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A New Computer Issue(s)...


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Hard drives have moving parts that may break on accidental drops and such and from what I've read when purchasing mine they typically last longer than hard drives.

Well... yes... a normal HDD can easily break... (Heads crash/Misaligned platters) (Which makes it very hard to recover lost files)

While flash memory in SSD is way faster, it has a limited number of write cycles. (It is a problem only if you heavily write to your SSD)

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So I just ran CheckDisk/Error-checking, and it apparently found no bad sectors on the main Win7 HDD. So...unless it didn't actually fail at finding anything wrong, dunno if it is HDD or not. I don't know how reliable CHKDSK is sadly...

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From what I read, that won't work as the problem will still persist. I tried to get to the boot/BIOS menu to see what IdePort1 is (it'd be the second drive), but curses that I don't know how to get to it on this computer! I've done it ONCE I think...I think anyways. But I just can't seem to remember what the key is or how to do it.

...And because I couldn't get in it once, the Windows Task Manager kept crashing over and over on one bootup. And then after booting up the system hanged again. And after fully restarting it's now ok and not giving that error now. Ugh...

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A failing RAM module -can- do this... So it could be related. (Data corruption)

I doubt it is your 2nd drive... (Since your operating system doesn't constantly access to this drive to read system files.)

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But that IS what IdePort1 directs to is the second drive on the computer, which I don't know what it is. Looking at the Event Viewer, I'm now seeing some HTTPEvent Warnings that involve SSL Certificate Settings, whatever THAT is (Event ID 15300 and 15301). Nonetheless probably wouldn't hurt to check what the 2nd drive is for IdePort1. I know there's a RAM stick that isn't good (that I have yet to test. Last time I tested with Memtest it found 1000+ errors, and that was with all 3 sticks in too), so maybe it's that one?

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Umm....what? Why is there something about Megaupload in here? I don't even go there (and that site's been gone forever now)?? In addition, if you're curious to how the Event Viewer looks after I get the comp booted up properly...


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So storytime! I tried to boot up comp, it did not want to boot up at all. No green light, nothing on the monitor, but could hear the fan running. I opened up case and looked around, and I do believe one of the RAM sticks wasn't seated properly. I took it out and tried to boot computer that way, it booted up (and it also booted up relatively quickly as well as shut down quickly). While trying to figure out how to run Memtest (which I didn't figure out...goddamnit), I just put the other RAM back in, and tried again and it booted up (though when I had the first RAM in alone, on one bootup to the desktop, the Windows Explorer didn't seem to want to work right...so I'm wondering if that first RAM that was left alone is the bad one, or if it's something else? I'd like to get Memtest to work but I don't know how to blast it. I've done it ONCE, and I cannot for the life of me remember how I did it. >_>

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Welp! So today's booting up session was...weird. Past couple days, no problems at all. Today? First thing, Windows couldn't load files, then second time rebooting, it tried to boot up my Vista HDD instead for some reason (but froze), third time it tried to boot up my primary HDD, but froze on the Starting screen (with the logo), then after about half a minute, it went to a blue screen that had like 4 lines, and said something about Fatal System Error that made it shut down, and now 4th try I'm on. I don't like how this is going at all...that's the HDD failing right there...right??

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Welp! So today's booting up session was...weird. Past couple days, no problems at all. Today? First thing, Windows couldn't load files, then second time rebooting, it tried to boot up my Vista HDD instead for some reason (but froze), third time it tried to boot up my primary HDD, but froze on the Starting screen (with the logo), then after about half a minute, it went to a blue screen that had like 4 lines, and said something about Fatal System Error that made it shut down, and now 4th try I'm on. I don't like how this is going at all...that's the HDD failing right there...right??

Sounds like it to me as erratic as you're making it sound.

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It really is. Tomorrow I'm going to give that Memory Diagnostic a shot after taking out one of the sticks, then test that stick after taking the other one out (assuming I get that one out), and see if any of them are bad (assuming Memory Diagnostic can tell me since Memtest refuses to show up for me). Really worried now...>_>;;

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Ok, I am 3 days late for this. Do you still have computer issues? Sadly enough, you already ran CHDSK before securing the SMART data of the disks, so I cannot determine for 100% if it's your harddrive anymore. However, if you're still having problems: download this and post a full screenshot as shown here. Especially make sure you capture everything that is in the scrolling part of the window on the lower side.

As for memtests, you could consider running Memtest86, which can be found here Be sure to follow the instructions from the technical info page. Also, do note that it's important to give the memtest sufficient time to run on the membanks. It's common to run a memtest for a whole evening on a single bank.

Good luck

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So far I have not had any problems since I took out one of my RAM sticks (when I ran Memory Diagnostics, that was the only one of the two sticks to pretty much instantly give me "Hardware problems were detected", so I'm thinking it WAS that RAM causing issues. Today and yesterday there has been absolutely no problems booting up at all.

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  • 1 month later...

So now this computer is having massive problems that I have no idea what's causing it. Dunno if any of ya'll can help out with figuring what's wrong (I'm not tech-savvy in this regards so...), but this is everything that I've gathered so far on the issues:

1) After booting up the computer, after a few minutes, the system will hang and nothing will respond. Using Cntrl + Alt + Del will result in the screen going black. Mouse is still movable at this time. After a while, computer bluescreens with either "Kernel_InPage_Data_Error" or with a message saying a vital thread or process stopped working.

2) When booting up, sometimes it will boot up the secondary harddrive instead of the primary one.

3) When booting up, sometimes it will be a black screen with the message "Disk read error. Press Cntrl + Alt + Del to restart"

4) A new development I noticed is happening. A few days ago, when I was shutting down the computer, it was on the "Shutting down windows" screen for a good few solid minutes, but refused to actually shut down. I had to turn it off via the tower. Last night, when I shut the computer down, the monitor and power were off, but the computer was still going (I could hear the sounds it makes when on still going, and inside I could still see the blue lights going too). I could not turn the computer back on with the power button nor shut it down, and was forced to unplug the power cord from the breaker to turn it off.

5) A new development I see right now in the Event Viewer is there's a new error I've never seen before called "Disk", which happened around the time the computer was shut down last night. The error reads "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk2\DR2.". I have no idea what this means, but I know this isn't good at all...

So that's everything. Computer still refuses to generate any minidump files for some reason when it crashes despite me setting to do so...yeah. This computer uses Windows 7, has one 2 GB RAM (had to remove the other one due to it being faulty and never got to replace it yet), and a 111 GB HDD (yeah, the HDD is super old and needs replaced). Dunno what other data may be needed in order to figure out what's really wrong or what to do >_<

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Your BIOS seems to have a hard time to boot from your first drive that's why sometimes it boots on the second drive. (If your bios cannot recognize /dev/sda [hd0] it will boot directly from /dev/sdb [hd1])

(Next drive in the boot process)


I would really check it with a S.M.A.R.T scan. (Do a whole surface scan)

Use CrystalDiskInfo on Windows. (The link Soul has posted)


(Since I am on GNU/Linux I use smartctl/smartmontools with GSmartControl as a GUI)

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I...think I scanned it? This is what I have on all of the things that it's scanned:

Primary HDD (Second on list for some reason??):


Secondary HDD (First on list for some reason??):


External HDD:


So um...I think it's scanned now and all that? But I don't know what anything would be so...

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Check you SATA cable and if it is properly plugged... (Also, you should try to use another SATA port on your motherboard, just swap it with another drive to see if the problem occurs with the other drive or not)

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I'm...assuming the SATA cable is the cable that plugs into the HDD?? I honestly don't know what's what inside the computer except the RAM and probably the HDD itself so...^^;

Speaking of swapping SATA ports, if I were to swap the primary drive to say...the 3rd slot while leaving the secondary one on the 2nd slot, would it still boot up the primary one afterwards or would it boot up the secondary one thereafter?

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