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Character names that you always pronounce wrong but don't care anymore?


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Wow, I thought I was the only one on the Aether thing. :o

As for J pronunciations, I don't think that's weird. Doesn't the Spanish language pronounce the J like a Y? That's where I got the idea to pronounce Kjelle the way I do.

No. In Spanish, the "J" sound is like a very hard english "H".

For an FE example, english speakers pronounce "Jorge" as "George", while the Spanish pronounciation is "Horr-Heh", but the "H" sound is a lot harder.

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No. In Spanish, the "J" sound is like a very hard english "H".

For an FE example, english speakers pronounce "Jorge" as "George", while the Spanish pronounciation is "Horr-Heh", but the "H" sound is a lot harder.

Not always. J in Spanish goes both ways depending.

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Not always. J in Spanish goes both ways depending.

No, J always sounds the same in words that are natively Spanish. If another sound is used, it's because the word derives from another language.

The G is the one that has different sounds (depending on which vowel they go with)

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No, J always sounds the same in words that are natively Spanish. If another sound is used, it's because the word derives from another language.

The G is the one that has different sounds (depending on which vowel they go with)

Not gonna argue with a native speaker. You are correct, its the G i was thinking of like ten minutes after i made the post. (and the accent tilde) Language is hard mode.

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I always pronounce Marcia [Mar-see-ah] instead of [Mar-sha] like most people tend to do, because she seems to be East-European (because of Makalov) and has the same ending like Elincia and Lucia.

Same here.

I also say Keh-jelle, and pronounce Cherche as it's spelled, Chur-chey.

I call Haar Darahan becase the german localisation has it that way, as his english name means hair in german :D

Also Mist's name means shit in german, so her name here is Alja.

OMG poor Mist.

Also on the Aether bandwagon. But so are the voice actors! Listen to the Ike voice clips in Brawl...

When I first got Sacred Stones I had no idea how to pronounce Ephriam. I'd never seen or heard the name anywhere before. So he was Ef-raim...

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oh btw I say Marcia as Mar-cee-yuh too

I say Kjelle as Keeyell.

oh and Ay-ther. I jump between that and Ee-ther sometimes though

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I say MAR-see-ah myself, but I have also seen the name said as Marsha too. However, I'm pretty sure the RD announcer voice says MAR-see-ah at some point, so FE Marcia is supposed to be the former.

And yeah, poor Mist. I hope the NoA localization team never had German on their minds... xP

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I feel like the kj in Kjelle might be a [ç] instead of your standard English /sh/, though I can't be certain. Also, I feel like the last e should probably be pronounced to distinguish it from the male name, but again, I don't really know. I don't speak any Scandinavian languages.

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I doubt anyone butchers L'Arachel's name worse than I do. I mentally pronounce it Lar-a-cull. Yeah.

Other ones I mess up (maybe):

Idoun as Id-oon

No clue if this is wrong or not but I pronounce Nergal as Nair-gal

Micaiah as Mi-cI-uh

Not even going to try to show my pronunciation for Dheginsea, it's wrong

Lon'qu as Lon-coo

I'm sure there are others.

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OMG poor Mist.

Some names are translated differently in the German version (Haar, Mist, Ulkie, Kieran and a few more)

Haar = Darahan, because haar is the German word of hair.

The German translation is lacking in some points:

For example the sonic sword in FE9 was mistranslated into the thunder sword, although it attacks with wind magic.

I was wondering for a long time, why it did effective damage to flying units, but not to dragons.

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I feel like the kj in Kjelle might be a [ç] instead of your standard English /sh/, though I can't be certain. Also, I feel like the last e should probably be pronounced to distinguish it from the male name, but again, I don't really know. I don't speak any Scandinavian languages.

ooo. That could be a thing...

Idoun is easy for me. Iðunn is where her name comes from and its (usually) pronounced "Ih-doon". (the ð sounds like a weird hybrid of a th sound and a d)

No clue if this is wrong or not but I pronounce Nergal as Nair-gal

heehee yeah thats a wee bit off. Hes named after a Mesopotamian god. Its pronounced how it looks. Ner-gal.

Now im curious on how you guys pronounce Fimbulvetr.

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I have always pronounced Caeda as Kay-dah, and always will since it sounds better to me

That's about it for the blatantly wrong pronunciations from me though ;p

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Now im curious on how you guys pronounce Fimbulvetr.

Flim-boo-turr...although I've never had the opportunity to say it. Mentally yeah...

Idoun = Id-ee-un

In the Lon-coo camp as well.

Deghinsea = Dehg-in-see. I know this is wrong, the RD narrator says dig-in-see-uh.

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ooo. That could be a thing...

Idoun is easy for me. Iðunn is where her name comes from and its (usually) pronounced "Ih-doon". (the ð sounds like a weird hybrid of a th sound and a d)

heehee yeah thats a wee bit off. Hes named after a Mesopotamian god. Its pronounced how it looks. Ner-gal.

Now im curious on how you guys pronounce Fimbulvetr.

Fihm-bolv-tur for me, though for years I kept thinking it was spelled Fimbultver D;

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I have noticed that the pronunciation of characters is inconsistent in the German version.

Soren will be pronounced differently by Mia in the cutscene after 3-2 and by the narrator in 4-1.

Unfortuantely I can't use the signs of the English phonetic spelling.

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I have always pronounced Caeda as Kay-dah, and always will since it sounds better to me

That's about it for the blatantly wrong pronunciations from me though ;p

I call her Sheeda cuz i hated that localization.

Flim-boo-turr...although I've never had the opportunity to say it. Mentally yeah...

Idoun = Id-ee-un

In the Lon-coo camp as well.

Deghinsea = Dehg-in-see. I know this is wrong, the RD narrator says dig-in-see-uh.

Whoa there...Heres how we do Fimbulvetr. Fimbull-veter. Its pretty easy. (means Mighty Winter (or three year winter prelude to Ragnarok)

I call him "Long-koo" /shrug

Deghinsea...the Narrator and I have always been on the same page and i felt really special. lol

Fihm-bolv-tur for me, though for years I kept thinking it was spelled Fimbultver D;

you are real close!

Its Leonardo's bow Lughnasadh that really fucks me up. Like its literally pronounced "Loo-nah-saw" or some shiz but i keep pronouncing the DH.

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I'd been pronouncing Kjelle as Kuh-jell, but the Shell thing will help a lot.

L'Arachel was Lar-chell. I actually didn't even notice the a after the r until this topic.

Caeda is still Sheeda, because I'm too used to it.

Cherche has been cher-chi.

And Lon'qu. One day I was talking to one of my friends who's also a big FE fan, and as a joke I decided to call him Lonk, and it just sort of stuck. So now we both refer to him as Lonk just as much as, if not more than, his actual name.

I know there are others I have no idea how to pronounce, but not that I can remember right now.

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Aether is odd for me. I go back and forth between ay-ther and ee-ther or I find this weird sort of thing that's somewhere between the two.

L'Arachel is a fun one, eh? I go with luh-Rachel.

Lughnasadh just frustrates me when I look at it. It's like a puzzle that I just can't solve.

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Thracia I always mispronounce.

Not a character name but still.


And of course.

"La Rachel."

I had a history professor from Bulgaria (which is basically modern real world Thracia), and he pronounced Thracian as "Thrayshun", so I think you might actually be right about that one. I say thray-see-uh, though.

For Caeda, I flip-flop between seeduh and kayduh. Seeduh was probably the intended pronunciation, but kayduh is a little more intuitive, and technically more Latin-accurate. So I kind of view both as being right.

I've always pronounced Kjelle like k-yell, and this "shell" business is shocking to me. How does that even work?

I pronounce Archanea like arr-KAY-nee-uh, basing my pronunciation off of words like archaic. But I once heard someone pronounce it "ar-chin-AY-uh", and while I'm pretty sure that's wrong, it makes me doubt my own pronunciation as well. I think it might actually be "ar-kin-AY-uh"

The way I say Rausten rhymes with cow...sten... But I guess a lot of people say raw-sten. I just see the spelling and think Faust, though

Hmmm, what else...

Is Elibe "el-ih-bay"? 'Cause that's what I say.

Edit: Oops, most of those aren't characters. Oh well

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German native speakers tend to stress the second syllable of names that are unfamiliar to them at times. MI-dir becomes mi-DIR, HOL-yn becomes ho-LYN and OI-faye becomes oi-FAYE.

Happens to me in just about every FE game I've played.

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