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Parental Bond is a really good idea for an ability


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Well, aside from how overpowered it makes Mega Kangaskhan.

One thing I really like about the idea behind it is that any action the mon makes targeting another gets repeated once more (even if at half power). I think this concept could be taken further with more abilities that do the same - perform another action whenever you attack with an offensive move.

One cool idea I've been contemplating right now is Mega Clefable that would follow up its attacks with an unpredictable Metronome. There's no reason to use it normally unless the player wants to dick around, but now it's suddenly a move that will be making difference in an endless number of ways. My imaginary Mega Clefable could randomly buff itself up, provide chip damage (and in specific jackpot events even strike somebody at their weakness) or even do some masochistic like use Belly Drum when low on HP or Explosion when up against a steel-type.

Not sure if something like this would be bannable by Smogon and the like, though! They don't like Moody after all.

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Well, aside from how overpowered it makes Mega Kangaskhan.

One thing I really like about the idea behind it is that any action the mon makes targeting another gets repeated once more (even if at half power). I think this concept could be taken further with more abilities that do the same - perform another action whenever you attack with an offensive move.

One cool idea I've been contemplating right now is Mega Clefable that would follow up its attacks with an unpredictable Metronome. There's no reason to use it normally unless the player wants to dick around, but now it's suddenly a move that will be making difference in an endless number of ways. My imaginary Mega Clefable could randomly buff itself up, provide chip damage (and in specific jackpot events even strike somebody at their weakness) or even do some masochistic like use Belly Drum when low on HP or Explosion when up against a steel-type.

Not sure if something like this would be bannable by Smogon and the like, though! They don't like Moody after all.

As a competetive Player I have a love hate relationship with parental bond A.its a really good abillity that only fits kanga and Kanga alone which I like alot but Kanga X and Y was hell she was banned quick enough for me to be happy parental bond was scary strong in OU in Uber its not as strong because Kanga isnt as strong

Smogon didnt ban parental bond they banned mega-kanga also Moody is seriously overpowered shit doe also the metronome Idea would work if metronome was so random you have a chance to get water spout on full health on the other side of things you have a chance of getting tackle

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Parental Bond is extremely broken and a PITA to deal with.

...unless you use skill swap Arcanine/Spinda. To get it on Arcanine.

Not so much in Uber but if you are talking about doubles I cant help I only play smogon singles

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In ubers quite easily

Arceus and Phys tanks even Lando-T can deal with it well in this tier especialy primal groudon mainly because the damage output needs to build up (usually power up punch) but if it fails to happen it weakens

There is a reason why Mega-Kanga is only rated B in ubers and not S+ like primal kyogre there are checks and ways to deal with it most notably you can Kill it before it Mega evolves with Pokes like M-Luc (who Is also B rank) she cant safetly switch in to many hardhitters and she is vastly inferior to another Normal type Arcus-N Ekiller>Parental Bond


Ubers viabillity rankings BTW also Im quite rusty as I dont play ubers alot and I usually play Mono and or RU/Other metas

Edited by Moishe Oofnik
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It seems that anything broken in singles is not so hot in doubles. I guess that's because the broken Pokemon in question can only (usually) attack one of the two enemies at a time, and his target can just use Protect to void it? idk I never got into doubles even though that's been around since gen 3.

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