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Dengeki Nintendo (21st, May) scans


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Hey everyone, I decided to translate the character pages this time. You can see it on my blog here or spoiler tags below. It was probably done already, but as usual, just for convenience/reference. I intend to do the TCG page tomorrow, but not the rest of the info as I assume it's the same as Famitsu...

Considering Aqua says "...だった" complete with ellipsis, I'd say she was emphasizing she was the princess of Nohr. Otherwise nice work, thanks.

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"Details on the 'Revenant Knight class have not been announced but we assume that it is a class that attacks with a very large axe"


All things aside this seems to debunk Camila being a Wyvern Rider as people assumed

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Hey everyone, I decided to translate the character pages this time. You can see it on my blog here or spoiler tags below. It was probably done already, but as usual, just for convenience/reference. I intend to do the TCG page tomorrow, but not the rest of the info as I assume it's the same as Famitsu...




Thank you very much for this!

Considering Aqua says "...だった" complete with ellipsis, I'd say she was emphasizing she was the princess of Nohr. Otherwise nice work, thanks.

This gets me thinking, what if Garon took the throne in a similar way that Validar took Plegia's? What if Aqua was actually the daughter of the real Nohr royals before Garon and your Nohr siblings took over? Though in that case, the siblings wouldn't know of this.

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"Details on the 'Revenant Knight class have not been announced but we assume that it is a class that attacks with a very large axe"


All things aside this seems to debunk Camila being a Wyvern Rider as people assumed

Um how does that debunk that she has what looks like a Wyvern?
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Undead Wyvern Rider Hype

That would be badass as fuck and totally needs to happen now.

Um how does that debunk that she has what looks like a Wyvern?

I never looked at her sprite, fuck.


Edited by Soapbar
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It feels like Sakura's Naivete is going to be something that comes up later on as she faces reality that her people pretty much kidnapped an innocent girl (unless she's evil or something lol).

Maybe she'll go through something similar to Eirika where her naivety ends up screwing her and everyone else over.

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Takumi is cementing himself further and further into my favourites list. Most excited about him of all the siblings. I also like Hinoka's, Leon's, and Camilla's quotes.

Oh yeah, and Takumi has a magical bowstring!

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Looking at the dialogue excerpts from each of the siblings, here are my opinions on each of them:

Ryouma: Really cares for his siblings a lot.

Takumi: Only person with common sense in Hoshido. (In other words, I still like him. I just hope the distrust angle is properly written.)

Hinoka: Definite warrior, and doesn't seem like the type to give up.

Sakura: Selfless, cares a lot about the people.

Marx: Seems to be more of a "disciplinary" and stern brother.

Camilla: Overprotective big sister. Maybe a bit too overprotective.

Leon: Snarky as fuck.

Elise: Kind of sweet and determined.

Aqua: Lol

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Hey everyone, I decided to translate the character pages this time. You can see it on my blog here or spoiler tags below. It was probably done already, but as usual, just for convenience/reference. I intend to do the TCG page tomorrow, but not the rest of the info as I assume it's the same as Famitsu...




How'd I miss this post? Thank you for this!

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Yeah, Joker just seems like he'd be a dick to everyone and then turn around to worship the ground Kamui walks on (this may or may not be slightly exaggerated).

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Hey everyone, I decided to translate the character pages this time. You can see it on my blog here or spoiler tags below. It was probably done already, but as usual, just for convenience/reference. I intend to do the TCG page tomorrow, but not the rest of the info as I assume it's the same as Famitsu...

Once again you're awesome. Thanks for the translations.

Of course, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it, and I'd also like to point out that I'm not "so serious", which I thought my exaggeration in an earlier post showed, but I'm sorry if I came across as a tad overbearing.

However, I must say that I don't share your opinion. If anything, I'm a bit disappointed in Ryouma and Hinoka for (seemingly) trusting Kamui just like that. It just feels unreasonable and a bit stupid to me, especially since they're leaders or leaders-to-be of an entire nation.

And not to bring more negatitivity to the thread but doesn't Aqua's sprite/character portrait/dialogue picture or whatever they're called look a bit...odd? I think they were going for a pensive look, but to me it looks like she's...I don't know...disappointed?

I thought your exaggeration was evident and pretty hilarious.

And Aqua's face does look somewhat disappointed(actually, I'd say more stoic, but perhaps she actually is. Maybe she actually knew she was kidnapped earlier than Kamui and was upset by it.

Also, I also think male Kamui's portraits have made him look rather pensive and upset as well...

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Yeah, Joker just seems like he'd be a dick to everyone and then turn around to worship the ground Kamui walks on (this may or may not be slightly exaggerated).

Nah, I don't think he'll worship the ground Kamui walks on, just be far friendlier to them than everyone else.

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Leon: Snarky as fuck.

If Leon is snarky as fuck he's gonna be my best buddy.

Same. I wonder how his supports with Kamui and the rest of his siblings will be. I hope he's as snarky/sassy as Soren towards everyone.

Probably, but wasn't Joker said to be unsociable and hard to talk to? He looks pretty serious imo and not one to be that snarky. Leon though, the has that smug, full of sass face.

/prays for snark/sassmaster Leon. No but I tend to like those characters. Damn it.

Yeah, Joker just seems like he'd be a dick to everyone and then turn around to worship the ground Kamui walks on (this may or may not be slightly exaggerated).

What is speculation without exaggeration. Also, I'd laugh.

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man if only you got to betray the side you picked at some point. Playing an obviously evil Kamui that everyone loves while Takumi tries to convince everyone of the truth would be hilarious.

Takumi: "Ok but she's obviously evil"

Lobster Lord: "Takumi how dare you say such things about our long lost sister, she stopped those bandits from attacking a village."


Edited by Eveangaline
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Man I really hope they don't try to paint Takumi in a bad light for being the only reasonable sibling in the Hoshido Royal Family though. I mean, who's to say that Kamui just agrees to fight for Hoshido, swing his sword aimlessly and accidentally kill everyone important, and just return to Nohr for the conquest of Hoshido?

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Man I really hope they don't try to paint Takumi in a bad light for being the only reasonable sibling in the Hoshido Royal Family though. I mean, who's to say that Kamui just agrees to fight for Hoshido, swing his sword aimlessly and accidentally kill everyone important, and just return to Nohr for the conquest of Hoshido?

This so much, and this is the main thing I'm concerned about regarding Takumi's personality. I like that he's distrustful and doesn't immediately welcome you back with open arms. Smart man. But it would really suck if on the Hoshido path he is that one guy who is always wrong and "how dare you distrust our long lost sibling, there's no way they'd ever stab us in the back even if they were raised by Nohr lol".

I suppose the main reason I'm concerned is because I don't feel that FE has a great track record concerning the characterization of its avatar characters and how people act towards them.

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