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What ROM programme do you use to play hacks on an iOS system?


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With Flare's help, I'm trying to work out how to download ROMs on an iOS system (an iPad, to be precise) and I found several different apps that may allow me to do this. However, which one would be the best for what I want?

Thank you!

Edited by GoldenEmblem7
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GE7, what the title says and your question sais isn't the same, it confuses

If you want an app that can emulate .gba ROMs there sure are many, the most recommendable is GBA4iOS, if you cannot find it, there are others, feel free to download the one that is downloaded most or the one with the highest rating or something like that these are most likely the best

To download a ROM, google it(lol or bing it(who uses bing?!?)), i cannot make further instructions here or else i will suffer

PM me if you want help since you did not ask what you did not understand

next time ask or at least reply that you are listening :P

Or else i start to worry for no reason again

Edited by Flare
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