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Thieves that loot but don't steal.


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In FE7, Is there a way to make Thieves and Assassins loot chests, but not steal from players? I tried removing the "Steal" skill from the class (temporary fix), but now it seems like Thieves set to go for chests won't do so (looting linked to Steal skill?). I only ask because Thieves fill a niche in my enemy design (very very fast, and little else) and I use them frequently as enemies, particularly on dark levels (think a spy/assassin-type unit). The problem is that they just keep stealing stuff and don't bother to attack until there is nothing left to steal. Any ideas?

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There's a bug in the AI where the steal ability is checked instead of the lockpick ability. By removing the ability to steal, you are also removing the enemy's ability to use lockpicks.

To fix, do the following with a hex editor:
At address 03BB96 change 04 to 08
At address 036AE8 change 04 to 08

You can now remove the steal ability from the class without affecting lockpick usage.

Edited by Gryz
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Ah, thank you very much! I'm glad it was such a simple fix. I was just going to make "attack only" versions of each class (I still might, so that player Thieves can steal), but this is definitely a better solution. So now I just set them to "Lockpick usable" and they'll steal from chests?

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Yeah, set AI1 = 0x00 and AI2 = 0x05 and the thief should attack units in range, loot, then escape providing escape points are set: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48914
Or if AI2 = 0x04, the thief will remain on the map and attack instead of escaping.

If you don't want to make separate thief classes for the player/enemy and don't mind completely removing the steal command from the AI:
At address 0385D9 change D0 to E0

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