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Zelda Wii U Not Likely to Release This Year


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Yeah, this is the case. I saw Aonuma's video about it on the Zelda Facebook page. A friend of mine there shared it.

Click here.

I'm pleased at how well fans are taking this so far too. I'm willing to wait a bit longer if it means Aonuma is going to give us a better game in the end! You go, man! :D Besides, I'm sure I'll have plenty of other things to enjoy while I wait. I've my eye on a few other games and stuff right now too, of course.

What Aonuma is saying though, is that his team has discovered new possibilities and such with the amount of exploration they're working on. And it resulted in all sorts of new ideas. I'm so excited about what this stuff could be! I can't wait to see more trailers on this game. :D Please give us more at E3, Aonumaaa!

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I love it when a game gets delayed and the creator's let us know that the reason isn't primarily due to a already healthy line up of games planned for a certain time slot(although that's a important factor), but that the reason is "Yo guys, we just figured out a lot of cool stuff and our ideas have kinda snowballed-we're gonna need a few more months to expand this already massive LoZ game that you've always wanted to be even more massive."

I mean I still want to play it, but hell, that map is huge, and they're going to be filling it up? It'll be like Skyrim, but it won't be as glitchy as balls, it'll look good, play good, and have a lore that I'll care about and can be invested in.

OOoooooohhh.... Now I just need a open world pixel RPG in the same vein of these two games and I can finally stop having reasons to be in public.

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Considering nearly every console Zelda to date has been delayed, I'm really not surprised.

...That's what I said.

He wasn't trying to tell you off, just stating his own opinion. Really now.
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fuck nintendo

got their fucking failed console rather than a ps4 because zelda and xenoblade x would be coming this year

If I knew of this before hand I'd be playing bloodborne now ugh

don't they dare pull a twilight princess with this game

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because I live in a place where consoles cost a lot of money and was travelling to the USA, where consoles don't cost a lot of money.

I had 2 (two) choices, a wii u for nintendo games in general (with Zelda and Xenoblade X being the priority) and a PS4 for third party games (with Bloodborne being the priority)

The fact that both Zelda and Xenoblade X were being announced as 2015 games gave the edge to the Wii U, but if I knew either of them would be delayed I'd get the PS4 instead uhh

Like, I did get a lot of fun with other wii u games, mainly bayonetta 2, but the PS4 would give me the same. The BIG console seller were Zelda and Xenoblade X. At least we're still getting the later this year

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He wasn't trying to tell you off, just stating his own opinion. Really now.

I didn't say he was trying to tell me off. I thought he missed where I said "if it means Aonuma will give us a better game."

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Okay, now THAT is a bullshit move... >_>

E3 just got WAY less exciting for me this year. In fact, I might not even watch it. I don't expect to see anything Mario, Pokemon (unless X/Y sequels or something like that have been announced), or FE related (FE is never shown off at E3 and that's really close to the new one's release anyway). We just got Smash. So yeah, nothing for me to look forward to. I wanted to watch E3 for Zelda.

What a fucking disappointment.

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I'm not bothered by this at all. Gave me a reason to invest in a better PC before a Wii U now. Current games are out already and won't be going away soon, so worst thing that happens is I go to Amazon to get them. I only wanted to get a Wii U before new Zelda came out so I could play it unspoiled by the internet.

As for E3, I'm cautiously optimistic. It's never really been a game changer for me, and currently XBone and PS4 are likely to have more to show off there than Nintendo. I'm not expecting anything big to come from Nintendo this E3, other than MAYBE some information on the NX, which I think is fairly far off in the future. (2017 perhaps? All we've got is a name, nothing on how it works that I've read.)

I think the biggest thing that Nintendo will have at E3 will be Xenoblade Chronicles X for Wii U and possibly FEif's American release info, since Nintendo knows there's a larger fanbase for FE now.

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Can't say I'm suprised literally every console Zelda game since Ocarina of Time was delayed by a year...and they all turned out great.

Okay, now THAT is a bullshit move... >_>

E3 just got WAY less exciting for me this year. In fact, I might not even watch it. I don't expect to see anything Mario, Pokemon (unless X/Y sequels or something like that have been announced), or FE related (FE is never shown off at E3 and that's really close to the new one's release anyway). We just got Smash. So yeah, nothing for me to look forward to. I wanted to watch E3 for Zelda.

What a fucking disappointment.

Think of it this way they don't want to try and build up hype too soon if its already not being released for another year then starting to build up now and sustain that momentum would be difficult for that length of time yeah its Zelda but still. Plus I like the idea of being suprised by a game again. Now in days it seems like we know about like 75-90% of the game before its even released.

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FE10 was first revealed at E3.

Nope. From what I read, it only got a brief mention, not an actual showing off. Much like Awakening when Reggie announced its localization.

Can't say I'm suprised literally every console Zelda game since Ocarina of Time was delayed by a year...and they all turned out great.

Can't say I agree, I'm afraid.

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I'd be fine with them releasing the game later, but nothing at E3? Really?

It seems like they just didn't grasp the project and how long it would take them, they shouldn't have aimed for a 2015 release in the first place if that was the case, leave it ambiguous.

They did say that the delay is because they found new possibilities and new gameplay stuff, which I'd be fine with if we could see some of the new gameplay experiences they had in store already, or at least have the prospect of seeing them at E3.

I'm quite ticked at Nintendo, really, but I probably won't be when the thing finally comes out.

Like Nobody, if I knew the Wii U wasn't getting a Zelda for so long, I might have gotten a PS4. I'm considering on saving up for one but university budget. The only things I get to hype for now are Xenoblade X and Star Fox, and maybe FE If, but both the latter have such ambiguous release dates and so little info that I'm not really invested in them anyways.

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Nope. From what I read, it only got a brief mention, not an actual showing off. Much like Awakening when Reggie announced its localization.

Wrong. I saw the presentation, they showed a brief cutscene featuring Sothe and Micaiah, which was in the finished game.

They also showed a gameplay trailer at E3 2007.

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I'm not entirely surprised considering the trailers from last year showed a lot of work going into the scenery.

And that's not all that's in a game. Things besides individually animated blades of grass exist, and that stuff is going to take time.

So long as the end of the game isn't rushed like the Wind Waker's (Link doesn't even use a stair animation on later game stairs...) I'm happy. I love the Wind Waker, but I admit it had a lot of missed potential due to Nintendo actually trying to meet release dates.

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Wrong. I saw the presentation, they showed a brief cutscene featuring Sothe and Micaiah, which was in the finished game.

They also showed a gameplay trailer at E3 2007.

Then prove it. Show this trailer and such to me. If you can't, then I guess I just don't believe you.

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I couldn't imagine it releasing Winter 2015 with Starfox coming a few months before it. A delay was inevitable, and I support the notion myself. I'd rather get the full experience rather than a product with a specific deadline. Still hope they change their mind on at least SHOWING more of the game at E3, be it a trailer or whatnot. A playable demo for the public isn't all too necessary for E3 in my opinion.

Then prove it. Show this trailer and such to me. If you can't, then I guess I just don't believe you.

A simple Google search by yourself would easily prove his point. There definitely was an E3 2007 trailer.


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Well, that's very strange. I know I read that RD only got a mention, not a showing. I wonder why that source was wrong.

Still, I don't expect the new FE to show up, especially if we learn more about it before then.

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You have to remember during E3 2007 they were promoting the biggest Wii titles at the time


Fire Emblem RD really could not compete with:

- Super Mario Galaxy
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Mario Kart Wii
- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
- WarioWare: Smooth Moves
- Wii Fit

All at once. Not to mention Brawl was being planned for 2007 thus most people disregarded FE10 at the time and didn't get much publicity.

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For the record, I also remember seeing the RD announcement with Sothe and Micaiah that Jave is talking about.

But back on topic... I'm not exactly surprised at the game being delayed but like, they were REALLY pushing for a 2015 release. If I'm not mistaken they even reassured us in the last Direct. I also bought a Wii U this year in anticipation for Xenoblade and Zelda but even with this delay I don't regret it much since I got some other games and I can wait for a PS4 a bit longer. It's a little odd that this comes right after the announcement of the NX. People are already speculating the delay is so it can be released for Wii U and NX, Twilight Princess style. If this turns out to be true, it'd be pretty nasty tbh... The Wii U is still around and needs this game pretty badly, so I really hope there's a different reason behind the delay. It's pretty bad that it won't be at E3, I can't imagine why not other than they don't want to overhype it if it's so far away still. Hopefully we'll see something in a Direct later in the year.

Also, I wonder what they're planning for this year then? Their biggest releases are suddenly Xenoblade and Splatoon, which are nice and all but probably aren't huge system sellers... Well Xenoblade probably will be in Japan.

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Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is a DS game, not a Wii game. xP

But yeah, RD couldn't possibly compete with any of those back then. I do wonder what Nintendo has planned for this year's E3 then. They're just gonna have to surprise us, I guess. And Owain Dark, Splatoon will be out before E3, so that one is out of the question. The best they could do there is DLC or something.

Also, I doubt that the NX is a reason for the delay. It's too early to move onto another console, the Wii U has only been out for what, three years? Consoles last longer than that.

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My prediction:

- Star Fox reveal trailer. Comes out October 2015.
- Fire Emblem If new trailer. No defined date yet but Nintendo will aim at a worldwide release.
- Exclusive New 3DS game revealed. Not a port, but a new game.
- First look at SMT x FE. Comes out 2016.
- Splatoon DLC announced for later that year. First batch includes a stage based on Delfino Plaza.
- New trailer for Devil's Third. No specific date outside of 2015.
- Indie trailer for 3DS and Wii U.
- Reveal for the next Smash Bros. wave of amiibo. Also first look at amiibo cards.
- Smash Bros. DLC announced (not Mewtwo, who would be released by then), new playable characters and stages. Comes out November 2015.
- Metroid Wii U reveal trailer. Comes out 2016.
- MEGATON reveal: Collaborative project between Nintendo and another company. This is the biggest one yet.

Also, the opening sequence will feature the Star Fox characters drawn in Regular Show style, with Falco and Fox acting like Mordecai and Rigby.

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