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Being able to replay chapters?


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While I would love being able to do this, just imagine how broken FE could become if you could replay chapters.

Infinite legendary weapons, easy access stat-boosters, being able to easily replace dead characters.

the list goes on and on.

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yeah you'd also be able to grind it dry for infinite exp, I too think it's simply to avoid excessive cheesing on the player side.

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It would definitely break the game if its done during the playthrough, but I imagine that it could be implemented fairly well for the postgame. Perhaps it can be worked around to have enemies scale to your party in their levels, and maybe change up the available items and enemy positioning for the chapter.

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While I would love being able to do this, just imagine how broken FE could become if you could replay chapters.

Does that mean anything in games like Awakening and Sacred Stones where you can just grind?

Besides they could also just have the chapters be replayable without the EXP reward either by keeping track of your levels/resources or with predefined team/resource setup.

Or, if Awakening didn't already do it, provide extra save slots for SD card users so that anyone who cares can just keep a save on each chapter for replayability or just to look up stuff for reference.

Unless there's definitely some technical limitations to prevent this, there is absolutely no defense as to why these options shouldn't exit.

Edited by Sirius
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I think the ability to replay chapters should be in all FE games however if during main game I think no EXP should be earned for reasons above that everyone else stated. However having that ability for all post game would be sweet! I have always had many different chaps that I really liked.

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I think that's kind of the point of awakening's and FE8's world map travel systems. You get to fight generic battles on familiar ground for extra exp. I don't necessarily want the feature to replay chapters, because I love to replay my favorite games anyways. But I wouldn't say no to the feature being added in for those who want it.

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I guess Awakening wouldn't have much of a reason not to allow this, given that you can already replay levels that you have to pay extra cash for. But this goes even more for Sacred Stones, given the existence of the Creature Campaign, which cleanly separates the Endless game from the game's story.

As for linear games, I wish they would at least do what a certain linear game that you have almost certainly never heard of called Aquanox 2 did and allow the player to play through each level with an pre-setset of equipment and an average level for everyone. (Well, Aquanox 2 did not have a level system but that's besides the point) Although, if the storage system would work the same way as in Awakening, they could just give you 99 from everything and let you set everyone's level.

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Replaying levels in the state you were at would be quite possible but a bit of a pain as it would mean pretty much every save has to be permanently saved. But replaying an "Endgame Mode" version of every chapter is a great idea and would be easy to do. Just load the new level with inflated stats. While it's in my mind, the trial maps in the GBA games + Path of Radiance, did they save level ups and weapon usage after you beat them (I have, ashamedly, never really played a trial map)?

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Replaying levels in the state you were at would be quite possible but a bit of a pain as it would mean pretty much every save has to be permanently saved. But replaying an "Endgame Mode" version of every chapter is a great idea and would be easy to do. Just load the new level with inflated stats. While it's in my mind, the trial maps in the GBA games + Path of Radiance, did they save level ups and weapon usage after you beat them (I have, ashamedly, never really played a trial map)?

I'm fairly sure trial maps don't even give you exp...

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