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I hope Hinoka doesn't have a cup angst all over again...

EDIT: I realize they probably just hate each other because, but I will rage if that's what some of her supports are about.

Looks more like height angst in this case, given their eye levels.

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Kozaki released a photo of Hinoka and Camilla on twitter a few hours ago. Thought this would be the thread where to share it:


It's a count down to release - if Kozaki does it like how it should be, you'll get a new pic every day until release!

Looks like Camilla's quite a bit taller than Hinoka. Not even heels would explain the height difference!

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Actually that's his undershirt thing... whatever it is.

This one could go either way. It's about the same color as his undershirt, and I suppose it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to wear gloves underneath/sewn onto the metal gauntlets. However, the palms tend to be one of the lighter parts of the body, and that's an insane amount of detail on his palms for cloth gloves!

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Someone should make a thread asking if Lilith is romanceable.

No. I think there's enough spam about this game, and it's not even out yet.

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this ain't what the lord intented

oh lawd no

But seriously, I kind of doubt it. This is a cute little salamander we're talking about, they won't stoop low enough to let you romance something that's not even close to human. I'd definitely have it as a long term team mate if we can actually recruit it though.

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This guy was on the FE:if website. His design looks pretty cool actually (I guess he's a Knight, but I don't speak Japanese)

Edited by Fantasia
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This guy was on the FE:if website. His design looks pretty cool actually (I guess he's a Knight, but I don't speak Japanese)

Done and done! He's Benoit, and his bio's already been translated!

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Looks more like height angst in this case, given their eye levels.

Looks like Camilla's quite a bit taller than Hinoka. Not even heels would explain the height difference!

IMO the height gap is explainable by Camilla's canon heels. They're...quite the high heels. Also a Nohr thing, for some reason.


looks like that pretty much covers most of the height difference there. She's prolly still a little taller after factoring the heels boost, but it's not as drastic.

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So turns out Camilla decided her whole outfit to make a jab at Hinoka's Napoleon complex, A cup angst and other complexes. And people thought it had no plot relevance

This is more about class than character, but I like what we see of Luna's clothes. Hopefully standard Mercenary (or whatever her class is) armor is similar.

Crimson looks nice, even with those Vaida vibes. Belka looks more like a thief than Wyvern Rider to me though.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the guy (I can't tell if it's supposed to be a generic enemy or a playable character) Hinoka is soliciting talking to around 4:38 in the 'My Castle' video.

I mean, I'm pleased that it's not only the female characters getting the ridiculously impracical designs, but they seem to have gone a bit overboard. Are we so short on resources that our armies need to go into battle half-dressed?

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the guy (I can't tell if it's supposed to be a generic enemy or a playable character) Hinoka is soliciting talking to around 4:38 in the 'My Castle' video.

I mean, I'm pleased that it's not only the female characters getting the ridiculously impracical designs, but they seem to have gone a bit overboard. Are we so short on resources that our armies need to go into battle half-dressed?

I posted that in the Classes thread and he seems to be a generic spellcaster. There's a shadow over his eyes, so that's usually an indicator of generic.

He's quite ripped for a mage. Not that I mind.

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The only thing that bothers me about Charlotte's design is her coloured pupils, makes her eyes look dead. A trait she shares with Elfie.

I like Benoit, although that's more his character than his design. Interesting that his armour, just like Elfie's, seems to mold itself to his body. It's a little less obvious than Elfie since he holds his arms up over it, but his armour seems to have clearly defined pecs just like hers has the infamous 'boobplate'. Or maybe I'm overthinking it

Edited by capmalachi
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The only thing that bothers me about Charlotte's design is her coloured pupils, makes her eyes look dead.

I mean, from what I'm taking from her character, it might be kinda the point...

I am so glad they changed the Knight class in this game.

Boobplate or no it looked sooooo much better than whatever abomination was in Awakening.

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I was a little peeved off about Charlotte's design, but then I realized that she's a fighter like Vaike. Now my only gripe is her long hair.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the guy (I can't tell if it's supposed to be a generic enemy or a playable character) Hinoka is soliciting talking to around 4:38 in the 'My Castle' video.

I mean, I'm pleased that it's not only the female characters getting the ridiculously impracical designs, but they seem to have gone a bit overboard. Are we so short on resources that our armies need to go into battle half-dressed?

I was going to say this too, thank goodness I'm not the only one who thought of this.

This game is pretty equal to FE13 design-wise for me. They have some good ones and glaringly bad ones.

I was a little peeved off about Charlotte's design, but then I realized that she's a fighter like Vaike. Now my only gripe is her long hair.

uh, previous games before FE13 has fully covered Fighters.

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