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Do you think this game will be overly depressing?

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I hate complaining about games (I tend to just NOT talk about ones I don't like, ha), but I just want to discuss this. To me, all signs point to this game being Gritty Emblem. Granted, I obviou have no idea and am speaking solely on intuition, but all signs point to you having to fight the family you don't choose, maybe even kill them. Nothing in the trailer implied any light-hearted banter or frivolous waifuing/character-breeding or a simple RPG--this game just looks dark.

Now, it might still be an amazing game, but to ME, it looks depressing. Some of the best games I've played are serious, but cheesy humor can ALSO be frivolous and charming.

What di you think this game will be like?

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Lets face it you choose one side so that probably means the other half of the cast is gonna die.

Ok maybe thats a bit cynical but I thought that was kinda the biggest point of the game is that you literally choose what cast/characters to play as and be loyal to.

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Contrary to the initial impression, I think the Hoshido route will actually be much darker story-wise since your mission is to outright fend off Nohrian invaders, meaning you'll most likely have to kill the other family (or at least Marx), the people with whom you've bonded ever since childhood. On the other hand, if you choose Nohr, the main goal is to revolutionize the country. You'll have some skirmishes with Hoshido, sure, but the chance of having to actually annihilate them is lower. Of course, with the little information that we have now, it's hard to come to any conclusion either way.

With that say, I don't think either path will be all darkness and depression. There will probably be some goofiness and even cheesiness here and there when they'not fighting battles (like Tsubaki and Kazahana fighting over who's "Sakura-sama's best bodyguard", Camilla trying to give you a hug etc.) There's also a third path which can potentially lead to the best ending (unless they'll make us kill both families).

Personally, I'm a sucker for a dark and tragic story, so I don't mind at all if none of the stories are perfect. I actually want them to be as darkest as they can be. As long as said tragic stories are well-executed and have strong impact on the players, I don't have any problem with them being dark.

Edited by Ryo
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Really? Maybe I never felt like that because I was fooled by all the pretty colors and was busy complaining about the ridiculous character designs. Although I suppose you will have to side against SOMEONE in the end, and if that doesn't actually have any consequences, then I'll be severely disappointed.

Dark stories can be just as good as more cheerful ones, but I'm of the opinion that the former tend to get messed up more since it's easier to "try too hard". Trying too hard in this case would involve killing your little sisters personally or something like that, but I highly doubt that'll happen.

Edited by Thane
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I'm not exactly sure what the problem with a character the player likes dying is. Some of the most poignant moments in the series have come from having the good guys killed off, including by other good guys (I'm thinking specifically of a scene in FE7, as well as some uncertainty when I first played through FE10 P3). And this is where I'll point out that basically all of the "great" anythings ever are tragedies.

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I'm not exactly sure what the problem with a character the player likes dying is. Some of the most poignant moments in the series have come from having the good guys killed off, including by other good guys (I'm thinking specifically of a scene in FE7, as well as some uncertainty when I first played through FE10 P3). And this is where I'll point out that basically all of the "great" anythings ever are tragedies.

To be fair, that FE7 scene I think you're referring to is completely ruined from a tragedy standpoint 3 CHAPTERS LATER

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I think it will be pretty dark but that isn't bad for a game like FE, that has to do with war, and especially a game like if that shows war isn't as simple as "good guys vs bad guys". I don't think it'll be depressing though. You can have a gloomy story without it being a downer all the time, take Sacred Stones which if you think about it is a pretty dark game but you still have quirky moments and characters.

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It's been awhile since FE has gone dark.

Make it GoT levels of dark; I want to kill off the family I don't side with. Make there be a tearjerker every 2 chapters. Blood will flow.

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I'm cool with a dark game, if the gameplay is fun and the story's any good, but I honestly get very attached to characters so killing any of them (unless they annoy me) will be emotionally taxing for me.

Video games are a form of escapism for me, so I have a general PREFERENCE for light-hearted games so I can be happy and carefree for a while in a fun fantasy world, though I admittedly also get lost in well-designed settings in gaming, too, so if the world's interesting, that's good enough, while I will shame-facedly admit that I enjoy childish romances and cheesy humor.

In a sentence: I'd prefer a lighthearted game, but a dark and serious one can still be good, as well.

The third path intrigues me--perhaps a way to avoid all the killing if it's pairing up both armies, though if the "happy ending" is only attainable via DLC, that incites a new rage with me...

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It probably will be. I just hope there's more to it than that.

I think it'll be harder for me when I play the Hoshido version and have to kill the Nohr siblings. I feel bad for the Hoshdio side, but I'm not really attached to them yet like I am with Marx and company.

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I would love it if they manage to pull off a handful of compelling, angst-filled chapters mixed with a few lighthearted supports for good balance, though I do feel like it'll hardly be anywhere nearly as dark as we're expecting.

If the game does force you to kill off the siblings you betrayed, it'd be great if the incident visibly affects Kamui's character and isn't simply shrugged off shortly after.

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War is dark. War is depressing. This is doubly true if the war involves killing your own flesh and blood. I would be very disappointed if the game did not portray this realistically.

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FE always has been the bittersweet type of game, Awakening is a exception because of the dire situation. I don't want it to go all Attack on Titan on me, so I don't want it and I don't think it will.

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I think a key element of the narrative will be how they portray Kamui, not only because he's the protagonist, but because he's in a no-win situation and should have feelings of guilt no matter what choice he makes. It also looks like he'll be manipulated and used by people for his powers, so I hope that comes into play somehow.

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Depends if IS wants the direction to be more akin to Awakening, or Genealogy. I'm really hoping the two base games are more darker, considering the third route DLC will probably be the 'good' ending.

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I've actually always liked the series for its balance, in say genealogy, you've got marriage as a central theme (happy), but you also have what happened to the entire first generation(minus a few), which is grim, or in say, in awakening, you have the chipper personalities of most of the cast, but also the promise of apocalypse around the corner, of course the balance is very different between them, but that's why I look forward to each story. That's why I hope the story doesn't swing too far either way.

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I think from what I've seen most the fans (at least the ones who were fans before Awakening) would the game to be dark. Anything but the painful idealism that was Awakening. I found it incredibly hard to sympathize with any of the characters because they all acted like they were all in a "rainbow-sprinkle world" as Anna described it (who incidentally is the only character who really had a realistic worldview, but the supports make it very clear that she's wrong and how dare anyone be slightly cynical).

That being said, I'm fully expecting the third DLC path to be heavily idealist and involve uniting the two nations.

Which could actually be cool if they proceeded to give us a Radiant Dawn style sequel where you realize that things don't really work that way and there's still hatred and conflict going on.

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Has anyone played the Ace Attorney games? They manage to balance insane characters and situations, pop-culture references, deadpan snarking monologues and some genuinely heartwarming and (as far as trial battles go) badass moments, all expressed through sprites and text (and awesome music).

If Fire Emblem can reach that balance, then I'd be happy, although it's very hard to accomplish all that at once.

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