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nail biting


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I am attempting to stop chewing ice. Its going ok. Have had success with changing other habits. Imo if you focus on stopping when you notice you are doing it, you will start to notice yourself doing it more often and will be able to make the choice to stop more conciouslyn

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I've been slowing getting out of the habit of biting my nails. I bought a cheap pair of nail clippers. Every time I go to bite my nails, I reached for the clippers instead. Now instead of biting my nails, I clip them incessantly. Pick your poison I guess?

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You just have to want to stop. I stopped like a year ago (at ~20) and didn't really replace it with anything. Did it because I got a date and I was didn't want to gross her out.

Edited by kirsche
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I used to do this a lot from a young age well into my teens. I don't remember why I started, but getting my own personal nail clippers and keeping my nails short has helped stop this habit. When I do let a nail get longer than usual, I find myself biting it off. So I suppose my habit still exists.

So yeah, keeping your nails short really helps. You can't bite what's not there.

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I'm a pretty chronic nailbiter. Especially if I'm nervous for any sort of reason.
Ask a local apothecary about it, they usually have some sort of stuff you can put on your nails to make them taste extremely bitter. I suggest you don't touch anything you're gonna eat with them to, because it can jump onto it.

didn't stop me tho

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Science has shown that people who wipe their eyes, chew their nails, pick their noses incessantly etc all evolved those traits to combat viral contagions. Chewing on your nails exposes your mouth to germs under the nails giving your body a better chance at fighting the bacteria in whatever environment you're currently residing in. Also whether you believe in god or evolution, we've had teeth and nails way longer than we've had nail clippers, so clearly people who clip their nails are unnatural and weird.

Edited by Klokinator
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Science has shown that people who wipe their eyes, chew their nails, pick their noses incessantly etc all evolved those traits to combat viral contagions. Chewing on your nails exposes your mouth to germs under the nails giving your body a better chance at fighting the bacteria in whatever environment you're currently residing in.

thats silly, you're introducing bacteria in your nails to your mouth. havent gotten sick from it so whatever.

This happened like last year, so 17/18

ah, i'm 18 atm. everyone else that has quit in this thread seems to be around this age as well. i've stopped biting them since i've posted into this topic, but i do fiddle around with the cuticles. i find myself unconsciously picking at them, but just like the nail biting habit i'll curb it in due time.

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thats silly, you're introducing bacteria in your nails to your mouth. havent gotten sick from it so whatever.

Uh, that's what I said. Biting your nails exposes you to bacteria, giving your body more immunity. This prevents you from getting sick. Logically, following my line of thought, if you chew your nails, you'll get sick less.


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This is the first thing I thought of when I read this thread title...

[spoiler=crappy image ahoy]angry-scottish-man-8341500.jpg

...so disappointed nobody has brought up extreme eating, like eating glass, nails and other metals yet. DX

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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