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Is nohr darker? Is hoshido traditionaler?


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my earlier thread got locked cuz i was too direct. so i wondering if norh is more darker and represents decay society. and hoshido represent more traditional but conservative society.

u see camilla's design is too sexy and open looking. so shes likely to have many love parnters in the past and everyone in nohr society is very decay and open.

where in hoshido everyone is maiden, everyone is traditional and u see hinoka is very traditional. there no fan service design for her but she look proper.

Is this how the 2 split game is? 1 intending for mature audience 1?

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Eh... Not sure why you keep talking about character virginity. Also, both versions have the same rating in Japan, so it's unlikely they're created for audiences of different ages.

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I see what OP is saying, Basically OP wants to ask whether Nohr will be a game intended for a mature audience.

My answer is basically no! This is Nintendo. Any romances here in which the player Avatar can be part of will be written in a way that is fluffy, romantic and very idealistic. But heh, this is a fantasy game set in a fantasy world, what's wrong about having really pure and romantic romance?

What is wrong may I ask?

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So in almost every forum I've ever been on, it's been good advice that if your thread gets locked, don't just remake it with slightly different phrasing.

I don't think you need prior forum experience to know this

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I seriously doubt that they will go THAT far in a Fire emblem game..

I'm -50% sure they even thought that far.

But uh... yeah, OP, you can't just waltz in here and make clone topics... but I'm pretty sure you don't do it intentionally.

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