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Melodic Does The Draw UPDATED 1/18/2017


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Small Mini-update in which I prove that I truly do still sometimes draw Fire Emblem things

[spoiler=Surprise] Yesterday I was like "I need some digital practice" so I asked my friend Jake to name any FE character and he said Ike so here I am, trying to color and asking myself if I actually remember how to color digitally.
Idk If I actually like the way this looks so maybe I'll just scrap it

A few minutes ago i was doodling instead of doing homework so Olivia happened and I feel like I should just start working on art homework at this point.


And that's all for this mini update!

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AAAAAS USUAL I have art to post so let's get on it

[spoiler=Art?]My hand was so fuckin borked from cutting out all of the dots and shit today and the blisters on my writing callouses threaten to pop every day.

idgaf about those last three bubbles i'll cut 'em out tomorrow when i've test printed this fucker

I also drew a bunch of stuff on a Skype call last night while i was celebrating my new headset and finALLY drew myself a picture I can use as my swanky new icon because that was what started this whole Sailor Shark silliness anyways.
I really like the way this looks uncolored, but I'll probably color it for the sake of practice!

EDIT (totally didn't see your response before I posted):

Ike and Olivia look really nice!

they'd look amazing when they finish up

and those sailor senshi drawings just look adorable!

Hearing that makes me feel a lot better about Ike in particular, since I wasn't sure if I liked the way he was turning out in terms of stylistic things as well as in terms of the way I was coloring. Thanks Tristi!
Edited by MelodicStarshowers
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Small update before I log off for the night.

[spoiler=I might be in another one of those art ruts where i have no desire to work on anything ]OujQf8I.jpg?1


That's all folks. Enjoy!

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Wow! An update!

[spoiler=tbh i've just ben hella lazy about updating] Alrighty here goes


Nearly completed Sailor Shark drawing that I'm working on on my phone

some late night doodles from the other day
gV5Yuhj.jpgaaaand a finished art project!

Happy holidays to everyone!

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Happy holidays to you, too :> Really loving that dragon road pic, btw! I love the perspective effect.

The project was 3 point perspective, making the curves and twists of the dragon something of a challenge to pull off, but I think that the added buildings of the city made the worm's-eye angle of it far more prominent for the viewer. If I had had more time/patience/larger rulers and more space on the table in the art room I feel as though I could have populated the dragon's back with more urban elements, but I'm not totally sure if that would have distracted from the fact that there was a city on what accidentally became the equivalent of Rayquaza.

What are your thoughts on all that? Like, if I were to decide to re-do this piece digitally(or just draw over the current one digitally because I'm sort of lazy), do you see the possibility of adding more buildings on as disrupting the balance of the composition or do you think doing so would allow more cohesiveness in terms of visuals?

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I'm not well-versed in good composition (so take the following with a grain of salt), but I don't see how adding more buildings would disrupt the balance; adding buildings on the upper parts where there are none would make it look more balanced, due to the more even distribution of buildings across the dragon's body.

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Thanks for the input!

[spoiler=Am I an artist]i got markers for my birthday





I tried my hand at splicing again for the first time in like... idk 6 months? Whenever the last time I posted sprite-y shit in here
I was going to add glasses but then Cero decided it needed more muscles

Sailor Shark's final form lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

[spoiler=anglerfish mermaid makes a surprising comeback]wowza


final line before i started attacking it with gouache


it looks weird rn b/c i'm still trying to build contrast in certain areas

and that has been your update

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Aaaaaaaaaand I'm back with some more art updates hot diggety dog
[spoiler=Mermaids and shit ahead]So I finished(?) the anglerfish ouo.


The amount of gouache I brought home with me this weekend is astounding.


Speaking of gouache, I'm switching mediums from colored pencil to mostly gouache/watercolor because colored pencil is not healthy on a piece this large.

On a less lame note, I was paging through a bunch of my old sketchbooks and found the first evidence of my current art style and something i drew yesterday!

My lines used to be ULTRA heavy duty. Also, noses didn't exist for this style two years ago.


I was procrastinating on working on my sf scribbles submission so I drew Olivia in paint.

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Looking rather good, thus far : > What made you decide to include noses in your style, btw?

I think that I ended up including noses in that art style due to forgetfulness actually! The original reasoning behind the particular stylistic choices of it was to be an intermediate between my 'usual' semi-realism style and my full on squishy faced chibis. However, over time I found it tedious to try and get the desired level of expression while drawing the more detailed eyes, so I began using less and less detail to accomplish that. Simultaneously, I began to forget that I was supposed to intentionally leave the noses out of the intermediate style. After a point, the two merged and I was happy because I could make hilariously expressive drawings with minimal effort on the eyes. Otherwise, I may have just decided somewhere along the way that the drawings looked a little janky without noses or this was around the time that I began drawing noses before drawing in the eyes.

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I see..I've gone through a similar sort of stylistic progression in my art. Your progression reminded me of how quite a few artists just have a very tiny shadow for the nose, whereas others such as you go for a shape closer to the real thing.

I was going to ask about how you'd stylize the lips, but then I remembered that you already draw them a lot more realistically-shaped than in typical animu.

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Lips actually tend to be something of a difficulty for me, particularly the upper lip. The issue I always end up having is that when I'm drawing the upper lip, if I try to give it more detail it looks like the person is always wearing lipstick, which is not usually what I'm aiming for. The only way I've found to remedy this is to only include the upper lip detail when I color but I color only a fraction of my drawings so I dunno.

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AAAAAAAAAAAAnd now for the moment you've all been waiting for (?), MORE ART!

[spoiler=Markers are my fave]I've been in a marker doodle mood for a while




My lobster husband, the greatest artistic achievement of my month

I hope you enjoyed, because I certainly did

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I was summoned by sounds of lobster and I am not disappointed. I really like how you drew his floofy hair. Makes me want to rustle it.

I also like the way you color a lot. The way the colors blend look really nice.

Thank you so much!

I've been putting off drawing Ryouma for a while, so this was definitely a lot of fun to draw and color!

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Seconding Thor; well-done! Having spoken of coloring, do you plan on doing digital color anytime soon?

I do color digitally from time to time, though it's very rare for me to finish a piece because I get easily frustrated with the way my lines look and then become annoyed with the lack of obvious voice in my digital work when compared to my traditional pieces. I am, however, currently working on a digital piece that I hope to finish in the next day or two, so I'm hopeful!

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AAAAAAAAAAAAnd now for the moment you've all been waiting for (?), MORE ART!

[spoiler=Markers are my fave]I've been in a marker doodle mood for a while




My lobster husband, the greatest artistic achievement of my month

I hope you enjoyed, because I certainly did


Peat and Marc look great!

especially love the shading for their hair for what you had

Sham looks especially great!

she looks as cute as Kao keeps mentiong

Edited by Trisitei
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OJ characters are a lot of fun to draw! I'm planning on doing more art of the many characters since the designs are pretty easy to translate into my own style and then color!

also yeah Kao knows whats up. i love sham so much she's so fun to draw and is a lot of fun to play as ouo

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Wow, great job! There's so much variety, so many different mediums and styles, that is really impressive that you can do so many different things, even prints!

I particularly like your pencil sketches, like the "because we are knights" one on the first page, and your "serpent staircase" painting.

Edited by XaosLogos
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