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KelssFE (working title)


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I could start beta-testing right now, but if I did that then you'd only get a mission select and no actual missions to play (only fragmented bits of each). Patience~

That being said, testing probably /is/ going to start next week at the latest. Ever since Ghast went emo and closed the Bloodlines thread (qq), it's full speed ahead.

Thanks, all!

TLP beats KlsFE in terms of length and actually being finished, MS beats it in terms of likeable characters, and EN beats it in terms of story coherence. Also, I know that "Elibean" is the correct spelling, but I can't help but read it as "Eli-bean", like Eliwood decided to name his son after baked beans after an FE7 playthrough where the player didn't make a tactician, therefore having nobody to ask to name Roy... but I digress.

If my project ever would be compared to the likes of those in the future, though... that'd be pretty glorious.

I seem to recall hearing some news story about any depiction of time travel being illegal in China. Could be a sign of what's to come once time travel is invented?

Think he was referring to [1] breaking and entering and [2] hacking my mainframe, though[/qstuff

Welcome to the purge. All crimes are legal for 24 hours. I'm gonna steal all of your stuff

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Welcome to the purge. All crimes are legal for 24 hours. I'm gonna steal all of your stuff

But weapоns, magic, and staves can't be stolen!

See, FE projects are weapоns of mass hype so this applies.

I'm probably not going to post another big update for a while now, but here's something fun:


"Pics or it didn't happen!"

A screenshot of some characters before and after several months of tweaks, polishes, and design changes (Nov 2014 to now). Some are quite different, but others... not so much.

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But weapоns, magic, and staves can't be stolen!

See, FE projects are weapоns of mass hype so this applies.

I'm probably not going to post another big update for a while now, but here's something fun:


"Pics or it didn't happen!"

A screenshot of some characters before and after several months of tweaks, polishes, and design changes (Nov 2014 to now). Some are quite different, but others... not so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

But weapоns, magic, and staves can't be stolen!

See, FE projects are weapоns of mass hype so this applies.

I'm probably not going to post another big update for a while now, but here's something fun:


"Pics or it didn't happen!"

A screenshot of some characters before and after several months of tweaks, polishes, and design changes (Nov 2014 to now). Some are quite different, but others... not so much.

...I missed this.


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Someone get Nintenlord's utilities out of here

So, I don't want to sound like I'm rushing, how's the hack progressing so far?

It's going well; I've spent the last several days tackling sprites (map and battle) that still need to be done. I was going to take a page out of Ghast's book and post teasers in the form of screenshots that have the sprites blackened out, but it's kind of way too easy to tell what they are, so I'm hoping to show off several of them during the next modder's digest instead!

Beta testing will start Soon™.

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It's going well; I've spent the last several days tackling sprites (map and battle) that still need to be done. I was going to take a page out of Ghast's book and post teasers in the form of screenshots that have the sprites blackened out, but it's kind of way too easy to tell what they are, so I'm hoping to show off several of them during the next modder's digest instead!

Beta testing will start Soon™.

Sweet, sounds cool. Can't wait to see the sprites!

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I guess I can post something, actually. Nothing new, but something.


Myrm vs fighter will never be the same. / Hnnnnng Yannick why

Edited by Alusq
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The 10% hit thing is just the weapon triangle. I was showing off how it doesn't affect might anymore. ^ш^

You are right in guessing at weapon type shenanigans, however~

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Actually, you'll probably find that the game is far more difficult with a less potent weapon triangle, as demonstrated by Radiant Dawn Hard Mode and, uh, FE5.


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"How can I deepen the strategy?"

"I know! I'll make the weapon triangle almost entirely useless!"


you need to stop posting irrelevant, unfunny jokes in people's threads.

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"How can I deepen the strategy?"

"I know! I'll make the weapon triangle almost entirely useless!"

Rock paper scissors is deep?

I never, ever said that making the weapon triangle less important makes the game deeper. What it does do is not make anything that doesn't have a WT advantage entirely useless in earlygame, and earlygame is what the first demo will be comprised entirely of.

Also, the WT generally does make things easier for the player, ya know, because the enemies are stuck with the weapons they have and can't trade or acquire new ones. I've gotten a lot of whining for tampering with the weapon triangle (which is overpowered in GBAFE's earlygame to teach the player) and I'm sure as hell not changing it back for you of all people. I said that myrm vs fighter won't be the same because the WT is now much less of a magic key to winning the game easily.

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Rock paper scissors is deep?

I never, ever said that making the weapon triangle less important makes the game deeper. What it does do is not make anything that doesn't have a WT advantage entirely useless in earlygame, and earlygame is what the first demo will be comprised entirely of.

Also, the WT generally does make things easier for the player, ya know, because the enemies are stuck with the weapons they have and can't trade or acquire new ones. I've gotten a lot of whining for tampering with the weapon triangle (which is overpowered in GBAFE's earlygame to teach the player) and I'm sure as hell not changing it back for you of all people. I said that myrm vs fighter won't be the same because the WT is now much less of a magic key to winning the game easily.

The real problem with the weapon triangle is that the enemies aren't smart enough to use it properly and they usually fall under the WTD compared to the WTA. That being said, if you equalized for this (Enemies do target your units down to WTD if they have the opportunity) and made the WTD -20% hitrate and WTA +20% hitrate, this would make more sense. 10% hitrate is nothing. It's 90% to 80%. It's only good really for taking a 90% chance of hitting to a 100% chance.

Actually, you'll probably find that the game is far more difficult with a less potent weapon triangle, as demonstrated by Radiant Dawn Hard Mode and, uh, FE5.


This is actually a good point though. Like I said, the player is generally smarter than the enemy and has WTA about 70% of the time, and they can easily manipulate that to 80-90% if they plan ahead. So in theory, WTD usually just affects the enemy. I guess random reinforcement weapon types for the enemy might nullify this, but then that could also be seen as a little luck based.

Ah, heck. Maybe it is for the better. But if that's the case, why not just remove it entirely? Let weapon types stand on their own. Axes are inaccurate but strong, swords are accurate but weak, and lances are a balance of both. Without WTA/WTD, it makes the weapon types more important based on their stats, strengths, and weaknesses. The problem is that by removing the MT bonus/weakness, now the WTA/WTD only adversely effects axes, since another 10% hitrate loss hurts them more than it could ever hurt swords. Likewise, -1 MT hurt swords and a combination of -15% hit and -1 MT made lances hurt a bit too. If you remove just the MT, this biases it against just axes, and I guess that's where my big issue comes from.

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The real problem with the weapon triangle is that the enemies aren't smart enough to use it properly and they usually fall under the WTD compared to the WTA.

Like I said, the player is generally smarter than the enemy and has WTA about 70% of the time, and they can easily manipulate that to 80-90% if they plan ahead. So in theory, WTD usually just affects the enemy. I guess random reinforcement weapon types for the enemy might nullify this, but then that could also be seen as a little luck based.

This is my point in reducing the weapon triangle: it almost always gives the player a major advantage over the enemy and not the other way. Oh no, I'm removing depth by having myrmidons who can't dodge-tank almost everything in earlygame! Fighters can actually hit things: the horror! Giving enemies multiple weapon types is something I've thought of, but last iteration of the project everyone complained that more classes had more access to multiple weapon types at tier one so I'm doing the opposite this time. It probably will still happen in midgame where promoted units start appearing.

Of course, I'm also making this change because I want to make a game around it (and that's the primary "defense" for most of my game design philosophy). I don't want to make a game around a difference of 2 might and 30% hit between player and enemy. I am tweaking the accuracy of weapons already. I do appreciate you bringing up your issues because usually the only ones wielding axes in early- to midgame are derpy bandits who have all strength and nothing else. I once thought of making the weapon triangle so WTD is minus hit and WTA is nothing so everyone is more inaccurate in general, but I didn't go through with it.

At least I didn't try to make the triangle give crit%, amiright? That was an idea at one point until I scrapped it because lolno

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10% hitrate is nothing. It's 90% to 80%. It's only good really for taking a 90% chance of hitting to a 100% chance.

10 hit isn't nothing. going from 90 hit to 80 hit multiplies your chance of missing by around a factor of 6 to my recollection.

i don't really get why he took out the 1 MT modification, though.

Edited by dondon151
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One might is a lot in earlygame where almost all of your attacks are less than ten to begin with. I wanted the weapon triangle to be less hugely important in my fake Fire Emblem game but still exist, and this is how I'm doing it.

I seem to remember there being a patch for FE7 that changed its two-RNG system to a one-RNG system. Honestly, I might use that if I find it.

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I seem to remember there being a patch for FE7 that changed its two-RNG system to a one-RNG system. Honestly, I might use that if I find it.

please don't

reverting FE back to a 1-RN system is literally the worst idea possible

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