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[FE 11] Shadow Draft


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oh my god, jedi stop... I also realized that no one except me wants a ballista? it's a nice beckup against medeus.

Xane & Vyland

Edited by Gradivus.
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C1 7/7 turns

10000G get, Riff not get.

Jagen heads for the fort on turn 1, with the silver lance to feed 2 Pirates to Marth on the 2nd EP. Caeda ORKOed the Thief. IIRC he can proc 9 Spd 4 Str and not get doubled, but she can find an opportunity eventually. Jagen goes on a forest tile with an Iron Sword on PP2; he's targetted by 3 pirates, while unequipped Draug draws the attention of one. Marth goes onto the fort next turn to heal, then it becomes pretty straightforward, basically I just rush and use meatshields. Jagen was encircled on PP3 so he made use of the Silver Lance to get rid of a Pirate. Gordin died, while the Christmas Cavs and Draug survived their meatshielding duties. Killed the boss with Javelin from Shiida + 2x Silver Lance (PP + EP) from Jagen. There's no map save so the odds are a bit dumb. Jagen actually silver critted him, but same result. Cain bought 5 Javelins on turn 1.

[spoiler=Stats]Marth / 2.60 / 19 HP / 5 Str / 7 Spd / 8 Def / 1 Res / D Swd

Shiida / 2.20 / 16 HP / 4 Str / 13 Spd / 7 Def / 6 Res / D Lnc

Jagen / 1.88 / base

Marth got Def like a bors. And he actually got res on C1, which I overlooked when I first updated the stats and just assumed it's zero because it's such a low rate. It's like irrelevant forever, though.

C2 4/11 turns

Jagen got a Javelin, which he uses to gang up on the first Pirate with Jav!Shiida. By positioning him as far left as possible, I pull Castor immediately. Meatshielded a lot, and silver critted the boss. Shiida was at full HP though since she wasn't targetted thanks to meatshield shenanigans, so she and Castor could gang up on a Pirate reliably to gain more EXP. Bord died on this map. Don't recall anyone else dying.

[spoiler=Stats]Marth / 2.80 / 19 HP / 5 Str / 7 Spd / 8 Def / 1 Res / D Swd

Shiida / 3.00 / 17 HP / 5 Str / 13 Spd / 8 Def / 6 Res / D Lnc

Castor / 3.70 / base

Jagen / 2.47 / 23 HP / 7 Str / 8 Spd / 10 Def / 6 Res / B Lnc D Swd

C3 5/16 turns

Standard stuff. I only aggro one Hunter on turn 1; he was steel sword-softened by Jagen and suicided on Castor on the EP (turn 2). I softened the Fighters up and fed one to Marth, against the other ones I just defended with Ogma & Cavs. He ended up dodging an axe and not dying as he would've done without any dodges. Bosskill is classic FE11 draft earlygame success rate of course... Jagen nails a Steel Sword crit, Shiida finishes with a ~70 true hit wing spear. Castor couldn't kill any Fighters that were chipped by Steelsword!Jagen; I should've burned silver uses to make sure he could've finished. Draug sat on the RHS protecting Julian and Lena unequipped.

[spoiler=Stats]Marth / 3.20 / 20 HP / 5 Str / 8 Spd / 8 Def / 1 Res / D Swd

Shiida / 3.67 / 17 HP / 5 Str / 13 Spd / 8 Def / 6 Res / D Lnc

Castor / 4.47 / 21 HP / 7 Str / 7 Spd / 5 Def / 0 Res / D Bow

Jagen / 2.80 / 23 HP / 7 Str / 8 Spd / 10 Def / 6 Res / B Lnc D Swd

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C4 6/22 turns

Used Merc!Castor and Sniper!Jagen. Jagen sets a Thief kill on turn 1, Castor takes it. Shiida fullmoves NW. Shiida counterkills 2 Cavs on turn 2 by sitting on that river tile. On turn 3, Matthis is 2 tiles from her and she 2RKOes him with a PP + EP Javelin. I got a generic female Archer and reclassed her to Peg Knight; she pulled the right Horseman on turn 3 by standing 4R of the money village to protect Shiida. Jagen chips a Cav and Marth kills. Castor used a map save on turn 2 to ensure that his dodgetanking is successful (50% hitrate x4 when sitting on a fort; he also has the C1 vulnerary on him as a backup). Jagen counterkills 2 Archers and pulls a HM, Shiida kills it on turn 4. Jagen sets the AK kill for Marth. Castor chips away on the Fighters in enemy phases. Jagen gangs up with Castor on a Thief on turn 6. Shiida kills the boss. Draug and Ogma died as meatshields. I won't forget them since they're win. Caeda procced Str excessively.

[spoiler=Stats]Marth / 3.90 / 20 HP / 5 Str / 8 Spd / 8 Def / 1 Res / D Swd

Shiida / 6.03 / 18 HP / 7 Str / 15 Spd / 8 Def / 6 Res / D Lnc

Jagen / 3.35 / 25 HP / 7 Str / 10 Spd / 9 Def / 3 Res / C Bow

Castor / 6.37 / 22 HP / 7 Str / 8 Spd / 5 Def / 0 Res / D Bow

C5 4/26 turns

Paladin!Jagen and Pirate!Castor used. Biraku get. Deployed Cord and Barst as Knights for meatshielding reasons. Sedgar baits Archers away from Marthipan's group. Jagen pulls 2 Cavs on turn 1, and Marth counterkills them on turn 2. Hardin pulls LHS enemies on turn 2; Sedgar isn't exposed to anything but equips the steel bow, encouraging the Peg Knight to move closer to Hardin's group because she can double Sedgar (I think). Caeda went left and Biraku immediately took a Javelin and Roshea's weapons. I did pull Wendell's group, but Jagen turned out to be necessary on the LHS so I couldn't kill Wendell for the Barrier. Castor engaged a Cav on turn 3 that Marth left alive on the EP. Shiida barely fell short of tanking a Silver Lance from the boss, as did Jagen, so Castor had to pop a map save for her to crit. Cord died against Wendell. Hardin died as a meatshield. Marth gained Str like a generic Swordmaster. I realize I could've done a reliable bosskill by using DK!Jagen and having them gang up on the boss, since tanking Archers didn't happen anyway. I originally wanted him to tank a round from Wendell so Castor can finish.

[spoiler=Stats]Marth / 4.57 / 21 HP / 5 Str / 9 Spd / 8 Def / 1 Res / D Swd

Shiida / 7.20 / 18 HP / 7 Str / 16 Spd / 8 Def / 6 Res / D Lnc

Castor / 6.66 / 22 HP / 7 Str / 8 Spd / 5 Def / 0 Res / D Bow

Biraku / 2.55 / 21 HP / 5 Str / 6 Spd / 7 Def / 0 Res / D Lnc E Swd

Jagen / 3.68 / 23 HP / 7 Str / 8 Spd / 10 Def / 6 Res / B Lnc D Swd

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CHAPTER 1 - 6/6

Jagen whacks things really hard so that Marth can pick up kills. The bait brigade draw hits away from Jagen and Marth (and later walls off Wrys) so that they have enough HP for the boss area. I actually didn't need Wrys' healing in the end due to good luck, but it helped.

MARF  LORD  02.20 19 06 00 03 07 08 07 00 SWORD D
JAGEN PALLY 01.77 22 07 01 10 08 01 09 06 SWORD D LANCE B
WRYS  WRYSS 01.17 16 00 02 05 06 02 03 06 STAFF E

CHAPTER 2 - 4/10

Ogma is pretty good here. He sometimes ORKOes things which was helpful. Marth/Jagen/Ogma led the charge while Bord picked up scraps and Wrys healed a bit. Jagen and Ogma teamed up to take out the boss. Got the village.

MARF  LORD  02.60 19 06 00 03 07 08 07 00 SWORD D
JAGEN PALLY 02.13 23 07 01 10 08 01 09 06 SWORD D LANCE B
WRYS  WRYSS 01.51 16 00 02 05 06 02 03 06 STAFF E
OGMA  MERC  05.24 23 07 00 12 12 03 06 00 SWORD C
BORD  FIGHT 02.70 20 08 00 04 07 01 05 00 AXE C
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Edit: to spoiler do this.

Spoiler (with brackets around it) and end the post with a

if I recall.

Edited by Jedi
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