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Would you recommend Devil Survivor Overclocked?

Book Bro

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So I haven't played the SMT series and I just saw Devil Survivor is on sale on the eShop. I've been wanting to try one of the games for a while thanks to the FE crossover and I looked into SMTIV, but it doesn't look like my kind of game (not really into text based navigation or dungeon crawlers and I think that's how this game is set up?). Devil Survivor looks a little like FF Tactics which I enjoy so I think it might be a better fit. Is it a good game to get a taste of the series? I believe it's more like a spinoff so any advice would be appreciated!

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Well, like you said it is a spinoff so you are only getting a taste of them,not the main series.i played the original game a long time ago so all I can say are the following

1)It is really difficult but fun

2)There is an ingame clock and there are certain events that occur at certain times.You need to activate some very specific ones to get the best ending.But if lets say you want to train,time passes and you might miss the event(some of them have like 5 minutes difference and you must choose which one yo pick).So if you miss that one event that is necessary for the best ending you kinda have to restart

3)Demon collecting & fusing is really fun.Will drain your time

4)At a point you will face a demon who states he returns stronger the next day each time he is killed.I dont recall if it is possible but if it is DONT.KILL.HIM.

Oh, and make sure you download the patch for this game as it has a gameebreaking glitch

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Yeah. I'd say it's a worth buy.

I like DeSu 2 a lot more, it's one of my favorite games ever, but Overclocked is still a really solid game.

I recommend it.

If you end up liking it, a remake of the second game is coming out on 5/5, so there's also that.

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Yeah. I'd say it's a worth buy.

I like DeSu 2 a lot more, it's one of my favorite games ever, but Overclocked is still a really solid game.

I recommend it.

If you end up liking it, a remake of the second game is coming out on 5/5, so there's also that.

I also think DeSu 2 is better, and a 3DS remake is coming in early May. OP, you might want to consider looking into both games, since AFAIK there plots aren't directly related (though there are similarities between the two) and thus you're not going to spoil yourself for DeSu 1 by playing 2 first.

Edited by Severlan
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