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I need a little advice...


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No, it's not about my brother being annoying or anything like last time. In fact, I'm not angry or anything at all at the moment. This time, I've landed in a little predicament and I'm not sure if the choice I want to make in this matter is the right one.

The other day, my step-brother and his girlfriend announced that they got engaged. Now, his girlfriend is awesome, she's like a sister to me, even though I haven't seen her in awhile (they moved to Colorado, which is kind of far from here. :P). In fact, she's the closest thing I have to a sister because I don't have any true sisters (why couldn't my half-brother be a girl? ;_;). So I would totally love to attend the wedding, especially if she wants to make me a bridesmaid or maid of honor or something (the latter would work better because a bridesmaid is supposed to be paired with a groomsman, who is typically the bridesmaid's boyfriend/husband, but I'm single. Still, maybe she'd have a solution here, who knows?). The date she and my step-brother have set is July 8th.

The problem is, my best friend's birthday is July 10th and I was planning on trying to visit him at that time because it's summer and all. I also want to try to get my hands on two Ike Amiibos so I can give one to him for his birthday. It would be the perfect gift to give to him from me, because he's a big Ike fan like myself, and secondly, Ike was the reason we met in the first place. A present doesn't get more fitting than that! But Ike Amiibos won't be available for long due to how high the demand is for Amiibos, and if I do get two, I don't want to make my best friend wait until next year to give one to him for his birthday. That just feels wrong.

Yet, it would also feel wrong to not attend my step-brother and sister-in-law's wedding (yeah, I already refer to her as that because, well, she and my step-brother have a kid already and she's just that cool).

I just don't know what to do here! I would just mail an Ike Amiibo to my friend for his birthday, but I really want to VISIT him, and his parents are stupid heads that don't think online friends are real at all. They'd never let my friend give me their address and send a package to their door. They'd go through the roof and I'd get my friend in big trouble when he doesn't deserve that. :(

Now, the choice my mind wants to make is to visit my friend... But I don't know.

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Visit him before you go and give him his present early. I had a friend who did this with me once and it was nice. As to Ike amiibos Amazon has imports from Europe and Japan for around $30 which is what I may do if GameStop cancels my order, though the manager at the store said they should be filling all their orders for Ike in mid May. And as I have told people before if you sign up for Bing rewards you earn point towards GameStop or Amazon gift cards that help out when you go to buy from them and is what I do to help pay for things.

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To tell you the truth, I personally visit my friend. Still, to miss the wedding, sounds pretty sad :(

If you want to visit both, you could go to the wedding on the 10th, and visit your friend another day! I don't think you can have a wedding twice in a row for someone who missed it, but hanging out a friend can be everyday!

Just visit your friend when you have time, and give him the Ike amiibo then. Of course, it wouldn't be his birthday then, but he'll know you at least gave effort to come see him, he'll know that's really sweet!

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Yeah, I guess a late/early present is better than none! I'll try one of those options. Thanks, guys! :)

Also, knowing my step-dad, he could very well decide that we're going to camp our way to Colorado. That is to say, DRIVE all the way there in the camper he and my mom bought last year. Arkansas, where my friend lives, is between here and Colorado, and hardly out of the way. We could stop by on our way home.

I didn't think of this until after I made the thread though. Oopsie. >_<

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Do both. You might not be able to meet your friend on his birthday, but that doesn't mean you can't still meet him and give him a birthday gift a little late.

I think this is the best option! Hope everything works out for ya Ana.

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take him with you as your date to the wedding, and celebrate his birthday with him after

win-win, you both share in each other's life events without giving up either

I can't, he doesn't want to date anymore (the reasons are complicated). He's also someone that neither my step-brother nor my sister-in-law even know exists, let alone know, and I don't really want to bring a complete stranger to their wedding.

I wouldn't want to date him either, honestly. It would feel weird. I once had feelings for him, but those feelings are long gone. That's not to say that I don't think he'd be great to whatever girl did win his heart if he was still interested though!

Oh yeah, him being my date would piss off his ex too. She's an insane bitch that's been trying forever to get him back even though he has said NO. And I do NOT wish to deal with her.

I think this is the best option! Hope everything works out for ya Ana.

Thanks, Jedi, me too. :)

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I think visiting Falchion(I know who it is without you having to tell me xD)before or after the wedding would be your best bet. Just tell him you have to give him an early or belated birthday present because of the wedding. Voila...

Kinda unrelated, kinda not: is everybody meeting their online friends irl now? My very good irl friend who got me into Zelda and FE and we got into Pokemon together did with at least one. She had her parents with her, because you know, there are weirdos who like pretending to be someone they're not on the internet. Pretty sure you or Falchion or etc aren't dirty old rapists. But yeah, for that reason idk how my parents would react.

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Dcat, it's not Falchion. lol Sorry though, I forgot that I also consider him a best friend! I'm talking about Radkin_Blade, who I've made some deviations for on DA. Why isn't he on my friends list though, I could've sworn he was...?

Besides, Falchion lives in California, and his birthday is May 2nd (or was it May 3rd? Gah, I always forget, despite it being extremely close to my own b-day, May 5th!). lol

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Really? I could've sworn I mentioned Rad to pretty much everybody I'm friends with. I've known him for nearly the same amount of time as I've known Falchion (since 09). I talk to him on Facebook these days though, it's just easiest since we both have an FB page.

It's weird how Rad's parents don't think online friends are real, yet they also have FB pages...

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Besides, Falchion lives in California, and his birthday is May 2nd (or was it May 3rd? Gah, I always forget, despite it being extremely close to my own b-day, May 5th!). lol

So many May birthdays, I have quite a few in my family and mine is the 11th of may haha.

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Fox already said it: Do both. You do not want to miss a family wedding. Your friend can wait. If he is any sort of decent person and friend, he will understand your predicament and won't mind you being late.

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Really? My family is the same! My dad is May 12th, his sister is May 11th, and my grandpa has a b-day in May too (or was it my grandma that had the May birthday of the two?). And one of my cousins had a baby in May. :P May days just seem to run in my dad's family. lol

EDIT: Raven: Yeah, good point. Rad's a very understanding guy too. He's so nice. :)

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Lets see I would choose to visit the birthday friend early (maybe do it a week early and explain that you have an important wedding to go to I'm sure anyone in that position would understand) so that you still get personal facetime with your friend can get them the gift and just celebrate their birthday early no biggie there. That way you can still get back in time to go to the wedding.

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Yeah, I'd rather visit my friend early than visit late. But as of now, there aren't even any plans to go to the wedding. In fact, it doesn't seem like my parents even know that it's happening, which honestly surprises me. This is my stepfather's own SON that's getting married. My stepbrother didn't say anything to even him? I saw the news in a Facebook post, and my stepbrother is on my friends list. I'm pretty sure he's on my stepdad's list as well. And even if he wasn't, my stepbrother has my stepdad's phone number and could just call him up. But neither of my parents have said anything. I would say something, but I don't feel it's my place. If I got engaged, I would want to be the one to break the news to my parents.

Our only summer plans right now are going to Massachusetts to see my half-brother's girlfriend. I've spoken to her only like two times, because I don't really care to get to know her. If she loves my half-brother of all people, I really doubt she can appeal to me. Besides, she and my brother meet up to see each other, she doesn't do so to see me. I'm only going on this trip because we're going to go through New York City and that's where the Nintendo World store is.

Honestly, I'm surprised... It isn't like my parents to pass up a family wedding. The only explanation I can think of for this is that these Massachusetts plans were made before my stepbrother and his girlfriend announced the engagement, which definitely looks to be the case. The engagement was announced only like two days ago.

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Well, unfortunately, it doesn't seem like either one of these ideas can happen now. Our trip to Massachusetts is supposed to take place at the same time as the wedding. My parents have had these plans since before this wedding announcement. I know this for sure because I wound up mentioning the engagement anyway to support my argument in a little debate (I feel bad now for this, because like I said, I didn't feel it was my place to do so) and my parents did indeed not know of the engagement. I don't know why my stepbrother didn't call or anything, maybe he was busy, but if he wasn't, he should have.

My stepdad said he'll talk to him, I'm assuming to convince him to reschedule the wedding.

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