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What is the first video game you have played?


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I was about 4 and I was in a pawn shop with my dad where this lady handed me an N64 controller (which was way too big for my hands). She let me play Wave Race 64 for a couple of minutes while my dad was signing the paper to by it.

So Wave Race 64 was the first video game I can remember playing

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Super Mario Bros 3.

Not that I was playing it continuously all that time, but it took me at least 10 years to beat it. And I only beat it on my GBA. I'm pretty sure that the physics in the NES version make precise movement a little more difficult, so I'm not sure I could go back and beat the NES version. I'm not that great at video games.

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I've been playing video games for almost as long as I can remember, so I don't know what my first game was, but I suspect it was either Chucky Egg or Camelot on the BBC Acorn Electron. It ran on cassette tapes (which for the babies among you were like... little boxes with tape in? Ugh... like CDs, but box-shaped? Whatever, you have no excuse anyway; my parents still have some kicking around in their house somewhere, I'm sure yours do too ¬¬) I do remember the day when my cousins gave us their NES though, still with its box (which I still have to this day), and a load of games they didn't want any more. That's the console on which I actually learned how to play.

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Eh.... the very, very first Mario on the Nes, don't have much memory of that time, I was very, very young.
Then after that, Secret of Mana, Zelda III and Super Mario World, best games ever. That, however, I remember.

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BattleTanx for the N64 at about five or six. My dad had got one (with virtually every noteworthy game released on it: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Star Fox, Banjo-Kazooie, and so on) cheaply of somebody else whenever the Gamecube had released. I can still hear that main theme.

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Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash, Pokemon Leaf Green, Pokemon Emerald, and Mario Kart Super Circuit.

I was so good at Super Mario Sunshine when I was younger. I remember wandering around when Delfino Plaza floods after beating all Episode 7's.

I also remember the Star Wars reference.

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Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. on my uncle's NES. Not actually sure which one came first since I played both and it was a long time ago. I wasn't particular great with either, and I particularly remember never getting very far in SMB because I would run out of lives and have to restart at the beginning after only a couple levels. I wasn't allowed to play much, but I did enjoy it.

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Five bucks no ones ever heard of this

Army Men for the PC.

Litterally, a game about those little plastic toy soldiers made for children in a full scale war.

Interestingly enough, the game and its MANY sequels, potrayed death for an army man in a somewhat gross yet highly realistic(by toy standreds) fashion. This game WILL make you fear flamethrowers.

I played a PS1 version of Army of Men. It was a really fun game. Capture the Flag multplayer was great as was the stranger Capture the Bacon version.

My first game extends what is easy to remember but based on circumstance I'm reasonably sure it was either Super Mario All Stars or Super Mario World. I tend to say Super Mario All Stars whenever it's brought up.

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I think it was Mario Party 7. Either that or Sonic Advance. Then came a long line of Mario games.

Good times with both of those games, it's how my love for Nintendo sparked. Not sure what happened to Sonic though, I guess Mario just stuck better.

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Super Mario Kart. I technically played as Bowser before I ever played as Mario in a video game. Also, we got Super Mario World, Super Mario All-Stars, and a Link to the Past all at around the same time (I think. I don't have many memories of back then since I was about three years old, I just don't remember ever not having those games. I also can't remember ever not owning Donkey Kong Country, but the fact that it wasn't released until after my parents' divorce means I had to have).

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The very first video game that I've ever played is Pong/Tetris (forgot which came first...). Also, I had memories of playing Neo Geo games like Metal Slug, and played SNK-fighting games (Fatal Fury, Samurai Showdown, Art of Fighting, and King of Fighters 94-97) back when Arcade was a thing in the late 90s lol.

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Ah, I remember it as if it was like yesterday. The first game I played was Sonic The Hedgehog. No! Not the 2006 disaster. I'm talking about the masterful Sega Genesis game.


Oh, yeah! This one. I could start crying now. Those were the days...this is the most nostalgic game to me. I can never forget it.

I believe Doom was the first PC game I played. That shit was epic.

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