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your most loved game graphics?


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i think the mario galaxy games are the best looking games nintendo ever made so far, even better than 3d world, and legend of mana is the prettiest game on the playstation. what are yours? i think someone is going to mention okami (which doesn't really fit my taste) but they did a good job srill.

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oh i forgot to mention that

i still like galaxy better but that one forest with the big trees at night time and the bright white particles in the air was breathtaking in hd....forgot what that place is called |:

i always thought ww was the best looking zelda game and was confused at why people hated that look

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For sprite work. I think Symphony of the Night is my favorite.

For just graphical style, Sonic Generations captured all the eras of in a really glorious and beautiful way.

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oh i forgot to mention that

i still like galaxy better but that one forest with the big trees at night time and the bright white particles in the air was breathtaking in hd....forgot what that place is called |:

i always thought ww was the best looking zelda game and was confused at why people hated that look

Forest Haven.

Also, I'm going to give a shout out to Mario and Luigi Dream Team, and the Mario and Luigi series in general. That stuff is great.

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I love me some clean colorful graphics like Mario Galaxy but I'm a sucker for older stuff, GBA in particular. SNES too.

Edited by Dracocoa
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My favorite graphics must be from Bastion, coming on the list is Wind Waker (I can't understand how people don't like that style), Fallout 3 (Mostly the landscape), Starcraft I and Shadowrun: Returns.

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I love me some Wind Waker, but I'm going to toss a nod to the Professor Layton games. Even the first DS games still look great due to their gorgeous Ghibli-esque European art style and great sprite art. And the later 3D games do a spectacular job of appearing like a drawing come to life. When you turn off the 3D, you can hardly even tell the characters are not sprites, yet they have a lot of depth to them and finally have real animations.

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your thread name is wrong its a common problem

Graphics =/= Aestetics

The texture quality in 3d world is better then Galaxy

My favorite game graphic wise is probably witcher 2 and aestetic wise I dont really have one Dragon Age as a series I guess

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I like the way Xenoblade Chronicles X looks.

For me to like the 3D graphics as much as the story or gameplay it'd have to be at least Gamecube graphics or better.

For 2D, anything but the Atari. GBA graphics are pretty cool. SNES is pretty cool, but not as much as GBA. I checked out Final Fantasy on the NES so I could see how it looks compared to Dawn of Souls, it was extremely horrible. Other NES games are fine though. Mother 1 was ugly, but I ignored it and paid my attention to the story and characters, which is what truly matters in a game.

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I think it's Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

They manage to make the game look very futuristic, apocalyptic and overall grim and dark but at the very same time the environment also feels very alive in a strange way.

And then you get cool stuff like Ion Storms and exploding vehicles that leave permanent craters and it's parts fly in all direction and damage the environment, and ice that can break in, bridges can get destroyed, Tiberium takes over the map, the blue one can catch fire and the Tiberium Waste can even consume buildings, there meteor showers and heavy weapons can even reshape the ground itself. And all of that is just very nice looking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If we're talking on a more technical side then we'd be talking about The Witcher 3, Far Cry, Crysis and so on.

But since we're talking art, Metroid Prime's graphics are also timeless. I think Fire Emblem: Awakening and the upcoming FE game both have superb anime art. I'm currently playing Bravely Default, its art is phenomenal.

I know it's not out yet, but while we're on the topic of Wind Waker, wouldn't you say that the new Zelda game looks amazing? I certainly think so.


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