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Messing around with lovers in FE4.


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So, my brother made me think of this when he was using cheats to modify relationships, what happens (to the children) if multiple males have one female as a lover, or vice-versa? Or if two females are lovers? Does it screw up the game or what happens?

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your pairings will suck and you will just get one kid all will be subs just stick to traditional best pairings


FuryXClaude,Levin,Noish(noish is for best fee but weak sety)



AideenXMidayle,Jamka,Azel(lana only pairing)


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I've never done it myself, but if I'm recall what others have said correctly it goes like this. Male-male and female-female lovers does bub kiss, and the female-female lovers result in substitute children. The only 'status' that affects children is the relationship of the female in question. So it doesn't matter who Levin's lover reads as, it could 'Billy-Bob' or whatnot as long as Fury says Levin, that's what'll happen. Now men can have multiple lovers, every single one of his many children will possess that male's holy blood and his growths, but the first of his many sons to appear on screen will be the one to inherit the aforementioned father's items.

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So, my brother made me think of this when he was using cheats to modify relationships, what happens (to the children) if multiple males have one female as a lover, or vice-versa? Or if two females are lovers? Does it screw up the game or what happens?

Havn't tried it myself, but i remember hearing that you get odd combinations of kids and substitutes. Don't quote me of that though.

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