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FE5 warpless LTC musings

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As I've mentioned, I'm planning on doing a warpless LTC of FE5. Right now I'm doing a casual play through of FE5 to refresh myself on the game's mechanics and the maps, but afterwards I'm going to start planning for the run. Here are some of my early thoughts on what I'm planning. The game will be played without use of the warp staff, though rewarp and rescue are still allowed. Extra movement stars and movement growths will be hacked out of the game as well.

-I'm going to be pouring a lot of resources into Karin right out the gate. I think a strong flier will help a lot in chapters like 10 and 13, so I'm planning on giving Karin the elite tome, an early knight's proof, and a life ring. Later on I will get Dean, but having multiple strong fliers is probably good, especially with fatigue.

-The largest expense on the play through will probably be stamina drinks and maybe some boss killing weapons. I haven't planned things out yet, but I'll need units like Lara in every chapter. It shouldn't be that big a deal getting the required funds, during early maps I can have units like Dagda on the side scooping up items to sell.

-Even without warp staff users will still be very important to the run. I'm probably going to be rigging a lot of staffers' build stats so that with rewarp they can set up long rescue chains in indoor maps. They will also be making extensive use of rescue staffs, which will probably get the majority of my repairs.

-Because of the plan to use staffers in rescue chains, Asvel will probably still be a primary boss killer in this run. Rigging staff users to carry Asvel and Leif isn't that bad, but rigging them to carry Othin is pushing it.

I'm just beginning to plan this run, so I'm open to any suggestions. Also, does anyone have an RNG display script for FE5?

Edit: The run will be incomplete recruitment, but all gaiden chapters must be accessed.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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I'm not sure if Lifis' base Bld is high enough to steal the magic tomes from the enemy mages in Ch.5. If not, you may want to rig a +1 Bld proc along the way to the Manster chapters. It's extremely useful because Asvel can use the Thunder Tomes and IIRC a fresh Fire Tome sells for 1000 and of course you take the Mages out of commision that way without any risk [they'll attempt to flee asap]. Would be rad if Lara could do it but I don't think it's possible to get her enough rigged level ups to proc the necessary amount of +Bld.

I don't think it's possible to rescue Leaf anywhere with Karin in 10 or 13. Too much ballista, they one shot her and it's pretty much impossible to get around them, especially with Leaf weighing her down. Regardless of what you do with Karin you should probably have a squad of competent mounts available. Fin, Carrion and Felgus are all kinda good and Fred/Glade are solid filler Pals. Brighton can also do stuff in Ch.13 with the hammer iirc.

Also, there are arenas that you can grind in Ch.7, Ch.10, Ch.12 and Ch.14. If you use them and sell every fire tome and broken weapons you should easily be able to buy ~5 stamina tomes in the Ch.14 Vendor.

Edited by Yojinbo
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I think she has like, 10 movement with the leg ring and a promo flying? In chapter 10 I was thinking less along the lines of having Karin fly the whole way Leif and more of a role in rescue chaining. I think she has like, 10 move promoted and with the leg ring, so with that I could have her go really far ahead to set up a rescue chain. The mounts could charge the center and then I could pass Leif all the way down and then have Karin plop him down near the throne and kill the boss (with enough strength procs rigged, a promo, and a strong weapon she should be capable of doing that.) She wouldn't need to spend a single turn in range of the ballista while carrying Leif. She'd probably also have a lot of utility in other outdoor maps too, but that's just one example of where she could be helpful in setting up rescue chains.

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Olwen ftw.

Lifis has enough bld to steal from mages, but Lara doesn't. I use Lifis extensively in that chapter to neutralize mages. Definitely use Fin, Carrion, Fergus and Karin. As for routes, I would probably go A. Ch -6B will take 10 years to finish, even with rewarp. Although Cyas will be a pain, it's still likely to be the better option.

For the ch 7 Arena I would use Shiva, mostly because his bases are good enough to use in the arena.

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you'll want to make sure Leaf doesn't get too fat, so he doesn't weigh down people carrying him. Same deal with other units you'll have to ferry.

I don't know a whole lot about Thracia in general though. Not having move stars will hurt staff users like Sleuf that would have otherwise been useful with Rewarp/Rescue tricks.

Siege tomes might be useful too, but IIRC most of the ones you get early on are Meteor, and like nobody has a good fire rank.

Edited by General Horace
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I think this way you'll get something that looks an awful lot like handicapped Warp skipping. Things like two mounted units loading Leaf onto Saphy to Rewarp close to the throne, or Saphy Rewarping then Rescuing Asvel holding Leaf. Something like that.

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@Mekkah I'll look into the viability of constantly rewarping units like Safy near the throne (they're all pretty frail and will probably be at a high risk of death), but if it looks like that the run will turn into that I'm open to also banning rescue.

I also think that a powerful Karin is a really good idea. In my casual playthrough I just got to chapter 10 and I tested out a strategy with a promoted Karin, and with a long rescue chain I can four turn the map warpless. It's pretty unreliable, but when I actually plan the run I can probably find a few AI exploits to make things better.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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@Mekkah I'll look into the viability of constantly rewarping units like Safy near the throne (they're all pretty frail and will probably be at a high risk of death), but if it looks like that the run will turn into that I'm open to also banning rescue.

Plus, your high priests will probably be captured instantly due to the lack of lightning tomes (you don't get any untill tharia, and even then, it's only the one untill the shop that sells them in chapter 22). Perhaps linoan can do better with resire. Also, fun fact, dismounting in this game makes you gain exp faster.

Edited by sirmola
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