militia? Is this a factor we should
take into account when we move for his capture?
W: Let us review: They're led by former journeyman
Evayle. This warrior had apparently cleared out a
village of bandits, to form the village we stand in now.
R: She may prove problematic.
W: Not to worry; we have captured her and the Prince's
guardian's daughter. Their nobility to their kin will make
them cry surrender, doubtlessly.
R: Very good. Keep your eyes on the village while I take
the hostages to Manster. I shall expect to see the prince
at Kelves...
W: And see him you shall. Pikeman, fetch the girls!
Marita: ...
R: What's your name, girl?
M: ...
R: Ah, what a dullard. And to you...
Nanna: ...
R: The little heiress of Nordion, in all her dignity and
grace. I welcome you into my company, daughter
of Finn Swiftlance.
I shall show you the might of Kelves and the grandeur
of Manster. You shall find it a fine city to stay the night...
M: Keep your hands to yourself, you wretched animal! *goes at Raydrik*
R: Ahh, a dagger! It's so refreshing to see a woman
with resistance... it just makes the... reward... the
greater prize, in conquest.
M: *backs away* H-how, how did you? It should have
ran through your lung!
R: How indeed.
*hit SFX, fade Marita*
N: Marita!
M: ...
R: Weissman, I'll be to take these treats home with
me. You know your expectations: do not betray
W: Yes... m'lord.
Evayle: It's quiet. It's never this quiet. Something's
Halvan: I'll go ahead to scout. Wait here, guys...
...*goes ahead, peeks around the corner, then comes back*
H: Imperials have filled the streets. The Empire has
taken Fiana. Some of them have fishhooks and dental
tools, and they seem to be gathering the villagers...
Othin: Th... they're going to torture them! Those...
imperialist bastards! Come on, Lady Evayle, let's go!
H: Orson. Calm. Down. We'll be buried if we don't think things
O: Think things through? They're gonna mutilate
everyone there! That's our home they're taking, that's
where we sleep! Our heritage and fate! Our...
Evayle: Orson, Halvan's right. We need to think this through
rationally. First, Lord Leif: you must make your escape further
south, to Southern Thracia. Finn, please, protect him...
Leif: What are you talking about? Are you stupid? Nanna's
still there! You think I'm just going to leave her and run
while she gets tortured?
Evayle: On my honor, and this sword of fire, I so swear, I shall
rescue her from the clut-
Leif: Put the sword down and shut up! Talking like we've
already made up our minds about this, just shut up!
I've had it! I've had enough! And it's not just Nanna
that's there, there's Halvan's sister! And Orson's father!
And your daughter! And all that we've built here!
I've had enough of running! I'm freeing this town, and I
couldn't give a single damn whether you care or not!
Evayle: ...Finn...
Finn: ...my lord has reached an age where he must take
responsibility for his actions, and take his fate into his own
I, his servant, shall respect his decision, and ride with his
Evayle: ...he has shown his prowess against the pirates...
...very well.
O: So what are we waiting for? Let's smash their heads in!
E: Yes, but don't forget, Orson, those in the lower ranks
were only conscripted civilians. Try instead to capture
Finn: Indeed. The Empire's taxation must be buying a
sophisticated loadout for their troops.
It would be best to capture them and take whatever
weapons they have whenever the opportunity strikes.
O: 'ts a hell of a lot harder to kill someone alive then
kill 'em dead. If it comes between their lives and mine,
it's mine.
E: Of course. Just... don't overdo it, Orson. All right,
Fiana, militia! Let's take our home back!
<3rd turn>
Tanya: Dad! It's already started!
Dagdar: It's started all right... this isn't good. We don't
know how well those imperials fight. I don't
know if Evayle could hold up. Enough talk!
Let's bash 'em up!
Marty: Aaaaand, here we go again...
<First select quotes>
Orson: That bastard, taking my house like it's his...!
*cursor on Orson's house*
Halvan: Patricia... I hope you're safe...
*cursor on Halvan's house*
Tanya: Damn it Othin, where are you? Fool's got
me worried sick!
<First battle quotes>
Leif: I am Leif Faris Claus! I challenge you!
Finn: In the name of my lord Leif, I will strike you down!
Evayle: I am Evayle, the sword of Fiana! My blade
glimmers to light the aura of nobility in every woman
and man! Come! I shall not be defeated!
Orson: You just ran out of luck, running into me!
Say yer prayers!
Halvan: Sorry guy, I know you have your reasons.
But I have a sister to look after!
Dagdar: Hey buddy? Ever see what a real man of the
mountains looks like?
Tanya: I'm the huntress of the Indigo Peaks, and
you're the prey!
Marty: All right.... okay... man's gotta do what a man's
gotta do...!
<Eyvel/Dagda Convo>
Eyvel: Dagdar? You came!
Dagdar: Blaggi praised, you're still safe.
These Empire shits running around, what
are they after? Little 'ol Leifie?
E: I'm afraid so. He is the rightful heir to
the fallen kingdom Leonster.
I'm sorry... I've grown to trust you, and yet
I've kept this from you. Please, forgive me...
D: Already figgered something was amok with the
kid, like he had a stick up his ass. Now I know
he's got a stick up his ass for a good reason.
An' do me a favor, will ya? Don't apologize,
you look damn pitiful when you do. That's not
the Eyvel I know.
E: Well then, how about I show you what I'm
made of: let's rout these Empire fools!
D: Now that's more like it! I always wanted to
grind my axe on some Empire soldier's bones!
<Orson/Tanya Convo>
Orson: ...what are you doing here?
Tanya: It's called "support fire," genius!
And you know, a "you have my gratitude" would
be pretty nice! Or a "glad you got my back"
would also suffice!
O: That's what I got Halvan for! Like I'd trust my
back to a kid...
T: Look who's calling a kid, kid!
O: Damn it Tanya, we don't have time for this!
Go home, I'm not seeing you get hurt on my
T: Hmph, that'll have to do. Well then, that
does it! I'm gonna keep your back no matter
what you say!
You better listen when I call my cue, else
you're getting an ass full of arrow, Purple
O: Damn... kid...
<Orson's house>
Father: Well, that's one way to get him off my
doorstep. You'd best not be hinderin' lady
Eyvel with your hot-headedness, now!
Orson: How 'bout you stop talking like I'm
just going to get wise by listening to your
endless spiel?
F: Ha, you're lucky there's a battle going on,
else I'd be shoving my foot up your ass what
with your sass talk. Here, looking for this?
O: Bingo! Now we're talki-hey- OW!
F: You idiot! What kind of a warrior goes to
the battlefield without his weapon? A dead
O: I already had my sidearm with me! And
'ol Puji ain't gonna last forever! I don't wanna
see her break... she reminds me of mom...
F: ...
O: ...
F: ...it's just an axe, Orson. Pella may be gone,
but you aren't. If it's between you and the axe
that has to go, it's the axe! Do you get me?
O: ...yeah. I got it.
F: Now hurry the hell up catch up to lady Eyvel!
Come on! You're slowing her down already!
O: I'm going, I'm going!
<Halvan's house>
Patricia: Halvan!
Halvan: Patricia, thank god...
P: Oh, they wouldn't have found me. I
would have just went into my hiding place!
Oh, speaking of, I found this!
H: Hey, where'd you get that?
P: Oh, I dropped your axe into the lake the other
H: Wait, you dropped my axe into the lake?
P: Yeah, and this lady came out of the lake
and asked me if I had dropped a gold axe or
a silver axe...
H: *eyes closed*
...you dropped my axe into the lake.
P: Right! That's what I said, and so she gave
me this axe! It wouldn't feel right if something
this good-looking was used to chop wood...
Here! You should use it! The lady in the
lake said it'll swing really, really fast!
H: But... you dropped... my axe... into...
...aw, forget it. Thanks, Patricia. Now go,
into your hiding spot!
P: Mmmkay!
<Weissman Battle Quotes>
<with Leif>
W: Not so fast, Prince. Come one step closer to me
and I'll slice little Nanna to ribbons. Wouldn't want
that, would we now?
L: Then it's a good thing they're not here. The
villagers told me they set out towards Manster.
Funny, how you can get better information
with kindness than by sticking fish hooks through
their cheeks.
W: Damn... arrogant little prick! I'll make sure to
keep you alive to have you watch these people
tortured before you...then you'll be the last to die!
<with Eyvel>
Eyvel: Throw your blade down and repent.
That's the only way you're getting out of this
Weissman: You're but an ignorant child, she who
calls herself "Sword of Fiana": I shall teach
you the Empire's might, here and now!
<with Finn>
Finn: Hm. That sword would make a decent
addition to my lord's arsenal.
Weissman: Are you even paying attention,
you scum?
F: His defense is somewhat high, however.
If I'm to capture, I would best make a decisive
strike with my brave lance.
W: Address your superior!
F: Very well: I am Finn Swiftlance, knight in
service to house Leonster. You are gravely
outclassed. Surrender now!
W: S...swiftlance? The same who aided Sigurd
to claim Verdane and Augustria? Ah...!
F: If you won't lay down your weapon, then...!
<with Orson>
Orson: Hey! You're the head of this troop of
Weissman: I am Captain Weissman, and you will
address your superior by his name and title!
O: I'll take that title and shove it through
your throat!
W: Th...that doesn't even make sense!
O: Know what makes even less sense?
Deciding to have one of your cronies
claim my dad's house. It's time to die!
<with Halvan>
Halvan: You just couldn't keep out of our
village, could you?
Weissman: Indeed not. Your harboring of the
prince goes against the will of His Grandness
Alvis, an offense punishable by death.
Halvan: Talking to you is a waste of time. Let's
settle this right now!
<with Dagda>
Dagda: Whassis now? Dressin' in your fancy-shmance,
Empire-paid armor?
Weissman: I've no words for a bandit.
D: You ain't speaking t' no 'bandit'... you're speaking
to THE bandit! You go around, thinkin' you can win
by torturin' folks?
I'll show you how a REAL man wins!
<with anyone else>
Weissman: Aiding the fugitive Leif is a crime punishable
by death. You shall carry out your
sentence right here!
<death quote>
Weissman: Gahhh... ha... you fools... you will
know the might of the Empire, and
I... am... the herald...
<release quote>
Weissman: This... humiliation! You'll rue
the day! I'll be back...!
<Seize Throne>
Leif: Raydrick... that's the name of the man
who took Nanna and Marita away...damn!
Lady Eyvel, we must give chase right now,
before they reach Manster!
Eyvel: I understand your feelings, lord Leif,
but you must think this through! We must
pack, and rest, after today's battle.
Leif: ...damn!...fine. Finn, we leave first thing
Orson: Whoa, hold up, kid. You think you're
going it alone? If you're going to take on the
Empire, you're going to need the Wildfire!
Tanya: If Orson and my dad's going, then
I'm going, too!
Dagda: You better believe I'm coming! Always
wanted an excuse to show those Empire
bastards who's REALLY uncivilized!
Halvan: I...
Patricia: Halvan, don't worry. I've got Dran
and Gevver to keep me safe. I know you
want to help them... so just do it!
Halvan: Patricia... thank you...
Leif: Marita, Nanna... please, be safe...

As always, I'll always take constructive criticism, and thank you for reading!
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Since I'm contemplating doing a Thracia 776 Project, let's see how many chapters I can do before I completely abandon the project altogether! Are we ready? No? Well too bad:

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

<Chapter Opening>
This is not a tale complete;
rather: one ripple of many within the
tempestuous waters of Jugdral.
Our tale begins with loss.
Travant, of the mountainous Southern Thracia,
oblivious of the ulterior, bloodthirsty
towards the bountiful, and without mercy,
laid waste to the traveling battalion of
the Leonster district to the north, snuffing
its heir, Prince Quan, and wife, Ethlin.
With his son lost in an act of brotherhood-
forcibly removed from mortal coil in the harsh,
vast desert of Yied- Calf, king of Leonster,
had not even time to grieve, as he steeled
himself to sally Capital Manster, to only be
betrayed, ambushed from behind. Valiantly though
he fought, Leonster, of the four kingdoms of
Manster District, became without its king
upon that day.
A child robbed of his parents; A child robbed
of his grandfather; A child robbed of his
inheritance, homeland and heritage;
This is the tale of how Leif, son of Quan,
heir to Leonster, rose up and conquered
the Manster District.
Leif, in his infancy, bore witness to the
his father's castle, citizens, and kingdom,
consumed in the fires of bloody, brutal conquest.
Finn, Quan's most trusted and proven squire,
stared fire back as he held his prince in
this sight.
He swore a knightly oath to only look upon
these lands again on the day he would reclaim
them for his Prince, and, taking only himself, his
liege, and his daughter, did not look back.
But the path to safety was not clear.
The might of the Grann Empire had spread
throughout the Manster District, in search
of the young heir apparent.
Their Empire's search, believing the end
justifies any and all means,
left Leif in an adolescence of generous,
yet fleeting sanctuary.
Leif grew to appreciate the cultures, societal
norms, townsfolk, and most grateful of all,
the sanctuaries of the cities Tahra, Alster...
...as well as bearing witness to the cruelties
committed in Grann's might in grisly
inquisition to those who had granted
him protection.
Within years of perilous flight, they had went
from town to town, before finally
finding humble lodging and, eventually,
belonging, in the eastern village of Fiana.
It was a hamlet of stewardship, under the
governing of a warrior who went by the name
of Eyvel, Fiana
sought to protect the villages made vulnerable
from the Grann Empire's harsh taxation from
bandits and thieves.
But Leif knew what caused the villages to become
such easy pickings, and what drove men to the
desperation of brigandage.
Yet, in his newfound community with Fiana, along
with the gratification of his work to protect
the nearby villas,
Leif's outrage for the Grann Empire
had been left without a spark.
And now our story begins to unfold... with a spark.
Raydrik: Still haven't found him, have you?
Weissman: I'm afraid that we-
R: As you should be, you incompetent!
...enough. Round the villagers up and
grab your tools for inquisition.
W: Preparations are already underway,
So far they've said though this is his residence,
he's apparently on a mission with the Fiana
Militia to deflect some pirate scum.
R: Fiana Militia? Is this a factor we should
take into account when we move for his capture?
W: Let us review: They're led by former journeyman
Evayle. This warrior had apparently cleared out a
village of bandits, to form the village we stand in now.
R: She may prove problematic.
W: Not to worry; we have captured her and the Prince's
guardian's daughter. Their nobility to their kin will make
them cry surrender, doubtlessly.
R: Very good. Keep your eyes on the village while I take
the hostages to Manster. I shall expect to see the prince
at Kelves...
W: And see him you shall. Pikeman, fetch the girls!
Marita: ...
R: What's your name, girl?
M: ...
R: Ah, what a dullard. And to you...
Nanna: ...
R: The little heiress of Nordion, in all her dignity and
grace. I welcome you into my company, daughter
of Finn Swiftlance.
I shall show you the might of Kelves and the grandeur
of Manster. You shall find it a fine city to stay the night...
M: Keep your hands to yourself, you wretched animal! *goes at Raydrik*
R: Ahh, a dagger! It's so refreshing to see a woman
with resistance... it just makes the... reward... the
greater prize, in conquest.
M: *backs away* H-how, how did you? It should have
ran through your lung!
R: How indeed.
*hit SFX, fade Marita*
N: Marita!
M: ...
R: Weissman, I'll be to take these treats home with
me. You know your expectations: do not betray
W: Yes... m'lord.
Evayle: It's quiet. It's never this quiet. Something's
Halvan: I'll go ahead to scout. Wait here, guys...
...*goes ahead, peeks around the corner, then comes back*
H: Imperials have filled the streets. The Empire has
taken Fiana. Some of them have fishhooks and dental
tools, and they seem to be gathering the villagers...
Othin: Th... they're going to torture them! Those...
Our Joseph
imperialist bastards! Come on, Lady Evayle, let's go!
H: Orson. Calm. Down. We'll be buried if we don't think things
O: Think things through? They're gonna mutilate
everyone there! That's our home they're taking, that's
where we sleep! Our heritage and fate! Our...
Evayle: Orson, Halvan's right. We need to think this through
rationally. First, Lord Leif: you must make your escape further
south, to Southern Thracia. Finn, please, protect him...
Leif: What are you talking about? Are you stupid? Nanna's
still there! You think I'm just going to leave her and run
while she gets tortured?
Evayle: On my honor, and this sword of fire, I so swear, I shall
rescue her from the clut-
Leif: Put the sword down and shut up! Talking like we've
already made up our minds about this, just shut up!
I've had it! I've had enough! And it's not just Nanna
that's there, there's Halvan's sister! And Orson's father!
And your daughter! And all that we've built here!
I've had enough of running! I'm freeing this town, and I
couldn't give a single damn whether you care or not!
Evayle: ...Finn...
Finn: ...my lord has reached an age where he must take
responsibility for his actions, and take his fate into his own
I, his servant, shall respect his decision, and ride with his
Evayle: ...he has shown his prowess against the pirates...
...very well.
O: So what are we waiting for? Let's smash their heads in!
E: Yes, but don't forget, Orson, those in the lower ranks
were only conscripted civilians. Try instead to capture
Finn: Indeed. The Empire's taxation must be buying a
sophisticated loadout for their troops.
It would be best to capture them and take whatever
weapons they have whenever the opportunity strikes.
O: 'ts a hell of a lot harder to kill someone alive then
kill 'em dead. If it comes between their lives and mine,
it's mine.
E: Of course. Just... don't overdo it, Orson. All right,
Fiana, militia! Let's take our home back!
<3rd turn>
Tanya: Dad! It's already started!
Dagdar: It's started all right... this isn't good. We don't
know how well those imperials fight. I don't
know if Evayle could hold up. Enough talk!
Let's bash 'em up!
Marty: Aaaaand, here we go again...
<First select quotes>
Orson: That bastard, taking my house like it's his...!
*cursor on Orson's house*
Halvan: Patricia... I hope you're safe...
*cursor on Halvan's house*
Tanya: Damn it Othin, where are you? Fool's got
me worried sick!
brosephs love interest
<First battle quotes>
Leif: I am Leif Faris Claus! I challenge you!
Finn: In the name of my lord Leif, I will strike you down!
Evayle: I am Evayle, the sword of Fiana! My blade
glimmers to light the aura of nobility in every woman
and man! Come! I shall not be defeated!
Orson: You just ran out of luck, running into me!
Say yer prayers!
Halvan: Sorry guy, I know you have your reasons.
But I have a sister to look after!
Dagdar: Hey buddy? Ever see what a real man of the
mountains looks like?
its dagda not dagdar also DAGDA IS AWESOME
Tanya: I'm the huntress of the Indigo Peaks, and
you're the prey!
Marty: All right.... okay... man's gotta do what a man's
gotta do...!
<Eyvel/Dagda Convo>
Eyvel: Dagdar? You came!
Dagdar: Blaggi praised, you're still safe.
Was it implied the dagda was in the church of blaggi O-o
These Empire shits running around, what
are they after? Little 'ol Leifie?
E: I'm afraid so. He is the rightful heir to
the fallen kingdom Leonster.
I'm sorry... I've grown to trust you, and yet
I've kept this from you. Please, forgive me...
D: Already figgered something was amok with the
kid, like he had a stick up his ass. Now I know
he's got a stick up his ass for a good reason.
An' do me a favor, will ya? Don't apologize,
you look damn pitiful when you do. That's not
the Eyvel I know.
E: Well then, how about I show you what I'm
made of: let's rout these Empire fools!
D: Now that's more like it! I always wanted to
grind my axe on some Empire soldier's bones!
<Orson/Tanya Convo>
Orson: ...what are you doing here?
Tanya: It's called "support fire," genius!
And you know, a "you have my gratitude" would
be pretty nice! Or a "glad you got my back"
would also suffice!
O: That's what I got Halvan for! Like I'd trust my
back to a kid...
T: Look who's calling a kid, kid!
O: Damn it Tanya, we don't have time for this!
Go home, I'm not seeing you get hurt on my
T: Hmph, that'll have to do. Well then, that
does it! I'm gonna keep your back no matter
what you say!
You better listen when I call my cue, else
you're getting an ass full of arrow, Purple
O: Damn... kid...
<Orson's house>
Father: Well, that's one way to get him off my
doorstep. You'd best not be hinderin' lady
Eyvel with your hot-headedness, now!
Orson: How 'bout you stop talking like I'm
just going to get wise by listening to your
endless spiel?
F: Ha, you're lucky there's a battle going on,
else I'd be shoving my foot up your ass what
with your sass talk. Here, looking for this?
O: Bingo! Now we're talki-hey- OW!
F: You idiot! What kind of a warrior goes to
the battlefield without his weapon? A dead
O: I already had my sidearm with me! And
'ol Puji ain't gonna last forever! I don't wanna
see her break... she reminds me of mom...
F: ...
O: ...
F: ...it's just an axe, Orson. Pella may be gone,
but you aren't. If it's between you and the axe
that has to go, it's the axe! Do you get me?
O: ...yeah. I got it.
F: Now hurry the hell up catch up to lady Eyvel!
Come on! You're slowing her down already!
O: I'm going, I'm going!
<Halvan's house>
Patricia: Halvan!
Halvan: Patricia, thank god...
P: Oh, they wouldn't have found me. I
would have just went into my hiding place!
Oh, speaking of, I found this!
H: Hey, where'd you get that?
P: Oh, I dropped your axe into the lake the other
H: Wait, you dropped my axe into the lake?
P: Yeah, and this lady came out of the lake
and asked me if I had dropped a gold axe or
a silver axe...
H: *eyes closed*
...you dropped my axe into the lake.
P: Right! That's what I said, and so she gave
me this axe! It wouldn't feel right if something
this good-looking was used to chop wood...
Here! You should use it! The lady in the
lake said it'll swing really, really fast!
H: But... you dropped... my axe... into...
...aw, forget it. Thanks, Patricia. Now go,
into your hiding spot!
P: Mmmkay!
<Weissman Battle Quotes>
<with Leif>
W: Not so fast, Prince. Come one step closer to me
and I'll slice little Nanna to ribbons. Wouldn't want
that, would we now?
L: Then it's a good thing they're not here. The
villagers told me they set out towards Manster.
Funny, how you can get better information
with kindness than by sticking fish hooks through
their cheeks.
W: Damn... arrogant little prick! I'll make sure to
keep you alive to have you watch these people
tortured before you...then you'll be the last to die!
<with Eyvel>
Eyvel: Throw your blade down and repent.
That's the only way you're getting out of this
Weissman: You're but an ignorant child, she who
calls herself "Sword of Fiana": I shall teach
you the Empire's might, here and now!
<with Finn>
Finn: Hm. That sword would make a decent
addition to my lord's arsenal.
Weissman: Are you even paying attention,
you scum?
Sigurds and Quan deciple
F: His defense is somewhat high, however.
If I'm to capture, I would best make a decisive
strike with my brave lance.
W: Address your superior!
F: Very well: I am Finn Swiftlance, knight in
service to house Leonster. You are gravely
outclassed. Surrender now!
W: S...swiftlance? The same who aided Sigurd
to claim Verdane and Augustria? Ah...!
F: If you won't lay down your weapon, then...!
<with Orson>
Orson: Hey! You're the head of this troop of
Weissman: I am Captain Weissman, and you will
address your superior by his name and title!
O: I'll take that title and shove it through
your throat!
W: Th...that doesn't even make sense!
O: Know what makes even less sense?
Deciding to have one of your cronies
claim my dad's house. It's time to die!
<with Halvan>
Halvan: You just couldn't keep out of our
village, could you?
Weissman: Indeed not. Your harboring of the
prince goes against the will of His Grandness
Alvis, an offense punishable by death.
Halvan: Talking to you is a waste of time. Let's
settle this right now!
<with Dagda>
Dagda: Whassis now? Dressin' in your fancy-shmance,
Empire-paid armor?
Weissman: I've no words for a bandit.
D: You ain't speaking t' no 'bandit'... you're speaking
to THE bandit! You go around, thinkin' you can win
by torturin' folks?
I'll show you how a REAL man wins!
<with anyone else>
Weissman: Aiding the fugitive Leif is a crime punishable
by death. You shall carry out your
sentence right here!
<death quote>
Weissman: Gahhh... ha... you fools... you will
know the might of the Empire, and
I... am... the herald...
<release quote>
Weissman: This... humiliation! You'll rue
the day! I'll be back...!
<Seize Throne>
Leif: Raydrick... that's the name of the man
who took Nanna and Marita away...damn!
Lady Eyvel, we must give chase right now,
before they reach Manster!
Eyvel: I understand your feelings, lord Leif,
but you must think this through! We must
pack, and rest, after today's battle.
Leif: ...damn!...fine. Finn, we leave first thing
Orson: Whoa, hold up, kid. You think you're
going it alone? If you're going to take on the
Empire, you're going to need the Wildfire!
Tanya: If Orson and my dad's going, then
I'm going, too!
Dagda: You better believe I'm coming! Always
wanted an excuse to show those Empire
bastards who's REALLY uncivilized!
Halvan: I...
Patricia: Halvan, don't worry. I've got Dran
and Gevver to keep me safe. I know you
want to help them... so just do it!
Halvan: Patricia... thank you...
Leif: Marita, Nanna... please, be safe...

As always, I'll always take constructive criticism, and thank you for reading!

some of the dialouge is really funky like the 1st line

This is not a tale complete;
wouldnt This tale is not yet complete sound better really
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This tale is not yet complete sound better really

The reason it's worded "This is not a tale complete" is because it isn't. Thracia 776 carries no resolution or closure to the world it builds up. The final chapter is that Leif invades Capital Manster and drives out the Lopt Sect. Yes, he managed to reclaim the Manster District, but the Empire is still there, Julius/Manfroy/Ishtar, and most important to Leif, Trabant still lives. Thracia 776 has no catharsis, no grand finale. Even if I extended the game to cover the conquering of Mease and finished the game with the final chapter being Trabant's assault on Mease, it still doesn't resolve the world it's built up. It's not a tale complete. Sticking by this line of dialogue.

You're still welcome to dissect the script line by line, in the interest of having a stronger script.

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