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Fears for If?

Mr. Myrmidon

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My biggest fear isn't for the game itself, honestly. Sure, I fear the plot could be bad, but I've enjoyed FEs with bad plots before. Yeah, I fear the game could be unbalanced. That'd be unfortunate, but it's a risk with every game, and hopefully other things will make up for it. I fear that all the changes they're implementing could end up not working too well - but that's okay too, as changes need to be tried and if they fail, they can try something else in later games.

But my biggest fear, easily, has to do with the game's reception. I'm paranoid that due to something superficial the game gets panned - most likely either "there are no children/marriage" or "they are making me pay extra for a second playthrough" - and at worst relegates the series to something like it was in the DS era, where the future of the series and its localisations is in doubt.

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I don't really have any fear.

Even if this game ends up being a complete failure, even if all the new decisions they made regarding the mechanics become completely unbalanced/broken or don't have any significant impact, it can still be a basis for future games to learn from. What I acknowledge from IS is their determination and efforts to improve, that's the important thing to me. I was actually worried that we'll be getting Awakening 2.0, 3.0... from now on because of its popularity, but that is apparently not the case. Not only did they try to fix/balance many issues from Awakening (including the story), but they also attempted to adjust some recurring problems in the series as well (like magic triangle being hardly relevant). Again, the outcome may turn out to be a complete disaster, but at least they admitted those mistakes and tried to improve, which is what I give them credits for.

Completely agree with this statement.

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I'm afraid that Garon will be completely evil with no good motivations other than "lol i'm evil let's pillage hoshido" and Hoshido will be portrayed as absolute saints.

Also I'm afraid that marriage will be back and they'll use the stupid "well you're not actually related" excuse to let you marry the Nohr royal family. They're the people I've lived with all my life, that's more of a family than Hoshido ever was.

Of course it could be even worse. They could use that excuse to let you marry Nohr, then over on the Hoshido side use the exact opposite ("You never lived with us I don't really see you as family bla bla bla") to let you marry your family in Hoshido.


We already know the Hoshido aren't complete saints because they kidnapped Aqua. Even if it was revenge for Kamui's kidnapping, it's still a shitty thing to do.
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We already know the Hoshido aren't complete saints because they kidnapped Aqua. Even if it was revenge for Kamui's kidnapping, it's still a shitty thing to do.

Not really. They could use her as an exchange for hostages, for example. It is a practical thing to do in wars. And I think she hasn't been mistreated by the Hoshido nobles.

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What I'd like is if Hoshido captured Aqua first, was stupid enough to send Kamui somewhere near Nohr, and Garon captured Kamui intending to trade for Aqua but the two sides never could reach a decision.

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You can't blame people for being pessimistic after the disaster that Awakening was.

I fear pretty much everything Rapier said, plus, stupid manga dialogues, and Kamui's personality being crap.

Also, reclassing, nuff said.

I don't really fear the siblings being killed, it's war, do you really expect a stupid loli with a staff to survive a war ?

I also feared something else... but I actually forgot about it just now. :/

Edited by B.Leu
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Not really. They could use her as an exchange for hostages, for example. It is a practical thing to do in wars. And I think she hasn't been mistreated by the Hoshido nobles.

Even if it is a wartime tactic and Aqua was treated well, she was still kidnapped. If the Hoshido were "saints" , I doubt they would have done it for a hostage exchange. However, you may be right because we don't know when Aqua was kidnapped.(if there was an attempted hostage exchange, perhaps it went awry,plunging the Hoshido into total war or intensifying hostile tensions?)
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Honestly I hope that the Hoshido treated her as a prisoner, or not as family at least. Would be a lot more interesting than if she was treated just as Kamui was in Nohr.

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Honestly I hope that the Hoshido treated her as a prisoner, or not as family at least. Would be a lot more interesting than if she was treated just as Kamui was in Nohr.

Doesn't Takumi's quote on the character bio page mention not trusting the "two of you"? I'd imagine he's talking about Kamui and Aqua. If Aqua was captured around the same time as Kamui, that means she likely grew up with the Hoshido royal family, and since Takumi doesn't trust, I'd imagine she wasn't treated as family.

Edited by Monado Boy
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I fear that the game might end up being total crap. I'm so unsure, it might be great, it might be awful, I can't even predict.

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You can't blame people for being pessimistic after the disaster that Awakening was.

I fear pretty much everything Rapier said, plus, stupid manga dialogues, and Kamui's personality being crap.

Also, reclassing, nuff said.

I don't really fear the siblings being killed, it's war, do you really expect a stupid loli with a staff to survive a war ?

I also feared something else... but I actually forgot about it just now. :/

And i can't help but be pessimistic about how badly this game will go down with this lot of "True Fans" after the "disaster" that Awakening is made out to be. It has flaws *gasp*

Like every game in existence fire emblem included. we survived Fe 10 and we survived Fe 11 we survived the stagnation of Fe 6-9 we can survive this.

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And i can't help but be pessimistic about how badly this game will go down with this lot of "True Fans" after the "disaster" that Awakening is made out to be. It has flaws *gasp*

Like every game in existence fire emblem included. we survived Fe 10 and we survived Fe 11 we survived the stagnation of Fe 6-9 we can survive this.

Are you saying FEs 6-11 aren't sexually gratifying are awful?

Edited by Knight
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Are you saying FEs 6-11 aren't sexually gratifying are awful?

No i am saying the basic mechanics never really changed in any meaningful way in 6-8 and perhaps 9. 10 had nearly (or maybe even more) as many controversial changes or removals as awakening did (it was also the only game where i cared so little for a character that i let her stay dead) and shadow dragon didn't change enough, the mechanics were dated, it had you killing off characters for bonus chapters and as a flaw to some it introduced reclassing.... gasp

I am saying they have flaws, and so did the other games but i am no expert on them.

Also half of the comment was in stikeouts and meant to be taken with a grain of salt.

Edited by goodperson707
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My biggest fear isn't for the game itself, honestly. Sure, I fear the plot could be bad, but I've enjoyed FEs with bad plots before. Yeah, I fear the game could be unbalanced. That'd be unfortunate, but it's a risk with every game, and hopefully other things will make up for it. I fear that all the changes they're implementing could end up not working too well - but that's okay too, as changes need to be tried and if they fail, they can try something else in later games.

But my biggest fear, easily, has to do with the game's reception. I'm paranoid that due to something superficial the game gets panned - most likely either "there are no children/marriage" or "they are making me pay extra for a second playthrough" - and at worst relegates the series to something like it was in the DS era, where the future of the series and its localisations is in doubt.

honestly i can see this happening, i mean FE10 got panned, not for the issues it did actually have, but for stupid shit like "no mii support, nunchuck controls, and too hard even on easy".

i can definitely see some uninformed 'fans" that only played 13 and get booty blasted and disappointed when FE14 isn't awakening 2.0

note i'm talking about "professional reviewers" with this post, not the people of this fourm or any other place.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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No i am saying the basic mechanics never really changed in any meaningful way in 6-8 and perhaps 9. 10 had nearly (or maybe even more) as many controversial changes or removals as awakening did (it was also the only game where i cared so little for a character that i let her stay dead) and shadow dragon didn't change enough, the mechanics were dated, it had you killing off characters for bonus chapters and as a flaw to some it introduced reclassing.... gasp

I am saying they have flaws, and so did the other games but i am no expert on them.

Also half of the comment was in stikeouts and meant to be taken with a grain of salt.

Apart from support conversations, I'd say that FE10 is mechanically the most superior Fire Emblem game, I don't see anything else in it that's controversial that wasn't already in FE9. And I wouldn't say FE9 didn't change enough to consider it stagnation. (heck, I might not even consider FE8 stagnation)

Despite my personal enjoyment from it, I won't defend the numerous things that Shadow Dragon does terribly.

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Apart from support conversations, I'd say that FE10 is mechanically the most superior Fire Emblem game, I don't see anything else in it that's controversial that wasn't already in FE9. And I wouldn't say FE9 didn't change enough to consider it stagnation.

Totally agreed (except for the missing weapon triangle on hard mode).

Tbh I like the FE10 supports gameplaywise. I think it's the only support system (before 13), which was flexible. You could cancel and build new supports at anytime in this game.

Of course all these conversations are bland, but on the other hand how is it the possible to make each support conversation unique of several thousand support options?

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I'm not hard to please. I have definite preferences regarding many aspects of the series, but I'm generally accepting even when things don't go the way I'd like. I don't consider any of my worst fears (like a return to FE10's soulless Support system) realistic, so I'm sure to enjoy this game no matter how many flaws it has. My only real concern is that it won't sell well and jeopardize the series at large, and even then, Awakening sold well enough that FE15 should be assured regardless.

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Even though FE10's supports sucked, we got a lot of base conversations to somewhat make up for it; not that it totally excuses it, since FE9 and later FE12 had both. Some characters didn't get a lot of time to develop like most of the Dawn Brigade.

Base convos would be a returning feature that I hope comes back, since it was nice having convos that centered around the current events and setting of the story.

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I'm not hard to please. I have definite preferences regarding many aspects of the series, but I'm generally accepting even when things don't go the way I'd like. I don't consider any of my worst fears (like a return to FE10's soulless Support system) realistic, so I'm sure to enjoy this game no matter how many flaws it has. My only real concern is that it won't sell well and jeopardize the series at large, and even then, Awakening sold well enough that FE15 should be assured regardless.

Given how preorders in Japan are selling out and the game is honestly getting positive buzz out here (Awakening fans are sure to at least take a look), I don't think it'll be an issue.

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A few of my fears:

1). Hidden Weapons will just be a gimmick for this game and that Knives will fade back into obscurity and just go back to swords for all future titles.

2). The penalty for the weapons. Is it going to be so broken that we just use only one weapon for the type or so bad just stick to iron/steel?

3). Everything to do with the writing, Story, Support Convo's, etc.

4). If NA and EU are going to do a dual game release like JP.

5) If you choices REALLY matter or its just the illusion of choice like Awakening

6). This will be the last Fire Emblem and that I won't get a FE 2, 4 and/or 5 remake.

7). Light Magic doesn't return for a second time.

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note i'm talking about "professional reviewers" with this post, not the people of this fourm or any other place.

7.8/10, too few waifus.

But on a serious note, If being quite unlike Awakening will be a major test of the new fanbase.

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Honestly, I'm concerned the game will be overly dark and depressing - needlessly so.

Also, I'd like marriage (primarily for my avatar, to help me connect with the characters) to return, but it's looking bleak to me...

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