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Any Strategy for the four Archanea saga episodes?

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Title. Honestly, the episodes are on Thracia levels of bullshit. Enemies are everywhere on the 1st one, I haven't played the 2nd one very much so I don't really know, the chests are guarding by knights on the 3rd one (and your units aren't going to be hurting them very much unless they're name is Dice), and it's a damn hassle to keep Camus or Nyna alive on the 4th one.

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I haven't done the fourth. For the first, put Dilph and Macellan as a wall in the treasure room near the middle and snipe/heal with Boah and Nyna. The second, go slowly, gang up on the enemies as they approach, then bait and gang. The third, just get enough money to get Maris/Dice then rescue Rickard, get the armorslayer if you have time (I'm pretty sure it's doable without) then leave the other chests and Levin sword your way out. I'm assuming that this is the FE12 version.

Edited by momogeek2141
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4th one: can simply have Belf and Leiden hold a choke vs the Cavs first without equipping anything, while Camus and Robert take on the Bandits. Eventually Camus takes a pseudo-choke, probably also wants a Steel Sword since ORKOing the Pallies can lead to death. You can IIRC afford to burn the Gradivus for healing since that's what makes it a clutch weapon :]

Edited by Gradivus.
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I turtle all through the first 1 about 30+ turns. The next one which is hardin Minerva I believe its best to use boosters and levels on Minerva and Hardin as they are MVPs and est and palla are too weak. Those are the two ive at least played the others I know that warping is essential and Nina boots are good too.

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