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I hope they stop this. Make males wearing the same stupid non-existant clothes like girls is funny, if the work is a parody, or comic. In a serious thing, it's funny only for the first five minutes. Then it's a pain. See Awakening and Dark Mages for example.

Speak for yourself me, and several of my friends are okay with equal opportunity fan service. (Though I personally prefer that to mean no fan service.)

I think Kozaki, overall, is still a competent designer, and overall the quality of his designs seemed to improve overall. So far only Camilla and the bottom half of Fem Kamui (In entire fairness to Kozaki, the top half of Fem Kamui, especially the hair, is well done) are what I found objectionable beyond "please give more female units pants" thing that has been a complaint of mine since I got into Fire Emblem and not just Kozaki's work, and I'm not sure at this point whether it's him or the art director that did the dumb-ass class designs with the gratuitous panties (I heard art director, but I don't have a definitive source on it)

Kozaki's designs are more or less, if they're good, they're really good, and if they're bad, they're really bad. It's very hit or miss. He's certainly shown to be capable of designing good and interesting designs, even on female characters sometimes (I personally love the Hoshidan Empress's design, and I think Hoshido's women in general are fairly well-designed and don't have anything as outrageous beyond what the series have always had.

Maybe dumb crotch cutouts is now the pinnacle of Nohr women's fashion. Maybe the Nohr route is about revolutionizing Nohrian fashion, instead.

Yeah, I really don't know what's going on with the art department. I read an AMA on reddit with the character artist for Awakening, and apparently he just made faces for the characters. He also made mention of somebody else being in charge of armor design. So, that's a bit confusing (to me at least).

Hmm, crotch cutouts being the fashion for Nohrian women? Considering that codpieces used to be the height of fashion in olden times that's actually not as far-fetched as you'd think.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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You don't understanded me. I intend that fanservice clothes are ridicoulus for both genders. I don't like them, no matter what is the sex of who is wearing them.

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You don't understanded me. I intend that fanservice clothes are ridicoulus for both genders. I don't like them, no matter what is the sex of who is wearing them.

Oh, okay. That's something we agree on then.

Though I wouldn't be surprised to find someone on the internet who actually believes what I thought you were saying.

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