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Possible Character Name Changes in the NA Versions?


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Marx to Mars seems like an interesting route.

. . .and it would be really neat, given the roots of FE.

I suppose Kamui could also be renamed to something like Jordan. . .but that doesn't sound fitting for someone who's from Hoshido. Now if something like Ken could pass for a girl, or Ann for a boy. . .

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I'd say expect changes. Localization =/= Direct Translation

Oh i expect changes but some of the ideas on this topic seem to be hmm.. whats close to the name we have and then just change it slightly to a more common name. I totally expect some names to change but i expect them to still be meaningful to the characters when changed.

Though I'm not sure if the Hoshido route will change the names i don't know many other jrpgs but the more recent ones (persona) seem to me to keep Japanese names if they are based in japan, Pokemon not doing this i get cause its for younger kids and for the name puns. (And its older and the two new recent Gens where out of japan) But Hoshido i see keeping the names, though i could be wrong of course.

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Are you being ironic or sarcastic or did you just call Karl Marx a very evil person?

I was being ironic. I was kinda making fun of Americans, who like to call any political figure they don't agree with a communist, even though they're far from it. And you know, Communism kinda clashes with their idea of a free market, and that's just "Unamerican", so of course it's "evil" to them.

What about Japanese isn't stereotypically Asian? While in general 'Chinese' might be the first thing that comes to the average American's mind when they think Asian, that isn't really the case with games made in Japan. Lon'qu/Say'ri/Yen'fay were made with some other language in mind (I'd say Chinese but the katakana versions of their names are iffy), but the Hoshidans' names and the overall Hoshido aesthetic are clearly based on Japan.

You assume everyone playing this game is all into Japanese culture, but I've often heard people call anime "Chinese".

Well, I guess it's just stupid of me to think that they'll change the names of half of the cast, just to meet Asian stereotypes. They can keep their names, especially because their romanization would be clear. With non-Japanese names, it isn't always that. Just look at the 43788 variations fan translations came up with for the likes of Celice, Lachesis, etc. So on second thought, they'll probably only change a few Nohr names because they'd be outta place, because they're just random English words like "Inverse" or something.

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You assume everyone playing this game is all into Japanese culture, but I've often heard people call anime "Chinese".

Well, I guess it's just stupid of me to think that they'll change the names of half of the cast, just to meet Asian stereotypes. They can keep their names, especially because their romanization would be clear. With non-Japanese names, it isn't always that. Just look at the 43788 variations fan translations came up with for the likes of Celice, Lachesis, etc. So on second thought, they'll probably only change a few Nohr names because they'd be outta place, because they're just random English words like "Inverse" or something.

People who are ignorant enough to call anime Chinese will not even notice the difference between a Chinese sounding name and a Japanese sounding name, so that point is irrelevant. And even if they do, there's no reason they would be upset about it.

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There definitely will be some. There always is the one token name change.

In awakening there were some that I liked better and some that I didn't like as much, but that's how it always is with translations.

Seriously, though, who in NOA looked at Panne and said "You know what, I think her name, which means 'soft fur' makes too much sense. Let's change it to a word that means 'bread.'"



A special finish for velvet and satin that produces a high luster.
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In my estimation Marx might be changed to Marks due to the fact that Marx is more commonly a last name than a given name, The Norh names are probably likely to sick around while the Hosindo names are up in the air.

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There definitely will be some. There always is the one token name change.

In awakening there were some that I liked better and some that I didn't like as much, but that's how it always is with translations.

Seriously, though, who in NOA looked at Panne and said "You know what, I think her name, which means 'soft fur' makes too much sense. Let's change it to a word that means 'bread.'"

As many have pointed out already, Panne is a type of Velvet. The same similar change is seen in Chambray (a fabric) and Yarn(e).

I just hope that they'll be happy with the original names and try not to change anything. Unless there's one character who they feel could have a better localized name (aside from the Hoshidan characters, cause that'd be ridiculous), then they can change it. The current names aren't terrible, so there isn't much need to have them changed at all (then again, they changed Azure to Inigo, so I guess if the name doesn't sound typical, they'll change it regardless).

Azure was changed to Inigo due to one of the jewels of the Fire Emblem also being called Azure. The name still holds the same meaning as Inigo is close to Indigo, another shade of blue.

They should just 4Kids it. "Cammy must choose between long-lost brother Ryan and adoptive brother Max. Along the way, Cammy is joined by close allies Hannah, Tyler, Cassandra, Sally, Taquito, and many others as they fight against the evil King Gary."

Pls no I won't know whether to laugh or rage.

Honestly, I hope there aren't many changes to the names of the siblings as I've grown accustomed to them and really like the themes say seem to be going with. I also think the Hoshido names shouldn't be changed as Hoshido is based on Japan and they have Japanese names so I don't really `see how changing them would be conducive to anything. The Nohr names also seem quite Western so I don't really see a need to change them either.

I think the names most likely to be changed are Kamui and Aqua. The translation team probably want a main character that their respective audiences can relate to w/o a knowledge of Japanes culture. Finding a fitting gender-neutral name though will be difficult. Maybe Kam/Cam...? As for Aqua. I think the translation team will reverse her like she did Kamui. Instead of an English/Latin name for a Japanese audience, it'll be a Japanese name for western audiences. Something water related like Nami or Mizu+suffix. They could even go Kairi to keep the Kingdom Hearts theme going.

That being said, I was quite pleased with the names in Awakening and think the development team has the ability to change the names and still keep the intended meaning as seen in the beginning names along with Tiamo-Cordelia.

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Pls no I won't know whether to laugh or rage.

Honestly, I hope there aren't many changes to the names of the siblings as I've grown accustomed to them and really like the themes say seem to be going with. I also think the Hoshido names shouldn't be changed as Hoshido is based on Japan and they have Japanese names so I don't really `see how changing them would be conducive to anything. The Nohr names also seem quite Western so I don't really see a need to change them either.

I think the names most likely to be changed are Kamui and Aqua. The translation team probably want a main character that their respective audiences can relate to w/o a knowledge of Japanes culture. Finding a fitting gender-neutral name though will be difficult. Maybe Kam/Cam...? As for Aqua. I think the translation team will reverse her like she did Kamui. Instead of an English/Latin name for a Japanese audience, it'll be a Japanese name for western audiences. Something water related like Nami or Mizu+suffix. They could even go Kairi to keep the Kingdom Hearts theme going.

That being said, I was quite pleased with the names in Awakening and think the development team has the ability to change the names and still keep the intended meaning as seen in the beginning names along with Tiamo-Cordelia.

Same here, I'm too used to their current names now. :x

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Marx to Mars seems like an interesting route.

I wonder if Maximus would be a good name for Marx. He could be called "Max" as a nickname by his siblings, say Elize or Camilla.

Also, what about Leon? I think Leonidas would be a very royal sounding name.

Edited by Leif
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope they keep almost every name the same, especially for the Hoshidan. I want their Japanese name remained.

And if they change Marx's name into something else I'm gonna rage!

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I think Ares would be a good name for Marx! As in Ares, greek god of war?

It suits Marx according to me. And it sounds more like a name than Mars.

I've also been thinking they'd probably change Joker to Jack or Ace (maybe Knave) or something, since those names actually do keep in with the 'playing cards' theme.

Felicia -> Felicity?

and maybe

Elise -> Elizabeth

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I've also been thinking they'd probably change Joker to Jack or Ace (maybe Knave) or something, since those names actually do keep in with the 'playing cards' theme.

Ooh those are good ones. Personally hope it's Ace. I think Joker is the only name so far that would need to be changed.

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I think Marx might be changed to Marcus, considering Karl Marx' name is transcribed as "マルクス" and not "マークス" like the Nohrian prince. Of course, I don't know enough Japanese to discuss these things, but I thought his name at first was Marcus and not Marx.

Then again, they might just go with the communist motif so Marx makes more sense.

And if there are any names I WANT them to change, it's Joker. I won't be able to take that character seriously otherwise; I really dislike that name.

Edited by Thane
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I just hope the inevitable changes aren't to gratuitous. With Awakening, they seemed to be a bit too trigger happy with it (especially in with the Legacy characters). I heard a suggestion a while back that they could change Kamui to "Kelsey", which isn't bad. A bit modern, but still gender neutral like Robin was.

They might change Nyx's name. I get a real "Velvet/Chambray" vibe from it.

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I just hope the inevitable changes aren't to gratuitous. With Awakening, they seemed to be a bit too trigger happy with it (especially in with the Legacy characters). I heard a suggestion a while back that they could change Kamui to "Kelsey", which isn't bad. A bit modern, but still gender neutral like Robin was.

They might change Nyx's name. I get a real "Velvet/Chambray" vibe from it.

Oh god I hope not. Reflet-->Robin was fine since it was changing a made-up western name to a legitimate one that actual westerners could get behind, but Kamui having a Hoshidan (Japanese) name is relevant to the plot. Changing it to Kelsey (or any other Western name) would feel like one of those "What if 4kids dubbed ___?" jokes.

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Just a question about Marx, why does the fandom call him Marx if his japanese name is "マクス", witch would rather translate to "Max" ?

"Marx" would rather be "マルクス" ?

I personnaly prefere Marx, but, you know, just wondering.

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You do know that there's already a Marcus in FE, right? As in, this guy?

Yes. I also know Fire Emblem is a series with plenty of characters in each installment, and reusing names wouldn't be strange at all. However, like I said, people far better than I at Japanese have transcribed it "Marx", so I'm most likely in the wrong; I just explained my first thoughts and why I thought that way.

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Just a question about Marx, why does the fandom call him Marx if his japanese name is "マクス", witch would rather translate to "Max" ?

"Marx" would rather be "マルクス" ?

I personnaly prefere Marx, but, you know, just wondering.

Because his name is マークス, not マクス.

Max would be transliterated as マックス.

The Marcus that already exists in Fire Emblem was マーカス.

You're right that the transliteration of Marx as it applies to Karl Marx is not exactly the same as the name of the Nohrian guy, but マークス doesn't seem to exactly correspond to any known names in real life, and out of the possibilities Marx is just the most likely (considering how Japanese transliterating conventions usually work)

I think Ares would be a good name for Marx! As in Ares, greek god of war?

It suits Marx according to me. And it sounds more like a name than Mars.

I've also been thinking they'd probably change Joker to Jack or Ace (maybe Knave) or something, since those names actually do keep in with the 'playing cards' theme.

Felicia -> Felicity?

and maybe

Elise -> Elizabeth

I'd also be okay with Jack or Ace as a localized name for Joker, but only if the initial intent behind his name was literally just "let's just give him a random name that has to do with playing cards lulz". For all we know there might be some other reasoning behind the name that wouldn't be well conveyed by the other two. I agree that it's probably likely to be changed though.

Why would Felicia or Elise need to be changed? They're perfectly fine and don't necessarily sound too "boring" (like Brad and Kevin supposedly did in Tellius) for Western audiences.

Also Ares was already used as the localized name for a character in FE4.

Edited by Bovinian
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Because his name is マークス, not マクス.

Max would be transliterated as マックス.

The Marcus that already exists in Fire Emblem was マーカス.

You're right that the transliteration of Marx as it applies to Karl Marx is not exactly the same as the name of the Nohrian guy, but マークス doesn't seem to exactly correspond to any known names in real life, and out of the possibilities Marx is just the most likely (considering how Japanese transliterating conventions usually work)

Okay :) Thank you for the clarification !

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On the topic of transliterations, is Elise usually transliterated to Japanese as "E-ri-i-ze" (too lazy to copy the kana)? Elise is usually pronounced "el-lease", not "eh-lee-zay".

Edited by SamusAran
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