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it's not a glitch, it's a feature!

For Ludwig's it's the 2H R2/charge attack. It can stunlock most large enemies and even bosses. The large swings on the normal attacks are a bonus, and the one handed attacks are pretty fast as well.

also, rumours


the real waifu souls begins here

My little bro is clearing the lower Pthumeru Chalice. He should be getting Ihyll soon. Once he does, he's gonna enter that dungeon's code and loot the ring. We'll see what happens from there.

Also, thanks for the dupe glitch. I duped some blood rocks because fuck doing an entire NG+ just for a single one.

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My little bro is clearing the lower Pthumeru Chalice. He should be getting Ihyll soon. Once he does, he's gonna enter that dungeon's code and loot the ring. We'll see what happens from there.

Like I said, I don't know if it's legit.

Also, thanks for the dupe glitch. I duped some blood rocks because fuck doing an entire NG+ just for a single one.

I just got mine and used it - don't you need to clear out storage to do it? Too much of a pain.

Some chalice dungeons can contain a blood rock, by the way.

fmu9qx9g, apparently is one of them.

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Like I said, I don't know if it's legit.

I just got mine and used it - don't you need to clear out storage to do it? Too much of a pain.

Some chalice dungeons can contain a blood rock, by the way.

fmu9qx9g, apparently is one of them.

There's picture proof and everything. Seems legit to me.

Oh, and I saw the code. Didn't have the requirements for the dungeon unfortunately.

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Oh, man, I can't wait to find out what it does!

By the way, the duping glitch got patched today. Thankfully, I found some more blood rock chalice dungeons so it's not so bad.

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Already?! Goddamnit. Couldn't even find a Blood Rock in time.

I'm honestly glad they got rid of it in a way. That glitch was game-breaking. Plus, this means you have more of an incentive to participate in chalice dungeons.

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I'm honestly glad they got rid of it in a way. That glitch was game-breaking. Plus, this means you have more of an incentive to participate in chalice dungeons.

Maybe, but it's a little irritating when you've experienced most of the game already and you're grinding stuff for builds.

They should have something like... like a built-in simulator, where you can forge characters using any amount of blood or any items without spending them, and use them only in a specified arena. Yeah. That'd be great. :'D

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the whole "one bloodrock" reminds me of dark souls, and how there was 2 titanite slabs total. but at least there was different upgrades, admittedly.

by the way, the lower chalice dungeons are balls hard

something something bloodletting beast

I got the last boss there, though. They weren't that bad, though I was pretty decked out. Bloodletting beast directly before was far more frustrating.

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bloodletting beast

oh my god

fuck bloodletting beast

no boss is as frustrating as that bastard

don't even get me started on his bullshit SONIC PUNCH


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Trying to figure out a Reiterpallasch build.

I'm thinking something like 25 skill/bloodtinge or something unless going to 40/50 for skill would be more beneficial.

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Trying to figure out a Reiterpallasch build.

I'm thinking something like 25 skill/bloodtinge or something unless going to 40/50 for skill would be more beneficial.

25 is the soft cap for bloodtinge and skill iirc, so there's no need to go too far past that number. You could probably do thirty in both.

Oh, and make sure to use the Evelyn, too. It does crazy damage with some bone ash sprinkled in.

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Evelyn is already my baby the moment I got it. Then I saw how a lot o people are going skilltinge. :L

But I'll have a rapier/saber instead of the BoM and the ultimate weapon of all Souls games.

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oh my god

fuck bloodletting beast

no boss is as frustrating as that bastard

don't even get me started on his bullshit SONIC PUNCH

it wasn't so much the sonic punch as I only saw that a couple times it was just everything else that was additionally wrecking me.

I'd probably say he's the hardest boss in these games now that Pikachu and Snorlax give me much less trouble. either that or I just need to git gud.

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it wasn't so much the sonic punch as I only saw that a couple times it was just everything else that was additionally wrecking me.

I'd probably say he's the hardest boss in these games now that Pikachu and Snorlax give me much less trouble. either that or I just need to git gud.

I think he is one of the most difficult. He has all these relentless swipes, the sonic punch and the stomp to prevent you from hacking at his legs all the time. He even stuns you when he hops away.

At least you can blast him into pieces with THE CANNON.

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Can anyone explain me the whole story of the game in a simple way? I couldnt get it at all.

I'm still trying to piece it together myself but since DLC exists I'll wait on piecing it together later.

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One of the interesting things I've heard is that the case is that there may be two Iosefkas.

If you look at the imdb page, you can see there is two voice actors:


Lucy Briggs: Impostor Doctor

Jenny Funnell: Doctor Iosefka

If you talk to Iosefka as soon as possible, she seems relatively friendly and will give you her blood up you kill Gascoigne. If you drink enough of them before then, she tells you that she has grown attached to you and looks forward to meeting you when the night is over. However, when you go back after she seems different, asks you if you're a hunter as if you've never met before, and tells you to send people to the clinic, and now has a weapon brandished that you can see through the door. (I believe it's the cane)

Also, later when you get to the clinic there is a victim that drops Iosefka's blood vial.

Either a rapid behavioural switch or a choir member (assuming the spells that they eventually use, etc) murders Iosefka and impersonates themselves as her, experimenting on people sent to her and herself eventually.

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I noticed that early on when I visited her after Gascoigne. Her voice was totally different-- it was more rushed and she seemed out of breath, like she just had a rush of adrenaline. I think that Choir member killed Iosefka and then impersonated her in order to trick you into bringing her live subjects for her experiments.

Can anyone explain me the whole story of the game in a simple way? I couldnt get it at all.

A long time ago there was a superhuman race called the Pthumerians who carved out dungeons deep below what is now Yharnam. The Pthumerians eventually died out for unkown reasons. Centuries later, atop their labyrinthine kingdom, humans built the city of Yharnam. Eventually, a plague broke out in Yharnam and the Church decided to search nook and cranny for a cure. They sent prospectors into the Pthumerian labyrinths and discovered remnants of the Old Ones, cosmic gods beyond human understanding. Now, at one point in the game, you will discover an altar hidden behind another in the Grand Cathedral, which is located in Yharnam's Cathedral Ward. (The Cathedral Ward is just a name for the suburbs located in the vicinity of the cathedral.) The altar is called the Altar of Despair, and upon that altar rests the corpse of an Amygdala, a spider-like creature with a bulbous head lined with many eyes. Now, I might be wrong, but I think that corpse was what the prospectors had discovered long ago in the labyrinths. Anyway, whatever it was, the Church had learned that its blood was a panacaea for humans. When transfused, it would cure the disease that had plagued Yharnam for so long. Knowing this, the church began to perfect the art of blood healing, as they called it. Yharnam later became known as The Home of Blood Administration, and people from all over would visit Yharnam in order to recieve healing transfusions. Mind you, the people didn't know that they were being given the blood of an unknown creature. The Healing Church kept that a secret. Only their members and the prospectors knew the truth behind the blood and what was discovered deep within the Pthumerian labyrinths. To their dismay, the Healing Church began to notice horrifying side effects occuring within those who had recieved blood transfusions. They would eventually turn into raging, bloodthirsty beasts and would feast upon the blood of other. People all over Yharnam were turning into beasts, and this instilled great fear in Yharnam's citizens, so they, along with a denomination of the Healing Church led by Ludwig, took things into their own hands and began performing hunts every night during the full moon, when the beasts were at their strongest. Despite this resistance, Yharnam was still being ransacked. The adrenaline from killing beasts would cause the hunters to go insane, people were forced to lock themselves inside their homes or risk being killed, and even then they often starved or lost their minds, and many hunters took it upon themselves to put down their allies when they went mad over the rush of killing. According to several armor descriptions (Black Church, White Church, Choir, etc.), the Healing Church developed several schools of thought during this time:

The Black Church consisted of preventative doctors who worked to find ways to prevent and destroy the disease that plagued Yharnam.

The White Church consisted of researchers who did not think of the blood as a means of healing, but rather as a means of research and experimentation. They believed that great knowledge could be obtained by exposing oneself to the disease.

The Choir were highly-ranked members of the church who sought to unravel the secrets of the Old Ones. Their original headquarters was at a place called Byrgenwerth, but that place was evacuated after some sort of incident. The Healing Church considered it a forbidden ground, and so it hadn't been touched in ages. The Choir itself was originally a creation of Willem, the head of the Healing Church, but according to the description of the Choir set itself, their paths diverged. They did, however, create the headpiece of their uniform with the intention of honoring Willem and his teachings.




I think I'm rambling too much, so I'll get to explaining what you, the player, are doing in Yharnam. Basically, you have some unnamed illness, and in order to cure that illness you require something called Paleblood. Nobody knows much about it in your home country, so you head to Yharnam, the Home of Blood Administration. You see a doctor and he tells you to make a contract, then he binds you to a surgical table and begins a blood transfusion. You are attacked by a beast when you awake, but the messengers save you just in time. Then, your goal is to figure out what the hell is going on in Yharnam and to find the Paleblood you need in order to cure yourself. There is so much more to the story that I would probably need to make a couple more posts in order to explain it all, and even then I might be missing details. Honestly, the story is really cool and not vague at all like Duck Souls II Electric Boogaloo. Just gotta take the time to read descriptions on armors, weapons, items, key items, etc. NPC dialogue explains lots of things, too. I have to admit I was a little lost at first, but once I reached the Mindfuck of Mensis I tried to piece together everything I had done.

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A lore bit in the room with the blood gem worktool mentions how a certain spider is blocking a certain not so spider and the peeps who like the not so spider are annoyed by the certain spider.

No idea idea who the queen is exactly but she's in the Chalice dungeon and a queen of said place. So there's that.

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