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Hi everybody, I'm Joe and I've been a lurker around here for ages. As my profile says my current favorite game is Genealogy of the Holy War.

Started the series with Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn and then played some of the older games after that.

For FE I follow the use and drop strategy; use a character until they are too weak *cough*Sumia*cough* and then using them as meatshields (Classic mode is best mode).

About me outside of FE and the interwebs

-Big fan of strategy games (always willing to suggest something if you get stuck)

-Big fan of the Fate series

-Play some MMO's and generally play mage or support

-Love animals (except spiders which are uber-creepy)

-Currently a Junior in Highschool and suffering through the IB program (AP on hard classic)

Super hyped for FE:If and hope to get to know you guys over the next here while


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Welcome I hear you on FE 4 its truly unique.

I gotta say your meat shield tactics are interesting a good way to slim down your army, I imagine you don't care about your ranking then. Shadow Dragon should be your favourite by that logic

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DISCLAIMER:All tacitcal data here based off of the latest game; Fire Emblem Awakening

I really dont care too much for units with low potential/long term viability (roy erika sumia report to the front). I really dont care about ranking because while some people try to salvage units that aren't worth it (say'ri and any other late recruits) i try to create the "best" force possible. By best i mean most useful in any potential map. For desert encounters i keep a company of mages fliers and foot. For plains maps horse fliers and foot. Snipers have low use excepting class exclusive bows and I rarely use most foot classes. Always have a strong core group of Main Unit (avatar if applicable) and a mix of high mov units (Cavaliers, Great Knights, Falcon Knights, (Maybe Dark Fliers) and Dark Knights) and more balanced units (Mercs Swordmasters and Mages). Dark magic while interesting has lost some of its utility and is a loss in terms of rapid map clearing or reinforcment avoidance.

Personally i want a return of the magic triangle, light magic units,and more flying classes

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Awakening tactical discussion is in the Awakening subforum, roughly thataway. I'm surprised you don't have a staffbot or three in your list, since they're great for cutting down turns (unless you're the type that promotes one of Lissa/Maribelle and reclasses them to Falcoknight in the future).

Anyway, welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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