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Men Are'nt allowed to hit women but women man. wot

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I'm pretty sure real feminists don't condone violence regardless of who or what the transgressor and victim are (a woman shouldn't hit a man, nor should a man hit a woman; no one should hit anyone)

These are just the radicals, who exist in all groups.

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Didn't watch the video but Brendor is correct. Let's be real, there are plenty of groups that exist in the real world that condone violence from men toward women (and almost require it, it seems.)

Also a bit off-topic but the title of this thread is probably my favorite thing ever

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Didn't watch the video but Brendor is correct. Let's be real, there are plenty of groups that exist in the real world that condone violence from men toward women (and almost require it, it seems.)

Also a bit off-topic but the title of this thread is probably my favorite thing ever

I just realized I posted this in series discussion instead of FFTF it was soppused to be a youtube poop thread can a mod move it plz?

Edited by Moishe Oofnik
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I just realized I posted this in series discussion instead of FFTF it was soppused to be a youtube poop thread can a mod move it plz?

i was about to quietly kill it for being a bad serious discussion thread too, lol

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of course they exist, you'd be silly to think they didn't

they're not as common as the anti-feminist brigade would lead you to believe, lol

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This reminds me of the time I heard from a friend who worked at GameStop that a mom wouldn't let her son get Smash Bros. because he's "not allowed to play games where you can hit girls."

I facepalmed.

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Radical feminists aren't even liked by actual feminists lol

Like, compare PETA and the RSPCA, I guess.

(I'm kinda leery of clicking the OP's video so prepare your 'nice meltdown/effort post's in advance when it turns out to be a FIFA 15 montage)

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but - what determines if you're an actual feminist!?

what if the radical feminists think they're actual feminists!?


what if actual feminists think they're radical feminists who think they're actual feminists


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what if actual feminists think they're radical feminists who think they're actual feminists


what if the feminists - were the mras...

and the mras were mirrors?


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i think inclusion of the radicals in the general group is a useless statement though, since it broadens the definition of the group way too far

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