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Lolwut? Luigi has three different recovery moves, two of which give him vertical recovery and the third being able to misfire him into a large horizontal distance AND he can up B after side B. It might not be the best recovery in the game, but it's definitely not mediocre or bad. Trust me, I'm a long time Luigi mainer.

Its highly predictable, its a meh recovery at best, side B is really easy to stop unless he gets a super missile.

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Lucimarth 1123 and 3123 for reasons PKL stated. Sometimes I go 1123 because shield breaker can be clutch.

Mario 2312. I find Fast Fireballs much better than default and Fire Orb. Gust Cape to push opponents away from the stage.

Shulk 1113. Power Counter can kill so early.

Sheik 2211. Penetrating Needles charge up way faster and does good shield damage. Gravity grenade can be pretty fun if you land it.

Palutena 2312. Super Speed and Lightweight make palutena so much fun to use. great combos and explosive flame for being unblockable last hit.

Mega Man 3323 and Toon Link 2131 for Reason stated by Jedi and PKL.

The rest of my Mains I stick to default. (ZSS, Sonic, Robin, Fox, Falcon, and Diddy)

I might try Thunder+ for Robin though. How is it?

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Palutena 2312. Super Speed and Lightweight make palutena so much fun to use. great combos and explosive flame for being unblockable last hit.

I'm always torn on whether to use Warp or Jump Glide for recovery. Why do you use warp over jump glide?
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I'm always torn on whether to use Warp or Jump Glide for recovery. Why do you use warp over jump glide?

Its mostly because I'm so used to warp that jump glide throws me off. I have SD a few times because of that lol. Can you cancel Jump Glide to do a attack?

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I'm always torn on whether to use Warp or Jump Glide for recovery. Why do you use warp over jump glide?

It might be that Warp has some flexibility in terms of where Palutena can go and the disappearing animation potentially causing mind games. Jump Glide heavily favors lateral recovery and doesn't have as much vertical recovery.

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Its highly predictable, its a meh recovery at best, side B is really easy to stop unless he gets a super missile.

Luigi is still usually able to get enough vertical recovery to get back to the stage anyway even after getting stopped a bit short using side B. Especially if the player didn't yet use his second jump. He's also rather floaty and this is Luigi we're talking about, so he's an excellent jumper.

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Nope. Stop arguing. Luigi's recovery sucks at the competitive level. In fact, against good players if they get you offstage far enough, you pretty much lost a stock unless you get a misfire.

Also, floaty doesn't mean he has a good horizontal air speed.

Edited by Knife
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Luigi is an excellent fighter, he just has a lackluster recovery. His jump is solid, he just has to really work for a recovery considering his 3 moves have to be used in near unison for a wild recovery.

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Nope. Stop arguing. Luigi's recovery sucks at the competitive level. In fact, against good players if they get you offstage far enough, you pretty much lost a stock unless you get a misfire.

Also, floaty doesn't mean he has a good horizontal air speed.

lol. Sorry, but I know I'm right because I've been able to pull off exactly what I said above. Like I said, I'm a long time Luigi mainer. I've studied the guy thoroughly.

And you're arguing too, you know. Arguments can't happen without at least two sides.

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I so would, but Knife is a lot more skilled than me. xP He'd so obviously obliterate me...

Don't give me that quitter talk. You get in there, and win that Luigi mirror! (Or battle-with-Luigi-involved)

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i haven't tried to learn the timing for this but it should be possible since his recovery is stupidly predictable. if luigi is far away then he basically has to side b which gets you spiked. or, you could air dodge and try to up b on the stage (if you're close enough lol) but most competent people should hit you since luigi swims in the air.

and if you disagree then we can test this.

i use crescent slash and iai counter with marcina. for falcon, i need to try out dashing punch, and use lightening kick (sometimes) and the up b with the hitbox that is slightly better distance-wise.

Edited by Comet
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I so would, but Knife is a lot more skilled than me. xP He'd so obviously obliterate me...

Yes, Knife is better than you. Part of the reason for this is that he knows match-ups and characters better, so you should quit trying to act like you know more than him just because it's a character you use.

Unhindered, Luigi's recovery can probably be called very good. But at higher levels, opponents won't just let you come back to the stage for free, and this is where Knife's points are coming from. Not just Knife, but also PKL and Jedi, tournament level players, are saying the same thing.

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Like I'll be the first to say, Luigi is a really strong character in this game, that recovery is one of his weaker aspects though.

(I tend to have issues vs Luigi players even), but once I get them off stage I feel relieved that I have some breathing room.

Edited by Jedi
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Yes, Knife is better than you. Part of the reason for this is that he knows match-ups and characters better, so you should quit trying to act like you know more than him just because it's a character you use.

Read my posts again. Luigi isn't just a character I use, he's a character I've mained for a very long time and studied throughout. Meanwhile, doesn't Knife main Link? I've played with him before, and he never used Luigi. Unless he decided to pick up Luigi later?

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Read my posts again. Luigi isn't just a character I use, he's a character I've mained for a very long time and studied throughout. Meanwhile, doesn't Knife main Link? I've played with him before, and he never used Luigi. Unless he decided to pick up Luigi later?

I mean

Gonna be straight with you here. There's kind of a discrepancy between the two sides here.

On the one side, you, Ana, are a Luigi main. You almost certainly have more knowledge of the character than the average person such as myself.

However, on the other side - ignoring everyone else - is PKL, who is not also a Luigi main / secondary (idr which), but regularly goes to tournaments and literally tops the Power Rankings in his region.

You'll forgive me if I'm inclined to view PKL's opinions as more qualified here.

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Read my posts again. Luigi isn't just a character I use, he's a character I've mained for a very long time and studied throughout. Meanwhile, doesn't Knife main Link? I've played with him before, and he never used Luigi. Unless he decided to pick up Luigi later?

Just because he doesn't use Luigi himself doesn't mean he isn't more knowledgeable about the match-up. Higher-level players know match-ups, it's how they get better, and as a result they will know more things even about characters they don't use than some less-skilled players who use the character all the time. And, again, it's not just Knife saying this, but also PKL and Jedi.

You're not the master of your precious Luigi. Accept it.

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I mean

Gonna be straight with you here. There's kind of a discrepancy between the two sides here.

On the one side, you, Ana, are a Luigi main. You almost certainly have more knowledge of the character than the average person such as myself.

However, on the other side - ignoring everyone else - is PKL, who is not also a Luigi main / secondary (idr which), but regularly goes to tournaments and literally tops the Power Rankings in his region.

You'll forgive me if I'm inclined to view PKL's opinions as more qualified here.

That makes no sense to me. How can a person who doesn't even use the character know more about said character than someone that actually HAS mained and studied said character for years?

You're not the master of your precious Luigi. Accept it.

I never said I was any "master" of Luigi. Only that I know enough to know that what I've been saying is not wrong.

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We study in combat, we study by experiencing mains outside our own. That and I use most characters in 4 in a more casual extent. When I face someone who has played a character I'm not familiar with, I become better with that character mentally because I learn how they work.

I'm not a Toon Link main for instance but after I faced PKL in a few matches, my overall understanding of Tink increased and I found I was overall more effective with him then before.

Ice Sage got better with Ike simply from facing mine, etc. Its how we learn. I've fought Luigi's and I understand his combos and capabilities, now I'm no Luigi master or main, but I have his fundamentals down.

We also tend to test various characters, and in terms of Luigi or any of the O12 I have vast knowledge since while I may not have been competitive till 4 I have been playing Smash since 64.

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That makes no sense to me. How can a person who doesn't even use the character know more about said character than someone that actually HAS mained and studied said character for years?

lmao I missed a word; what I said doesn't make nearly as much sense

should've been

However, on the other side - ignoring everyone else - is PKL, who is not only also a Luigi main / secondary (idr which), but regularly goes to tournaments and literally tops the Power Rankings in his region.

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So since DK's giant punch got nerfed to hell and back, what do you use as Dk's standard now?

I mix between his standard punch (even though it's far slower and weaker than brawl, with weaker range) and his lightning punch just because it takes very little time to charge up, even if it is only about half as strong as his standard punch

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