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Taking a closer look at one part of the opening sequence...


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So, I was taking a closer look at the first cutscene...
And I saw this:

Spoiler actually contains some plot details after the picture so don't look too far down if you haven't played it yet.


We can see Grima, or perhaps the My Unit falling with the Risen. Could this mean a portal similar to that seen in Chapter 1 also formed above the field where the Avatar is? This could also mean, after the story ends, risen still exist.

I don't know if anyone's commented or made a thread about this before, but I thought it was kind of interesting.

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Intros of this nature almost always contain spoilers, but always in the subtle way that leaves people to theorize as to what leads up to them. I think those kinds of spoilers are, to some extent, okay. They're vague and make the player/viewer go "Wait a minute... But that person is... then why are they...?" and theorize on what might happen. The best stories will use these "spoilers" as "foreshadowing" and then completely break your expectations when the event rolls around for real. (See: Xenoblade Chronicles)

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This could also mean, after the story ends, risen still exist.

Grima was the one who created the Risen in the first place, though. Since, in this changed timeline, Grima ends up being either killed or sealed away, he isn't around to create the Risen, and therefore the Risen shouldn't exist after he is defeated.

The picture that you showed is the result of what happened from the original timeline, namely Grima trying to stop Lucina and company from changing the past by sending Risen after them.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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It all depends on how you think of time travel. If its all the same world, after Grima falls, all of the Risen and the characters from the future should disappear. If they are parallel universes with the only differences being the children characters and the Risen exist earlier in the timeline, then Grima's death would not make any change to the Risen currently present.

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