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Guide to S-Ranking Lyn Mode AND Getting Nils to Lvl 7! (While using both Stat Boosters)!


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After wrestling with chapter 4 like other people I've determined that in order to not de-sync from the guide you need to wait a second or 2 before pressing start during each of the intro cutscenes. I bet a lot of people will mash too quickly like I did. A quick way to check that I used was that the top left bandit should have 5 speed. If it has 6 speed you pressed start too quickly and should try again.

On a side note, now I'm curious how cutscenes use RN's

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  • 6 months later...

I tried this guide out. It worked very well up till Chapter 10. The units you picked for Chapter 10 don't match up with the guide for it. I tried to work around this by putting my characters in positions that would allow it to work, but Florina always dies the turn after I put her into the northern fort.

Edited by karnoffel
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Yeah...I never did finish that part when I was redoing it.  I was getting frustrated, there were other things I wanted to do, and it didn't seem as though people were posting that much, so I dropped it.  Now that someone else is using it though...well, let's see what I can crank out, shall we?  My mental energies are feeling rejuvenated, and I still want others to be able to use it, so let's do this thing!

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Also, in Chapter 5, Sain has no vulnerary for Erk to take. In Chapter 8, Florina is able to kill the archer with her Javelin making it impossible to follow the guide in letting Lyn kill him. If I heal Nils with Serra, the ballista targets Florina and kills her. I also don't know how Nils levels up in that picture since it looks like Serra hasn't moved yet and therefore Nils hasn't played for Florina yet and so is still 6EXP from LvL2.

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5 hours ago, karnoffel said:

Also, in Chapter 5, Sain has no vulnerary for Erk to take. In Chapter 8, Florina is able to kill the archer with her Javelin making it impossible to follow the guide in letting Lyn kill him. If I heal Nils with Serra, the ballista targets Florina and kills her. I also don't know how Nils levels up in that picture since it looks like Serra hasn't moved yet and therefore Nils hasn't played for Florina yet and so is still 6EXP from LvL2.

Yeah, I noticed little idiosyncacies like that while playing through again.  So I actually updated the guide recently to correct those sorts of errors.  I haven't gotten to Chapter 10 yet, but I redid all the others; so go check it out if you wish :) !

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Well, that's it!  I FINALLY updated the Chapter 10 strat, and finally figured out what was throwing everything off!  It seems Ruadath was right!  Chapters 5, 6, and 8 all had moments where Lyn and Co. would move around on the map right as those chapters began.  Unbenknowst to me, there were RN's being burned every time that happened!  So THAT'S what was throwing things off!  So I included instructions for how to avoid that at the beginning of those Chapters!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It appears to all be in order! A few comments:

Ch. 4: If you mash Start as fast as possible, you will actually skip the cutscene before the blue guys (Lyn’s group) spawns. If this happens, you won’t burn the right number of RNs. You need to wait for the blue guys to appear, then hit start. You will know if you do this incorrectly because Sain gets the wrong level up on turn 1.

Ch. 5: I noticed a lack of pictures, so I’ll provide my level ups so people can keep track of it. On turn 2, Florina kills a guy and levels up, and on turn 3, she kills the boss and levels up.

Ch. 7x: In this chapter we use two guys, Dorcas and Rath. Before the chapter starts, you’ll want to make sure that Rath has Will’s Iron Bow, not the Short Bow, and Dorcas is attacking guys with the Iron Axe, not his Hand Axe. I don’t think Short vs. Iron Bow matters for the strategy/level ups (and you only attack with it once), but I know attacking with the Hand Axe at range will mess up your Sain level on the last turn. In any case, the Iron Bow/Axe are cheaper and this guide cuts it pretty close in funds rank. Also, Sain kills the wall on turn 2 with either the Iron Sword or Lance, but for the funds rank, use the Lance. Every little bit counts!

Ch. 9: I had the same problem here that I did in Ch. 4. If you mash Start, you skip an important cutscene and will fail the level. Lyn won’t kill the Cavalier on turn 1. In this case, it’s pretty deceptive because you can actually still get the exact same Dorcas level up on turn 2. I’m not sure exactly which cutscene it is, but I think it’s Wallace’s.

Fire Emblem 2017-02-22 19.39.41.png

Fire Emblem 2017-02-22 19.40.11.png

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  • 1 month later...

I've been experiencing issues beating Chapter 8. I'm following the redone instructions on the chapter, including following the exact trajectories listed for Florina in turn 1, but my units experience growths in different stats AND I could not finish the chapter in three turns, either. Is there something I'm missing?

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On 4/9/2017 at 2:33 AM, Kyuzeth said:

I've been experiencing issues beating Chapter 8. I'm following the redone instructions on the chapter, including following the exact trajectories listed for Florina in turn 1, but my units experience growths in different stats AND I could not finish the chapter in three turns, either. Is there something I'm missing?

Hmm...well, how long do you let the opening scene play out?  Do you skip the scene RIGHT as Lyn and Co. appear?  Do you wait until the talking heads appear?  I'm just wondering if it has something to do with that, as that seems to be what throws things off most often.

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On 16-4-2017 at 3:22 AM, FionordeQuester said:

Hmm...well, how long do you let the opening scene play out?  Do you skip the scene RIGHT as Lyn and Co. appear?  Do you wait until the talking heads appear?  I'm just wondering if it has something to do with that, as that seems to be what throws things off most often.

I've tried both, and ended up solving things a while ago. I've forgotten which way is the one that precisely allows for your RNG pattern, but I'm pretty sure it's when the talking heads show up that I've skipped for the pattern. Thank you for answering!

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I can now confirm that you need to wait for Wallace to spawn before skipping the cutscene.

Also, I've got a screenshot of the final ranks. (My name's not actually Sam, I just like the name. So please don't call me that!)



Edit: I think Florina needs the Robe in 7x. She won't dodge the archer, so the soldier attacks her later on the map, not Nils (on the pillar). She will die. Even if there's some way to dodge that attack, then the enemies might not be in position to steal everything.

Edited by RainBuckets
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi FionordeQuester. In Chapter 7 you say:

" 1: Kent kills shaman w/lance, Lyn criticals archer from south with Nils's help, Sain equips Javelin, and moves next to Flor. Flor then equips the Slim Lance, picks him up, and goes 5 east and 2 south. To finish the turn off, Rath picks up Kent, and goes onto the vendor.

2: Drop Sain onto Fort and then have Flor go 2 north and one east, where the mercenary will attack her from the south. After that, have Lyn go 2 east, drop Kent onto the Fort (MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT HE HAS A SWORD EQUIPPED, NOT A LANCE!), then have Rath go 1 west so that Nils can dance for him."

Except it's not possible to have Kent with a sword since he used a lance to kill the shaman, ending his turn. Once Rath picks him up and drops him off, he's grayed out and you can't change his equipment to a sword. Although Lyn gets the level up shown in the image, none of the following steps work (Flor does not critical with lance and Sain doesn't get the level up in the last image).


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/7/2017 at 0:43 PM, serenethrowaway said:

Hi FionordeQuester. In Chapter 7 you say:

" 1: Kent kills shaman w/lance, Lyn criticals archer from south with Nils's help, Sain equips Javelin, and moves next to Flor. Flor then equips the Slim Lance, picks him up, and goes 5 east and 2 south. To finish the turn off, Rath picks up Kent, and goes onto the vendor.

2: Drop Sain onto Fort and then have Flor go 2 north and one east, where the mercenary will attack her from the south. After that, have Lyn go 2 east, drop Kent onto the Fort (MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT HE HAS A SWORD EQUIPPED, NOT A LANCE!), then have Rath go 1 west so that Nils can dance for him."

Except it's not possible to have Kent with a sword since he used a lance to kill the shaman, ending his turn. Once Rath picks him up and drops him off, he's grayed out and you can't change his equipment to a sword. Although Lyn gets the level up shown in the image, none of the following steps work (Flor does not critical with lance and Sain doesn't get the level up in the last image).


What's not explicitly stated, but is something you can do, is have Rath trade items with Kent before he drops him. You can even "trade" items that Kent owns with other items Kent owns; so long as you make sure his first weapon is a sword, that's what he'll be equipped with when the turn ends. This opens up some cool options in general. For instance, send a strong cavalier into a group of axes and one sword. Kill the sword with your lance. Then send in a flier to trade items so the cavalier can have a sword ready, then fly away to safety.


A few other things I picked up from this guide that are pretty cool, but the game and most people never bother to tell you:


You can steal lock picks. These are actually incredibly valuable items in terms of money, and also stop enemy thieves from opening chests. Nobody ever says, "make sure to steal all the lock picks," but it's really cool to know.


Rescuing and dropping in general. You can take and drop at the same time; however, you can't take, move, and then drop. Alternatively, you can give an ally to another unit and drop them with unit #2 on the same turn. This means that you can rescue a unit, move them a ton of distance, and still be ready for the next turn. (Common strategy: someone like Hector and two Cavs, one Cav in front of the other. Hector moves next to one of them. He gets rescued and moved forward. The second Cav moves next to the first, then takes and drops Hector all at once. Now you've moved Hector 9 or so spaces and he's still ready to go next turn.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/17/2017 at 6:02 AM, RainBuckets said:

What's not explicitly stated, but is something you can do, is have Rath trade items with Kent before he drops him. You can even "trade" items that Kent owns with other items Kent owns; so long as you make sure his first weapon is a sword, that's what he'll be equipped with when the turn ends.

Rescuing and dropping in general. You can take and drop at the same time; however, you can't take, move, and then drop. Alternatively, you can give an ally to another unit and drop them with unit #2 on the same turn. This means that you can rescue a unit, move them a ton of distance, and still be ready for the next turn. (Common strategy: someone like Hector and two Cavs, one Cav in front of the other. Hector moves next to one of them. He gets rescued and moved forward. The second Cav moves next to the first, then takes and drops Hector all at once. Now you've moved Hector 9 or so spaces and he's still ready to go next turn.)


Except there's no opportunity to trade either. Trading with Kent means you forfeit rescuing or dropping him so you'll end up needing another turn.

Here's what the FAQ says to do with Rath and Kent:

Turn 1: Rath rescues Kent and goes to vendor.

Turn 2: Rath drops Kent at the fort. Somehow he needs to have a sword equipped.

When should the trade take place? I've tried letting Nils play for Rath on Turn 2 so he can trade with Kent after dropping him or drop him after trading with him, but then Lyn doesn't gain the level shown in the image (probably because the random numbers get thrown off since the third image under Chapter 7 suggests that Nils danced for Rath but Rath did nothing else that turn).


Edit: Okay, I FINALLY got it to work. You can trade and drop at the same time if you don't cancel out twice like I kept doing. Here's how it went down:

Pre-battle: Trade excess items from Lyn and, optionally, Kent to someone (I gave one of Lyn's Vulneraries and Kent's Iron Swords to Wil). Lyn will end up picking up an Iron Lance from the Brigand. I used Kent to get the Pure Water, but this is optional because you can also use Rath to get the Pure Water.

Turn 1: Rath rescues Kent and goes to Vendor

Turn 2: Rath moves to the spot 1 west of the fort, trades with Kent to make the sword the first item, then cancel out of the trade screen ONCE. Now Rath can drop Kent at the fort and move 1 west like he's supposed to.

Edited by serenethrowaway
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On 10/2/2015 at 9:38 PM, RainBuckets said:

Florina dies on 7x. She takes one hit from the soldier on turn 1, then the archer brings her to 4 HP. So instead of attacking Nils on the pillar, the soldier attacks Florina on turn 3. Is she supposed to dodge the archer or the first soldier?


Yes, that's been happening to me too!


On 10/2/2015 at 9:38 PM, RainBuckets said:

Edit 2: Oh, you use the Robe on Florina. That's why she has 27 health. Duh.


Thanks for mentioning this. I'll give it a try now and hopefully get through 7x.

A lot of things in this FAQ are outright not stated, which makes it difficult to follow.

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Chapter 8:

Try very hard not to retrace the arrow while moving, otherwise you burn up RNs and have to reset.

Turn 1: Dorcas and Lucius already moved east in the first part, so the last part is that Serra alone goes east.

Turn 3: Dorcas kills Shaman with Iron Axe while standing above Nils. Most importantly (and the source of many resets for me), Kent should kill the ballista archer with his sword, not his lance.

Lyn actually ended up with 7 Mani Katti uses left.

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Finally finished Chapter 10... and ended up with 34979 in assets.

I'll have to try again, which is a shame because Chapter 10 is very long and it's easy to make a mistake and have to reset. This time, I'll just have Lyn seize the throne once Nils hits level 7 and miss out on Turns 34 and 35 (where Dorcas attacks enemies). This should save 4 Iron Axe uses (24 G) and hopefully bump me up enough to get that coveted 5th star in Funds.

Edit: Well, I did end up getting that 5th star in Funds at the expense of losing a star in Exp. Fine by me since 1. I don't care about Dorcas and 2. The Funds rank determines the gem that Lyn starts with.

Edited by serenethrowaway
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Man; I'm sorry I accidentally left out so many crucial details :(: .  There are few things that feel worse than following instructions from someone you KNOW is competent, but isn't explaining things clearly enough.  Makes it hard to tell whether it's your fault, or whether it's the other guy's fault; and that's a terrible situation to be in.  I know that from experience.

In any case, I'll be playing through this again.  And this time, I'll be VERY careful to look for whatever "rescue, drop & trade" shenanigans need mentioning.  Not only that, but I'll be using the same LUA script that you see in the Chapter 10 updates for all of the screenshots; this way, you WILL be able to track exactly how much EXP, FUNDS, COMBAT, TACTICS, and SURVIVAL you should have for each chapter.

EDIT: Oh yes, and I also added in two reminders to use the Angelic Robe on Florina at the beginning and end of Chapter 6.  Hopefully that will help anyone who uses this guide in the future.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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  • 1 month later...
On 6/3/2017 at 3:09 AM, serenethrowaway said:

Chapter 8:

Try very hard not to retrace the arrow while moving, otherwise you burn up RNs and have to reset.

Turn 1: Dorcas and Lucius already moved east in the first part, so the last part is that Serra alone goes east.

Turn 3: Dorcas kills Shaman with Iron Axe while standing above Nils. Most importantly (and the source of many resets for me), Kent should kill the ballista archer with his sword, not his lance.

Lyn actually ended up with 7 Mani Katti uses left.

This is odd, because when I ran through and got max rank for my screenshot, I didn't change a thing and it worked fine. Lyn had 6 and Kent used his lance.

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Okay, so I had some spare time today and decided to record a play through as reference. I apologize in advance of the (possibly?) bad quality, but I recently lost my Mac and I used my parent's Windows for this. I miss the "it just works" thing, I have no idea if what I'm doing is right or if I used the right software, and the music didn't record; so I had to loop Lyn Mode's theme. I hope you guys like Winds Across the Plains!

Mani Katti has 6 uses at around 36:55.

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On 7/29/2017 at 8:13 PM, RainBuckets said:

Okay, so I had some spare time today and decided to record a play through as reference. I apologize in advance of the (possibly?) bad quality, but I recently lost my Mac and I used my parent's Windows for this. I miss the "it just works" thing, I have no idea if what I'm doing is right or if I used the right software, and the music didn't record; so I had to loop Lyn Mode's theme. I hope you guys like Winds Across the Plains!

Mani Katti has 6 uses at around 36:55.

There are a lot of technical issues like that that I had to learn when recording my own videos.  But Rainbuckets...thanks a ton for making that.  I got an odd sense of the warm fuzzies, seeing my name on the title, and having my guide described as "amazing", despite all the hurdles.  Thank you very much; that was a cool feeling :): ...

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  • 9 months later...

In Chapter 4 on turn 2, you should mention when to recruit Dorcas, or maybe you deleted that part on accident. Just thought of telling you, just in case anyone still plays along with this guide: 

- Recruit Dorcas, move Dorcas below Lyn, then proceed as already mentioned.

Anyways, great guide!

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