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Advance Wars


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I've started the playing the series recently.

I like it.

I beat 1 the other day and now I'm starting on 2.

It's a bit hard for me to play because I try to play it like Fire Emblem and that doesn't really work.

I think I'm finally getting used to it

Eagle da bess

Except Rivals! fuck that noise

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I'm pretty sure the consensus is that 1 is the hardest. Especially advance campaign. Fuck advance campaign. You think Rivals on NC is hard? You're in for a treat. APCs are your best friend.

It's kind of funny; I started out playing AW and then came to FE; keeping my units alive was a little difficult to grasp (but why can't I just make mooooore??).

Eagle's cool. AW2 Eagle is cooler (IMO). AWDS Eagle is somewhat OP (again, IMO). All hail the Prince of the Skies!

Not sure where I was going with this. Welcome to the AW fan club, I guess? Indirect bomber badges are currently on back order. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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I'm pretty sure the consensus is that 1 is the hardest. Especially advance campaign. Fuck advance campaign. You think Rivals on NC is hard? You're in for a treat. APCs are your best friend.

It's kind of funny; I started out playing AW and then came to FE; keeping my units alive was a little difficult to grasp (but why can't I just make mooooore??).

Eagle's cool. AW2 Eagle is cooler (IMO). AWDS Eagle is somewhat OP (again, IMO). All hail the Prince of the Skies!

Not sure where I was going with this. Welcome to the AW fan club, I guess? Indirect bomber badges are currently on back order. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I saw a video of Rivals on hard

I'm good. No need.

I didn't just spam fighters in Rivals what are you talking about?

I see we are opposite

Eagle is super cool.

I'm making my way through 2 rather well.

I think it's difficulty is just right.

I think 1 got a little too hard at times.

Edited by Sophie
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I agree AW1 on GBA was pretty tough, then it just got ridiculously easy onwards with the introduction of Sensei and Colin. I was surprised at how over powered mech spam and cheap bomber spams ended up being.

I never played Famicon Wars on the NES but I heard it was pretty brutal as well. I wish they started working on a new Advance Wars game, either on the Wii U or the 3DS. Days of Ruin was good although you could use the same strategy for the last level and always get rather consistent results.

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Haha advance wars is great my favouvrite CO is max. Max+Lrg tank recks all. Never played two due to emulation problems however like several people said in here and the rest of the internet says its really good and better than 1.

I'm still hoping for a 3ds advance wars...

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Well...it's nice to see that some fandom hasn't died from this series. Eagle is a little OP'd. Andy is as average CO as you can ever find.

End of AW1

Strum, like another Deathborn.

Max misses in the indirect dept. Sami's better for ground combat. Nell/Hachi, the un-reliable's that can only be used in versus mode.

Great game!

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Is Days of Ruin considered difficult, or am I just terrible at this series? It's definitely weird going between FE and AW, since the mindsets required for them are so incredibly different. So far DoR is the only game in the series I have played, and the fact that I got stuck halfway through it definitely turned me off to the series.

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Days of Ruin is kind of the black sheep of the series. It does away with a lot of the usual aspects of the series and I would probably call it harder but I don't think I ever finished it either.

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I wish they started working on a new Advance Wars game, either on the Wii U or the 3DS.

I'm still hoping for a 3ds advance wars...

And I'm still hoping for a new Sin and Punishment game on Wii U.

...Your hopes and dreams are delicious.

BTW, I have a review for Advance Wars Dual Strike - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=51796

Crystal Calamity in the Hard Campaign defeated me. I'll get back to it eventually.

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Getting there in AW2.

At the Great Sea Battle, I'll pass for today.

Green Earth has the best COs

I will fight you all

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I don't know where this talk of DoR being the black sheep comes from, I adored that game just like every other entry in the series. The dialed back approach to CO powers was really refreshing for multiplayer coming off of years of "dude if you pick colin again imma fuck you up". Getting all S-Ranks in DoR challenge maps was fun too, although more finicky with the scoring than classic War Room. Not to mention the vaaaaastly improved map editor

I hope AW gets the Awakening treatment( Waifu all the COs).

please no

we dont need it

we need anything but that

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Advance wars is great, especially if you have friends to play with, I remember playing 1v1 on a small map (forgot the name) and that took a day to finish because it became a battle of attrition. I always did like the references to other nations in those games.

Forscythe for best CO.

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