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FE7 Draft


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We've reached the bottom of the barrel. I'll take Legault.

I've also started the playthrough since the start of the game is set in stone.

Chapter 11: 4/4 Turns

Pretty standard Marcus carry to the gate. Eliwood and Bartre got a little bit of EXP, Lowen collects the Dragonshield before I end the map.

I'm looking at Ch.12 and without Hector/Oswin this looks like a massive pain.

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edit: Even if you do reach the gate on Turn 4, Marcus can't 1RKO the boss with a steel axe without the energy ring/crit. I'll likely take the 5 turn and maybe recruit Guy or something.

edit2: The lack of enemy thieves in Ch16 makes me mad. There's no way to collect the Knight Crest without deploying Matthew, although this could fall into necessary promotion items. I'm done playing for tonight so I'll check back later for whether it's allowed or not.

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CHAPTER 12 5/10

Simple clear. Eliwood and Rebecca take the west, Marcus the east, and Hector the north. And from this point on, I have a ton of levels in the next few chapters that suck.

CHAPTER 13 5/15

I got kinda lucky to pull off a 5-turn clear. Glad I didn't pick Guy, because there would be no way I got less than a 7 if I recruited him too. Eliwood got a +HP level, which I suppose is something, and Hector got +HP and +SPD. I can feel the spite of the RNG gods already.


Eliwood Level 3:55 HP:20 STR:6 SKL:6 SPD:7 LCK:8 DEF:5 RES:0

Marcus Level 2:61 HP:32 STR:15 SKL:16 SPD:12 LCK:8 DEF:10 RES:8

Rebecca Level 2:96 HP:17 STR:5 SKL:5 SPD:7 LCK:5 DEF:3 RES:1

Hector Level 3:35 HP:21 STR:7 SKL:4 SPD:6 LCK:4 DEF:9 RES:0

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Okay, guys. Try not to laugh too much at my turn counts. Or do--they're pretty hilarious.

Chapter 11: 5/5 Turns

Like everyone else, I did employed a straight-up rush strategy. Dorcas helped clear the way/weaken enemies for Eliwood to stick with a Rapier. I got really lucky with Eliwood's level ups, as he got speed both times. Meanwhile, Bartre snagged the Dragonshield after trading his weapons to Dorcas.

Eliwood: Lv. 3.?? Lord, 20 HP, 6 STR, 6 SKL, 9 SPD, 7 LCK, 5 DEF, 0 RES, C SWORD

Marcus: Lv. 1.?? Paladin, Base stats

Dorcas: Lv. 3.?? Fighter, Base stats

I forgot to write down everyone's experience, but whatevs.

Chapter 12: 7/12 Turns

Marcus charged north to clear enemies before Hector and Oswin showed up. Eliwood and Dorcas successfully held the southeastern side, largely due to Eliwood getting even more speed; he even managed to kill the boss using his Rapier. The non-recruited characters sold the Secret Book and did some shopping.

Eliwood: Lv. 6.03 Lord, 22 HP, 6 STR, 8 SKL, 11 SPD, 7 LCK, 6 DEF, 0 RES, B SWORD

Marcus: Lv. 1.76 Paladin, Base stats

Dorcas: Lv. 3.49 Fighter, Base stats

Chapter 13: 9/21 Turns

Marcus cleared the southern end of the map with Matthew in tow. Eliwood, Dorcas, and Serra went west. I admittedly lost momentum after recruiting Guy due to him and Matthew almost dying a few times--Marcus had to hang back until they were safe. Marcus and Dorcas got some desirable stats, while Eliwood continued to get speed. Lowen shopped.

Eliwood: Lv. 6.81 Lord, Same as last time (SALT)

Marcus: Lv. 2.67 Paladin, 31 HP, 15 STR, 16 SKL, 12 SPD, 8 LCK, 10 DEF, 9 RES, A LANCE, A SWORD, B AXE

Dorcacs: Lv. 5.64 Fighter, 32 HP, 8 STR, 9 SKL, 7 SPD, 4 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES, C AXE

Matthew: Lv. 2.93 Theif, Base stats

Serra: Lv. 1.68 Cleric, Base stats

Guy: Lv. 3.54 Myrmidon, Base stats

Chapter 13X: 7/28 Turns (note: if we decide this is worth 8 turns, I'll change it)

Used the Energy Ring on Guy so that he could ORKO the Bandits in the SE with an Iron Sword (to save Killing Edge uses). He and Matthew wrecked that area. Marcus got the gold from the village and generally kept things under control up top. Eliwood held the north bridges, and Dorcas the one to the west. Bartre died to a stray arrow from a Nomad while meat shielding, but since that's allowed on this chapter, I decided I didn't really care.

Eliwood: Lv. 7.80 Lord, 23 HP, 7 STR, 9 SKL, 11 SPD, 7 LCK, 6 DEF, 1 RES, A SWORD

Marcus: Lv. 3.02 Paladin, 32 HP, 15 STR, 17 SKL, 12 SPD, 8 LCK, 11 DEF, 10 RES, A LANCE, A SWORD, B AXE

Dorcas: Lv. 6.91 Fighter, 33 HP, 9 STR, 10 SKL, 7 SPD, 5 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES, C AXE

Matthew: Lv. 3.82 Thief, 19 HP, 5 STR, 4 SKL, 12 SPD, 2 LCK, 3 DEF, 0 RES, D SWORD

Serra: Lv. 2.34 Cleric, 18 HP, 2 MAG, 6 SKL, 8 SPD, 7 LCK, 2 DEF, 6 RES, D STAFF

Guy: Lv. 4.96 Myrmidon, 22 HP, 8 STR, 11 SKL, 12 SPD, 5 LCK, 5 DEF, 0 RES, C SWORDS

Chapter 14: 7/35 Turns

Marcus and Eliwood charged down the middle while Dorcas took the loldiers to the East and the others went for Erk. Guy was unlucky and got an HP-only level up, but Marcus did manage to hit S Lances chucking Javelins at people, and Eliwood got A Swords to use yet-non-existent Silver Swords. Because I suck at this game, I took long enough to get caught in the rain. Derp.

Eliwood: Lv. 8.16 Lord, 24 HP, 8 STR, 10 SKL, 11 SPD, 8 LCK, 6 DEF, 2 RES, A SWORD

Marcus: Lv. 3.84 Paladin, SALT, S Lances

Dorcas: Lv. 7.67 Fighter, 34 HP, 9 STR, 10 SKL, 7 SPD, 6 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES, B AXE

Matthew: Lv. 3.98 Thief, SALT

Serra: Lv. 2.78 Cleric, SALT

Guy: Lv. 5.72 Myrmidon, 23 HP, SALT

Chapter 15: 8/43 Turns

Lack of extra mounted units really hurt me in this chapter. Marcus Blitzkrieged as always while most everyone followed in his wake. Guy and Matthew chilled in the mountains north of Merlinus's tent to protect him from the inevitable Bandits. Florina visited the villages while the non-Wil people in the SE shopped and attempted to weaken enemies for Wil to finish (this effort was less than perfectly executed, as you can see).

Eliwood: Lv. 8.63 Lord, SALT

Marcus: Lv. 4.90 Paladin, 33 HP, 15 STR, 17 SKL, 13 SPD, 9 LCK, 11 DEF, 10 RES, S LANCE, A SWORD, B AXE

Dorcas: Lv. 8.04 Fighter, 35 HP, 10 STR, 10 SKL, 8 SPD, 6 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES, B AXE

Matthew: Lv. 4.37 Thief, 20 HP, 5 STR, 4 SKL, 13 SPD, 3 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES, D SWORD

Serra: Lv. 3.14 Cleric, 19 HP, 2 MAG, 6 SKL, 8 SPD, 8 LCK, 2 DEF, 7 RES, C STAFF

Guy: Lv. 6.51 Myrmidon, 24 HP, 8 STR, 11 SKL, 13 SPD, 6 LCK, 5 DEF, 0 RES, C SWORD

Wil: Lv. 4.62 Archer, Base stats

Chapter 16: 11/54 Turns

Marcus charged ahead again with Eliwood and Dorcas following behind. Dorcas posted up by a wall, tossing axes at archers. The others escorted Matthew to the southern chests (he received an HP-only level up for his trouble) and fought off the cavalier reinforcements. Marcus secured the boss kill with the Hammer. Because the NPC loldiers managed to kill Raven before he could kill them, I got the Light Rune at the end of the chapter.

Eliwood: Lv. 9.09 Lord, 25 HP, 8 STR, 10 SKL, 12 SPD, 8 LCK, 6 DEF, 2 RES, A SWORD

Marcus: Lv. 6.06 Paladin, 34 HP, 15 STR, 18 SKL, 14 SPD, 10 LCK, 11 DEF, 12 RES, S LANCE, A SWORD, B AXE

Matthew: Lv. 5.12 Thief, 21 HP, SALT

Serra: Lv. 3.74 Cleric, SALT

Guy: Lv. 8.30 Myrmidon, 26 HP, 8 STR, 12 SKL, 14 SPD, 6 LCK, 5 DEF, 1 RES, B SWORD

Wil: Lv. 6.29 Archer, 22 HP, 8 STR, 6 SKL, 8 SPD, 7 LCK, 5 DEF, 2 RES, D BOW

Dorcas: Lov. 9.30 Fighter, 10 STR, 10 SKL, 8 SPD, 7 LCK, 3 DEF, 1 RES, B AXE

Yeesh; this isn't going very well for me, is it?

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CHAPTER 13x 7/22

I was in the middle of being super mad about Puzon running away to heal and not suiciding on Marcus when I realized that you couldn't automatically end the mission by killing Puzon. Alas. Besides that this was ok.

CHAPTER 14 8/30

This, on the other hand, was not. I had to have one bad chapter, so I hope this was it. But yeah, not sure how people are getting much lower than this. Probably just me being stupid.

CHAPTER 15 5/35

Easy 5-turn. Marcus pulled off a clutch turn 5 crit and Hector got a great level, so no complaints here.

CHAPTER 16 8/43

You know, I don't feel like I'm doing too badly for myself. I'm actually somewhat competitive in this draft. Anyway, Raven get, Hero Crest get, Rebecca good levels get, Eliwood speed...not get. Some things never change.

Not gonna post stats right now, but as a little sneak preview...my Eliwood still has base speed. :dry: At Level 7.

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Ch17 and Ch21 are defend maps that end immediately when you kill the boss. Ch13x, Ch24, Ch26, Ch29 are maps that will have the same exact turncount regardless if you kill the boss.

Chapter 12 6/10 Turns

I had trouble on this map because I had to send Marcus to the north and somehow make him come back and deal with the archer near the boss. Eliwood gained some speed by taking kills from Bartre, he was able to double and 1RKO bandits. Marcus makes it back and kills the boss on Turn 6.

Chapter 13 5/15 Turns

This was supposed to be a 4 Turn clear but an archer kept getting in the way, and rigging low% crits aren't cool anyways. I recruited Guy and got the killing edge for Eliwood, Bartre didn't get much EXP this map so I'll rely on Ch13x

I had Hector dropped across the river to buy some 1-2 range weapons for me.

Chapter 13x 7/22 Turns

Spread the love onto Eliwood and Bartre. Bartre still doesn't have the speed to double loldiers. Serra is like level 2 after this map, I doubt she's going to be helpful if I keep this up.

Chapter 14 4/26 Turns

Marcus rescues Eliwood and charges, Bartre stays to 1HKO the loldiers with a steel axe and Serra face tanks a cav so I can recruit Erk next turn. At the start of the next turn Marcus drops Eliwood and charges the mob of enemies near Erik. The rest of my foot units clean up as Marcus clears the rest of the enemies on Turn 4 EP

Chapter 15 5/31 Turns

Marcus rushes to the gate with Eliwimp in tow. Erk is required to gain as much EXP as possible since he's pretty frail and can't double anything yet.

Chapter 16 7/38 Turns

An extra mounted unit makes this an easier clear since Marcus can't double archers on the way to the throne if he's rescuing someone. I barely collect the Knight Crest on Turn 7 when Marcus with the hammer bops the boss.

Chapter 16x 3/41 Turns

Kent and Erk get some EXP. A 2 turn of this might be possible with draft constraints, but you'd need at least another mounted unit or just Florina.

Chapter 17 3/44 Turns

Boss rush. Kent can promote at this point but I'm holding off until I need to. Bartre is sooooo bad and I definitely don't see myself going to Jerme's map

I'm still working on Ch18 since I can beat it in 5 turns with a promoted Kent, but I think I can still hold off on promotion for a few more maps. Marcus being free is pretty OP.

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CHAPTER 16x 5/48

Too many good enemies, not enough my units being awesome to go through the middle. So I took the long way and still got an acceptable clear.

CHAPTER 17 4/52

Super easy clear. Raven hasn't gotten any more strength, but he has gotten 2 points of speed and 1 point of defense plus some other stuff in 2 levels so it is all good. Hooray for getting Fiora next chapter as well.


Eliwood Level 8:20 HP:24 STR:10 SKL:9 SPD:7 :(: LCK:9 DEF:8 RES:2

Marcus Level 7:23 HP:35 STR:15 SKL:18 SPD:15 LCK:10 DEF:11 RES:9

Rebecca Level 7:47 HP:21 STR:7 SKL:9 SPD:11 LCK:8 DEF:4 RES:2

Hector Level 9:28 HP:26 STR:11 SKL:8 SPD:9 LCK:6 DEF:13 RES:2

Serra Level 2:91 HP:18 MAG:2 SKL:6 SPD:8 LCK:6 DEF:2 RES:6

Raven Level 7:8 HP:25 STR:8 SKL:13 SPD:15 LCK:3 DEF:7 RES:2

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Come on guys, don't let me win this by default.

CHAPTER 18 7/59

CHAPTER 18x 4/63

CHAPTER 19 6/69

I want to promote people but no one besides Hector is above lvl 11.


Eliwood Lvl 10:31 HP:26 STR:10 SKL:10 SPD:7 LCK:9 DEF:8 RES:2

Marcus Total beast

Hector Lvl 12:47 HP:28 Str:12 SKL:9 SPD:10 LCK:6 DEF:16 RES:2

Becca Lvl11:34 HP:25 STR:9 SKL:11 SPD:13 LCK:10 DEF:4 RES:2

Raven Lvl 10:5 HP:26 STR:10 SKL:14 SPD:18 LCK:3 DEF:7 RES:3

Fiora Lvl 9:96 HP:23 STR:8 SKL:12 SPD:13 LCK:6 DEF:6 RES:8

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CHAPTER 20 6/75

Promoted Raven and Fiora because I badly need promoted units.

CHAPTER 21 3/78

Promoting Fiora pays off immediately, as she charges down the middle and javelins everything to death, including the boss. Everyone else mops up the stragglers, before Hector takes the bosskill.

CHAPTER 22 5/83

Again, Fiora is amazing. She and NPC Pent probably combined to kill 85% of the enemies on this map. Obviously, I'm not going to Genesis, that would have cost me many turns here.

I'll post stats soon. For reference, Eliwood still hasn't gained speed, meaning he can SOMETIMES double mages. And also the knights that he can barely even scratch without his Rapier which is now broken.

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CHAPTER 23 4/87

Fiora runs up the left, kills Lloyd pretty fast.

CHAPTER 24 11/98

Hector and Rebecca finally promote. Rebecca got hit on like a four percent chance. Eliwood also finally gained a good level, which is something. Chapter 25 is gonna suck.


Eliwood 12:47 HP:27 STR:12 SKL:11 SPD:9 LCK:11 DEF:8 RES:2

Hector 20/1:14 HP:38 STR:18 SKL:15 SPD:16 LCK:8 DEF:21 RES:10

Rebecca 16/1:15 HP:31 STR:12 SKL:13 SPD:17 LCK:11 DEF:8 RES:7

Serra 9:82 HP:21 MAG:5 SKL:10 SPD:12 LCK:8 DEF:4 RES:12

Raven 2:18 HP:34 STR:16 SKL:20 SPD:23 LCK:10 DEF:11 RES:6

Fiora 5:64 HP:42 STR:17 SKL:19 SPD:19 LCK:9 DEF:9 RES:14

Louise 4:67 Base stats

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Chapter 16x: 4/58 Turns

Used the Dragonshield on Dorcas at the beginning, because he hadn't gotten Def. yet. Guy self-improved while Marcus soloed the center pirates, grabbed the Sleep staff, and talked to Fargus.

Chapter 17: 4/62 Turns

Dorcas helped Marcus break through the shamans to the west in order to charge the boss while everyone else held the RHS and/or shopped.

Chapter 18: 6/68 Turns

Marcus did his usual thing of charging the boss (this time with a Horseslayer) while Dorcas and Wil followed behind to clean up the scraps. Eliwood defended Merlinus from pirates. Matthew and Guy went east to bro it up with the pirates and magic users, and hit C support level for their trouble.

Chapter 18x: 7/75 Turns

Marcus cleared the way with handaxes and took out Aion with Guy's borrowed Killiing Edge. Guy and Matthew grabbed the southern ruins while Dorcas and company handled the Pegasus knights.

Chapter 19: 6/81 Turns

Marcus, Eliwood, and Dorcas took the outside corridor. Matthew, Guy, and Wil went through the door Serra unlocked with her staff. Wil sniped the mini-boss, and Marcus hammered Darin. Oh, and Marcus killed Legault for fun/EXP (though he still only got 4 for killing him). I missed all of the chests, too. Swag.

Chapter 20: 5/86 Turns

Marcus and Ninian did about what you'd expect. Eliwood and Wil pulled a few clutch kills on the way to the boss to clear Marcus's path. Dorcas and Guy visited villages, killed mages, and shopped.

Chapter 21: 2/88 turns

Marcus charged south and provoked Eubans, who was promptly knocked down to half HP. Dorcas immediately killed him with a lucky hit with the Devil Axe. I completely forgot that this level ends when you kill the boss (at least, Heath pulled the mercenaries back in my game), so I kinda got caught with my pants down, and didn't really accomplish much in terms of experience or chests. I also missed Rath's and Heath's inventories because the chapter ended before I could recruit them.

Chapter 22: 6/94 Turns

Ninian got Isadora's Angelic Robe in Preparations. I considered promoting Guy, but I decided he'd earn more EXP (toward the goal of 700) as a Myrmidon. The only hidden item I managed to grab was the Ocean Seal, but it was the only one I realistically expected to get. Despite Pent being particularly annoying, I managed to acquire the necessary 700 EXP for Chapter 22x: Free Experience Genesis.

Chapter 22x: 20 Turns (Free)

Not gonna lie: I shamelessly exploited the free 20 turns. Eliwood, Dorcas, and Ninian started on the east side, while Marcus, Isadora, Wil, and Matthew went west. Managed to grab all of the chests and kill all of the enemies and grab all of the shiny silver weapons at the end in exactly 20 turns. Even promoted Dorcas at the end (from a level 18 Fighter).

Eliwood: 15.94 Lord, 30 HP, 11 STR, 13 SKL, 15 SPD, 11 LCK, 7 DEF, 3 RES, A Sword

Marcus: 13.71 Paladin, 40 HP, 17 STR, 22 SKL, 17 SPD, 11 LCK, 11 DEF, 16 RES, S Lance, A Sword, A Axe

Serra: 8.67 Cleric, 21 HP, 7 MAG, 7 SKL, 10 SPD, 9 LCK, 2 DEF, 11 RES, A Staff

Wil: 15.19 Archer, 28 HP, 11 STR, 10 SKL, 11 SPD, 12 LCK, 6 DEF, 4 RES, B Bow

Dorcas: 18/1.00 Warrior, 46 HP, 18 STR, 13 SKL, 10 SPD, 14 LCK, 11 DEF, 6 RES, A Axe, E Bow

Matthew: 8.56 Thief, 23 HP, 5 STR, 4 SKL, 14 SPD, 6 LCK, 5 DEF, 1 RES, C Sword, C Guy

Isadora: 3.32 Paladin, 28 HP, 14 STR, 13 SKL, 17 SPD, 11 LCK, 9 DEF, 6 RES, A Sword, B Lance, D Axe

Guy: 13.32 Myrmidon, 28 HP, 10 STR, 15 SKL, 17 SPD, 9 LCK, 6 DEF, 4 RES, A Sword, C Matthew

Ninian: 2.71 Dancer, 22 HP, 0 STR, 0 SKL, 13 SPD, 10 LCK, 5 DEF, 5 RES

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CHAPTER 25 14/112

This chapter is pure murder for LTC. I just...wow, this was so frustrating I can't even put it into words. Not helping matters is that I had to rig Speed for Fiora just because she's so far behind (20 at 15/8. Yeah)

On the other hand, Raven is carrying the team. He is just so utterly ridiculous, he could probably solo the rest of the game. His stat line reads 39/19/23/26/11/13/9. And he still has 13 more levels of growing room. Where is the face of adoration from Something Awful Forums when you need it? Alas. I will do Battle Before Dawn (where's the shooting yourself emoji) and other stuff this weekend.

I finished the rest of this fast, which is good, because I then made a terrible mistake. I was playing a normal runthrough of this game, and somehow saved over this save file, so I don't have exact final stats. Here we go...

CHAPTER 26 15/127

The usual on HM. Funnily enough, once I actually got into position and hits didn't matter nearly as much, I missed four 74 (86.74 with True Hit) hit chances in a row. That has about a .0003 chance of happening.

CHAPTER 26x 17 free turns

CHAPTER 27 10/137

Difficult, but not quite as brutal as PFOD. Actually, it was kinda fun.

CHAPTER 28 4/141

Can someone say boss rush?

CHAPTER 29 3/144

See that last summary.

CHAPTER 29x 5/149

CHAPTER 30 8/157

Charge Limstella and murder her.

Finale 5+1/163

Does this really need to be explained? Actually, I'm sure I could have done this faster, but alas. My first finished draft, so that's a thing.

Overall Summaries (without final stats exactly):


He was so terrible that I don't even know where to start. Occasionally doubled to death. Bad strength. Terrible defense. He was only even usable without being a liability after promotion. And I usually have good luck with Eliwood.


Super useful for the beginning, made everything there work. I was actually kinda surprised, he had okay stats when I dropped him (like 18 strength, 22 skill, 16 speed and 14 defense). So yeah, he was pretty great.


Needed a lot of babying and some RNG rigging as well but she was worth it in the end. She finished with good strength, great skill and great speed, so she was kinda above average, but not really.


A beast. Seriously though, he was probably the 2nd best unit on this entire team. Immediately upon promotion he was rocking 18 strength, 16 speed and 21 defense. He finished with a stat line (20/20) around 54/27/23/21/15/30/11. So yeah, he was pretty incredible.


Free healer/10


OH. YES. Raven was unbelievably awesome. He capped strength, skill, and speed, and had luck, defense and resistance all well above average. Also helping the fact is that he is a hero, probably the best non-mounted class in the game, even before Awakening.


She would've been way more useful if she had better speed. She finished with 24(?) speed, and somehow she also had 23 strength. It wasn't a huge problem, but it was really annoying earlier when she couldn't double a lot of bosses due to her bad speed.


She wasn't as useful as I expected. For one, I couldn't even use her in Chapter 26 and 26x because I ran out of bows. Not a great draft pick, but alright in certain situations.


If I didn't have Raven, Harken would've been able to shine way more. He still finished with great stats, and he was really solid.

Well, that's it folks. I'll see you all around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kept you waitin, huh!

Yay, one-month suspension~ Thank Ein for the trouble.

Anyhow, if you can. Just give me Vaida and Jaffar. If I only pick once, then just Vaida, because she's so bad. x)

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