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Trying to Make a Knife Spell Animation


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So I'm attempting to make a knife spell animation and I've run into a problem. The animation looked fine when Jubal attacks the first time. But, when he attacks again, the knife looks glitchy. Here are images to show a comparison between the attacks.


So here's what I did to get this result:

1. First attempt to insert the knife animation over the ballista arrow spell animation in FEditor.

2. Then I used the spell association nightmare module to change the hero crest to have the knife animation (I was using the hero crest to try and weapon lock the knives to the thief class). I also changed the hero crest stats in the item editor so that it's a weapon now.

3. Tested the rom and I got the result. At first I thought that it was because I use the ballista arrow slot that could have caused it. I use 0x3E to insert the knife animation.

4. Next, I expanded the drop down list for the spell list so that I could select the knife animation when using the spell association module.

5. Tried to test the animation again...and got the same result. =/

So maybe it could be my script that's causing the issue?

Here's the script:

/// - Start Animation
O p- blank.PNG
B p- blankbg.PNG
O p- obj1.PNG
B p- blankbg.PNG
O p- obj2.PNG
B p- blankbg.PNG
O p- blank.PNG
B p- blankbg.PNG
/// - End Animation

I tried to follow the Ultimate tutorial to make the spell animation. This is my first attempt at making a spell animation, so I'm sorry in advance if I've made a noob mistake in making the animation. Let me know if I'm missing anything, or need to clarify on what I did to get this result. Thank you in advance. =)
Edited by OreoStyx
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