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[FE 11] Shadow Draft


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Chapter 16 - 6/100

Reclassed Barst to Berserker. Much as this pissed me off, promoted Gordin and Navarre, then reclassed both to Dracoknight. Turns out this is what made the run possible.

Gordin opened the prison door on turn 1. Horace sacrificed himself to draw the horse-slaying wyverns (he dodged one of 'em), and Navarre parked himself next to Gordin. Both had Javelins at ready. Jagen sort of flew closer to everyone. Tomas/Radd kept out of range of the wyverns, while Matthis got as close as possible. Draug/Barst swam, and I had Boah run up (just in case). On EP, Navarre dealt 13 damage to the Levin Hero, Gordin did enough to sort-of matter, and the Iron Lance idiot wyvern tried to hit Draug (HAHAHAHA). On turn 2, Barst made landfall and killed the Fortify jerk, and things became a lot easier - Gordin flew one square left and chipped with a Javelin, and Navarre finished on top of the fort. Boah healed Navarre, while Matthis CHIPPED the Ridersbane wyvern (20 HP worth of damage). Jagen finished off the Ridersbane guy, while Tomas parked himself at the edge of the map, surrounded by Matthis, Boah, and Radd. On EP, Xane recruited himself, Marth took a Levin Sword hit (and dealt one in return), and things died to Barst. After that, Jagen traded a Door Key to Gordin, who opened the other door, which allowed Marth to run his full movement and equip a Rapier, while Navarre finished off the Levin Sword dude. Because of this formation, everything between Marth and the throne died. . .and because the AI isn't exactly bright, all the enemies on the island went after Barst, and died horribly (except the dude with the Killer Bow, who pulled a crit). Radd survived the Poleaxe with 2 HP remaining. From there, it was clean-up, with Midia hitting the save point near the shops on turn 4 to make sure that Barst didn't get crit by the boss (8%), and that Navarre/Gordin hit their Ridersbanes (~80%). By the time I finished the map, the only thing left alive was the thief.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      11.28  25  10    0    7   13   14    9    1
Jagen     Paladin   10.50  24   7    2   11   11    3   10    6
Draug     Pirate    15.76  33  11    0   12   20    7    6    0
Gordin    Paladin    1.66  30  10    1    9   15    9   15    6
Barst     Hero       5.68  39  17    1   26   21   14   13    3
Navarre   Paladin    1.76  34  14    1   10    9   12   11    6
Matthis   Cavalier  13.07  29   8    0    8    9    5   12    0
Radd      Cavalier  11.79  27   9    0    4    7    4   12    0
Tomas     Cavalier  11.73  27   8    0    5    8    5    8    0
Boah      Sage       4.54  22   3    6    8   10    4    5    8
This team. . .is simultaneously hilarious and terrifying. Since when did Gordin become the main tank?!

Chapter 17 - 3/103

Reclassed all flying units to Paladin, and Matthis to Cavalier, and Barst to Hero.

This chapter was the reason why I recruited Astram. Between Barst's Hand Axes and Navarre's Wyrmslayer, the boss went down in a hurry. It took a lot of people to kill the two knights, and Marth stabbed the Swarm guy on turn 2. Midia grabbed the VIP Card, and bought out the Dragonpikes, and a couple of Poleaxes and a Wyrmslayer. My levels were. . .amazing. Like, Navarre-gained-Speed amazing!

Edited by eclipse
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New day, new post~!

Chapter 17x - 20

Reclassed Jagen to Sage, Draug to Knight, and Radd to Archer.


- Marth to gain as many levels as possible

- Jagen to gain as much staff rank as possible

- Draug to gain some tankiness

- Radd to gain some speed

- Tomas to hit C lances

- Boah to heal ever turn

Marth gained three levels, Jagen and Boah have C and B staves respectively, Draug gained. . .something, Tomas hit C lances, and Radd as a cav now has 10 speed. Got the longbow, too! 'twas a good chapter.

I might need to burn the Seraph Robe on Marth - I don't remember if 10 DEF is enough to survive the onslaught.

Chapter 18 - 6/109

Reclassed Jagen and Navarre to Dracoknight, Draug to Pirate, and Radd to Cavalier.

I got some squishy generics, which were enough to keep the worst of the attacks off of Marth. Boss died to a Poleaxe, courtesy of Barst. Everyone else got some self-improvement in. Draug went to the arena and struck it rich.

Chapter 19 - 5/114

Reclassed Jagen, Navarre, and Gordin to Paladin, and Draug to Mercenary.

Barst was just shy of ORKOing the enemy Heroes with a Steel Sword, so I said "fuck this", and used a Silver Axe on them instead. If left alone, the Lightsphere thief will go after the Speedwings, and the other thief with him will get the Master Seal. Using this knowledge, I left them alone until turn 5, but thanks to a positioning snafu, the Lightsphere guy couldn't get the Speedwings. Burned two keys to get the doors open, and used up the Master Key to get the bullion and the Geosphere. Killed all the thieves on turn 5, and opened the sniper room to get the additional Master Seal. Between the Chapter 16 seal, the Chapter 18 seal, and these two, I have enough to promote everyone (Elice will get the Chapter 24 one).

Tiki was cleanly OHKO'd by Navarre with a Wyrmslayer.

Edited by eclipse
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IMO Gradivus should be RNG'd one of the units, and the last three should be banned/free or something (I don't really care if they're free because they all cost a lot of turns).

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I'll just take Samson, it doesn't matter at that point (and wouldn't have mattered because I wouldn't recruit him)

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. . .and I'm almost done~!

Chapter 20 - 5/119

Reclassed all Paladins to Dracoknights (including a newly-promoted Radd), and left everyone who couldn't walk over the river at home. Oh, and promoted Draug and reclassed him to 'zerker.

Even if most of my team is slow, they can still take apart ballista! I lured Camus with Draug, and the former missed, while the latter didn't. Unfortunately, Draug doesn't hit very hard, but it was enough for Barst to swoop in for the kill. The other enemies were dealt with thanks to my glut of Ridersbane. Thanks to support bonuses, Caeda's dodge was higher than some generic flying scrub I brought along, which ensured her survival, as well as Lorenz's recruitment.

Chapter 20x - 20

Reclassed Jagen to Sage, and fuck if I remember anything else.

Marth nabbed treasure chests all the live long day, while I funneled as much experience into Matthis and Tomas as possible. Jagen/Boah concentrated on staff rank, and everyone else snuck in kills. Got everything except the chests next to Ymir (who died for the greater good).

Chapter 21 - 3/122

Promoted Matthis and Tomas. Reclassed Jagen to Paladin and Lorenz to Warrior. I have a good mix of Paladins/Dracoknights, but the only distinction that matters is Gordin ATM.

It's been how many years, and only NOW do I notice Lorenz's bow rank. Silver Bows do wonders against flying units, even if Lorenz himself has pretty sad stats. Midia did my shopping, and Barst/Draug busted up the middle while my class A dudes blicked horses. . .except for Gordin, who doubles and kills generics with Gradivus.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      18.57  31  14    0   10   17   18   10    2
Jagen     Paladin   13.50  25   7    2   14   11    3   10    8
Draug     Berserker  5.02  44  15    0   15   25    9    8    0
Gordin    Drakky     7.10  32  12    1   13   16   11   21    4
Barst     Hero      12.76  42  20    1   28   22   16   13    3
Navarre   Drakky     7.45  37  18    1   12   14   14   14    3
Matthis   Paladin    1.47  38  13    1   12   11    6   14    7
Radd      Drakky     3.58  33  16    1   10   13    7   19    3
Tomas     Paladin    1.65  35  12    1   10   13    5    9    6
Boah      Sage       9.28  24   3    7   10   12    4    5    9
Lorenz    Warrior    5.80  Base everything?
Chapter 22 - 7/129

Reclassed all promoted dudes to Dracoknight except for Jagen, Boah, and the other dudes who don't have that option. Reclassed Lorenz to Horseman. Fed Gordin a Speedwings so he'd double everything.

Gordin forged ahead, and not much could scratch him. Radd ate a Silver Bow and lived to tell about it. While going curate-hunting, Michalis attacked Gordin, who got an unnecessary crit on him (I had something like three turns to kill him, and the rest of my army was in hot pursuit). Killed every last unit before seizing.

Chapter 23 - 7/136

Reclassed all Dracoknights to Paladins. . .except for Jagen, who went Sage. Reclassed Draug to Hero.

Matthis, Tomas, and Lorenz hung around to keep the thieves company, while I charged up the stairs. The real Gharnef was between me and the throne, but luckily he decided to harass Marth (who he couldn't double). Gordin charged ahead again, and used Gradivus to clear a path. Got all the non-Gharnef droppables.

Chapter 24 - 4/140

Reclassed all Paladins to Dracoknights, except for Navarre, because I have a mission for him~! Fed Gordin another Speedwings, so he'd double the Snipers.

Gordin sat in range of the Snipers. Barst led the charge over the mountains, Silver Axe at fore and Pure Water down the hatch. Tomas bought his own Dragonpike, and Navarre/Lorenz/Elice went east. Jagen did some Barrier spam on Gordin, and Boah read a book. On EP, the second Sniper suicided into Gordin, and one of the dragons was wounded, while the enemies shifted to the right to get to Gordin. Back on PP, Barst full-moved forward, with Marth in tow. Radd sidled up next to the boss, and Gordin moved back towards Marth and Draug for support bonuses. On EP, Gordin decided to enlist in the Barst School of Unnecessary Crits, and murder a couple of dragons. From there, it was clean-up, with Gordin flying over to the boss for a couple of Lightsphere-powered Gradivus hits, then Tomas jacking the Lightsphere for a Dragonpike finish. The team that didn't over the mountains had some unforseen issues, as the manakete spawned with 16 base speed (in other words, enough to double, but not kill, Navarre). Thanks to a Recover courtesy of Boah, Navarre survived (but the generic next to him didn't). Thanks to Matthis being a scrub, Boah took the kill.

Midia went shopping, and Elice is going to be hyper-trained in the next map.

Chapter 24x - 20

Reclassed Elice to Mage, and everyone Dracoknight not named Gordin to Paladin.

Elice managed four levels. Radd and Navarre hit A lances, Jagen has just enough staff rank for my purposes, and Gordin eked out a few extra levels. Unfortunately, Draug failed, and I'm not sure if I'll have enough spare stat boosters to use Barst as intended (his Speed fell way short). I promoted Elice at the end of the map.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      19.47  32  14    0   10   18   19   10    2
Jagen     Sage      15.46  26   3    6   13    8    4    5    8
Draug     Berserker  7.01  45  15    0   16   25   10    8    0
Gordin    Drakky    15.98  35  14    1   16   21*  16   25    4
Barst     Hero      14.28  42  20    1   30   22   17   13    3
Navarre   Paladin   10.64  41  17    1   13   16   16   13    6
Matthis   Paladin    3.44  40  13    1   12   12    7   14    7
Radd      Paladin   10.04  40  17    1   12   14    8   19    6
Tomas     Paladin    4.20  36  13    1   11   15    7    9    7
Boah      Sage      12.49  25   3    8   10   14    5    5   10
Lorenz    Horseman   6.37  27   9    1    6   10    2    8    3
Elice     Sage       1.00  27   3    6    9    8    6    5    5
Endgame - 4/144

Reclassed Barst to Horseman, Gordin/Radd to Dracoknight, Draug to General, and Jagen to Bishop.

Stat booster distribution:

Seraph Robe: Radd x2, Navarre x2

Energy Drop: Gordin x3, Barst

Spirit Dust: Jagen x2, Boah, Elice

Speedwings: Gordin, Barst x2

Dracoshield: Navarre x4

Arms Scroll: Barst x3 (bows), Navarre (swords)

The Energy Drops were a slight miscalculation - I thought Medeus had 30 DEF before throne bonuses, not 25. Should've thrown everything onto Barst, but eh. Spirit Dusts are pretty self-explanatory - Jagen had the least amount of Magic, so he got the most. Gordin and Barst got the Speedwings they did so that they wouldn't be doubled by Medeus. Navarre ate every last Dracoshield so he'd survive being doubled by Medeus, and Radd/Navarre required those Seraph Robes to live, as well. Barst got the Arms Scrolls for Parthia, while Navarre got his for Wyrmslayer.

By using the Geosphere twice, I got rid of the Fortify users, who are the worst enemies on this map (IMO). From there, it was basic clean-up. Because most of the enemies had roughly 39 HP, one final usage of the Geosphere wiped out most of the map. Thus, Gordin/Radd/Navarre walked up to Medeus mostly unhindered. Barst started in the same room as Marth, and since I had Lorenz/Tomas in there, they were able to keep up with Barst and clear out the pesky enemies that attacked him. I had to pull Jagen from healing duty for a turn because the general near the northeastern starting position got too close, and the northwestern side was more-or-less taken care of by Geosphere. Matthis and a generic blocked the staircases, while Draug got a free Vulnerary. On turn 4, I had Marth hit the northern save point. . .which was a good thing, because Radd ate a crit from Medeus (7%). On the redo, Gordin (Gradivus/spheres) hit Medeus, Navarre took Gradivus/spheres and hit Medeus again, then Barst took the spheres. . .and critted the boss, one last time. I don't feel too bad about this one, because Barst had roughly double the chance to do unto Medeus that Medeus did unto Radd (13% to 7%).

Every last unit on the map did something, and I'm damn proud to have finished this!

Final stats:

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      19.74  32  14    0   10   18   19   10    2
Jagen     Bishop    16.09  26   3   10*  14    8    5    5   11
Draug     General    8.27  49  17    0   18   21   10   17    3
Gordin    Drakky    16.91  36  20*   1   17   23*  17   25    4
Barst     Horseman  15.88  43  23*   1   26   23*  18   12    3
Navarre   Paladin   12.09  57* 17    1   14   16   16   21*   6
Matthis   Paladin    3.44  40  13    1   12   12    7   14    7
Radd      Drakky    10.44  52* 18    1   12   14    8   21    3
Tomas     Paladin    4.80  36  13    1   11   15    7    9    7
Boah      Sage      13.48  25   3   10*  11   14    6    5   10
Lorenz    Horseman   7.43  27  10    1    7   10    2    8    3
Elice     Sage       2.05  28   3    8*  10    9    7    5    5
Nagi      Geosphere bot who saw no combat

Marth - He hit the magical 18 Speed at a clutch time, thus keeping him from being dragon food.

Jagen - By quietly training his staff rank early, I was able to have him hit A staves as a Bishop. This in turn made him useful for the entire run.

Draug - Disappointingly low Strength, not particularly bulky, but anything he targeted died.

Gordin - Co-MVP. Yes, you read that right. Gained a bunch of Speed for no apparent reason, which gave him an edge over everyone else. Even with his awful Strength, he was able to murder things once he got Gradivus. Was inexplicably tanky, too.

Barst - Co-MVP. The God of Unnecessary Crits On Bosses Except The Last One. His Speed lagged behind, which is why he has to share the spotlight with Gordin.

Navarre - Roving Armorslayer was nice, but it took way too long for him to pick up steam.

Matthis - Fun little filler unit who fulfilled a bunch of odd jobs. Clutch early-on.

Radd - He's naturally tanky, so a few stints in Archer were used to fix his Speed. Was recruited for his bulk.

Tomas - If Gordin wasn't so busy stealing the spotlight, he would've seen a bit more use. He amused me.

Boah - Part two of the Staffbot Saga. Hit A staves early, and was able to spam Fortify.

Lorenz - I recruited him for his lance, but then his bow rank came in handy in Macedon. Surprisingly useful!

Elice - The final staffbot, in case Jagen didn't pull through in time. Gained just enough HP to withstand two Geospheres.

Nagi - Uh, thanks for using the Geosphere?

This team required a load of experience to get going, but it was worth it IMO. The moral of the story is that Devil Axe OP.

Edited by eclipse
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