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Fears for If?

Mr. Myrmidon

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First of all, we know a fair bit compared to the press previous Fe's ever got alone.

Second you are complaining about things that Awakening did simply because you feel the game will be Awakening 2.0 in every single aspect.

Thirdly, annoyed? I'm just worried about the new fans coming in and seeing veterans complaining about insignicant trite that is likely not going to happen. It reminds me of the Sonic, Zelda, and Final Fantasy fan bases all at once and those three are not apt things to be like.

We may have more info than the previous FE's, yet all we know about If are its concepts. We haven't seen it in practice. Compare it to the new Ace Attorney, where case footages were shown and we get to see how it will be in practice. FE If has nothing alike. Therefore, most of what we can do is mere speculation about these concepts. They SEEM good, but there's a huge gap between theory and practice. That's my concern.

I'm not complaining about it being Awakening 2.0. I actually liked Awakening - it did some things wrong lack of sexually gratifying armor designs for example, yet it was overall a good experience. I'm just concerned with how the concepts the game brings to the table will be on practice. If you tell me choices will matter on the game, I take it on face value: I want my choices to matter in the game, and nothing less than this. But since it is hard to do in games, I am skeptical.

Again, Jedi, since we only know about concepts of the game, I doubt there is any opinion out there about If that isn't mere speculation or, as you said, 'insignificant trite'. And I'm not saying If will be a terrible game, I'm saying I -fear- it won't live to the hype it promotes. Meaning I can be completely wrong.

It's different from the Sonic fandom which says "hurrdurr it'll be a terrible game, they changed Sonic's eyes again and took his gloves off!". My opinion is more like "They're too ambitious, these concepts are hard to put in practice, so I'm skeptical of how it will turn in the end".

EDIT: Actually, my biggest fear is that FE: If will take a long time to reach my country, be it with physical copies or through the e-shop.

Edited by Rapier
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I'm a bit anxious--in both senses of the word--about all the new classes. It looks like they've mostly scrapped the old class system and made a new one, which has me both worried and curious. I'm optimistic about it, though.

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I just hope the objectives will be more varied than in Awakening. I love me some defend chapters.

Are you going with Nohr? If so, then yes. Hoshido, however... .

Edited by Leon of Nohr
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No combined version.

Bad characterization for the nations. Everyone in Hoshido is incapable of holding any malice at all, and everyone in Nohr is a barely contained serial killer.

Bad map design and objectives.

Too big of an emphasis on shipping and badly written supports.

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Do tell me how we can be realistically pessimistic about a game we know so little about.

I'd just rather not have high expectations, so that I don't become disappointed when I see the final results. This is how I roll.

That said, I think If will be a good game. Just not as good as the hype promotes it. I doubt the choices will be that important or significant (it will probably be something that changes chapter paths, recruitable chars here and there, this kind of thing), I doubt the moral conflict will be solved without another antagonist popping up (it is implied by Aqua's song that there's some evil lingering and that Kamui will be the one to end it, iirc), I doubt Nohr and Hoshido relations won't become good after endgame because suddenly they'll listen to the voices of reason and live happily after (if Marx inherits the throne, for example, I think their relationship will improve a lot).

Please, not you too, Jedi. You can only be 'intoxicated' by my pessimism if you allow your own psyche to let it in. Also, my pessimism is not any less rational than optimistic hypes based on preconceptions of the game. We're just taking shots and guesses here.

That said, I'm impressed you are annoyed because of my pessimism.

Garon seems like an obviously evil character who does obviously evil things (poor guy who dies in the trailer) that are obviously evil to everyone (Marx questions his dad's morals in the trailer), but I get vibes that tell me he's competent at it.

I don't know him, so I can't say much, but it does seem he's experienced. Still, it is very hard to pull this kind of choices and consequences tricks in the story, and writers are used to linearity. That's why I think the choices and consequences thing won't be -that- significant, I'm betting on map changes, recruitment changes, objective changes and few dialogues changes that don't alter the flow of the plot (like FE8's branched parts).

I agree with all your views here, Rapier. The bold bits above voice my concerns. Out of habit, I just expect the worst so I can be pleased with the outcome. You can only go up from the bottom!

I just hope Garon isn't completely evil, but someone who gets carried away doing what he feels is best for his country. Also(correct me if I am wrong) I'm pretty sure the writer they got is the writer of Astro Boy, so he seems good.( that and they're hyping the hell out of the fact that they got him as writer)

Unfortunately, the writer of Astro Boy (OsamuTezuka) died in 1989. This story is written by Shin Kibayashi of Getbackers fame.

I fear for poor storytelling and characterization. Everything else seems pretty solid (minus a few odd character designs here and there).


Messing up the story too much. The fastest way to do that would be to make Aqua completely uninteresting yet omnipresent, like Athena Cykes in Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies.

Most of my concerns are strictly story related, but that's one of the more specific fears I've got.


and i thought i was the only one who found athena super boring

My huge interest for Aqua has rapidly diminished every time a new update comes out, and I really hope they don't screw up there since she has great potential. I'm going to be disappointed if we don't have the option to kill off all of our siblings from the enemy side, because what's a Fire Emblem game without emotional character death?

The biggest fear I have is probably the return of S supports (possible), children (high unlikely) and lousy supports similar to 10 and 13.

I would prefer the marriage system not return (well, children more so), and if so, then done in a more tasteful way than time travel. It does not seem to be heading that way anyway, though.

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Are you going with Nohr? If so, then yes. Hoshido, however... .

Yeah, Nohr's the side I'm more interested in anyway. Has this been confirmed though, or is it just speculation?

EDIT: OK, I did a quick research and can confirm what you just wrote. Great then, glad to hear that.

Edited by BaKaDaNaa
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Im worried that we might not get dialogue trees for Kamui. I hated that Robin's dialogue wasnt something i could have a measure of control over. My Avatar(s) do not act like that. Fuck. If i get another MU who ends up with that kind of personality, i might chunder with rage.

Im also afraid we may get subjected to the Pokemon style marketing strategy Japan is going to have. (its so janky)

Other than that, im not afraid of anything in the game. (except Dragon's Pulse wigging me the hell out but im more excited about it than anything)

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Only that the story might be predictable and trite with Garon being the "obviously evil" caligula and Hoshido being a pure and righteous country with no darkness to it. But I have faith in the new writer and faith in the development team to come through with the gameplay and balance.

Edited by King Gilgamesh
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To be honest, I wouldn't mind if Kamui gets a personality of his own, instead of being a player puppet who says generic phrases. But maybe the choices and consequences gimmick implies there will be dialogue boxes that actually matter.

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That developing basically 3 different FE games at once is too big of a workload and that IS will ending up cutting corners causing all of them to be subpar products. Also echoing Kirokan's post.

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Further disbalance of the difficulties, particularly due to pair-up. Awakening's Lunatic and Lunatic+ modes were really badly balanced, and Hard mode was hardly a challenge after a certain point early on even without grinding, again, due to pair-up. Then again, most Fire Emblems are like that.
I just hope Nohr's campaing lives up to the hype they're building and it's not like "FE7 difficult" which wasn't really that hard. I wonder if IS still has it in them to make difficult maps like in Thracia, Radiant Dawn or Binding Blade.

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My fear is that the only meaningful choice is Hoshido or Nohr.

I'm hoping that each route comes with at least a good/paragon/hero and bad/renegade/evil ending.

Maybe that's based on wether you kill or spare your family members

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these aren't fears of what might happen, just disappointments before i even buy the game (i still will) because i know the flaws won't be addressed.

--inflated stats

--lunatic+ won't be balanced

--story won't be complex or interesting (obviously good vs. obviously evil)

--main character is you

--characters won't be interesting

last one is yet to be seen but you heard it here first folks. by and large, the characters will suck. just like awakening.

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If Leon is a douche bag ;'c

He seems to be pretty cool and strong and all but then most people think he's gonna want kamui to die. I personally feel like his face during the choice could also be 'saying': You know where you and your loyalties belong. Maybe It's just me.

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Not really. They could use her as an exchange for hostages, for example. It is a practical thing to do in wars. And I think she hasn't been mistreated by the Hoshido nobles.

Honestly I hope that the Hoshido treated her as a prisoner, or not as family at least. Would be a lot more interesting than if she was treated just as Kamui was in Nohr.

Takumi is already confirmed to be an ass to her. We can probably assume that Oboro will act the same way, if not worse.

If Leon is a douche bag ;'c

He seems to be pretty cool and strong and all but then most people think he's gonna want kamui to die. I personally feel like his face during the choice could also be 'saying': You know where you and your loyalties belong. Maybe It's just me.

I think that he's going to be a douchebag, but he'll be a chill douchebag. That smug, snarky jerk that you're somehow still friends with. I can't imagine him up and wanting to kill somebody he's considered family for so long. (Granted, he might be the Takumi foil, but that might go to prove my point: "you're not my family, but I trust you" vs. "you're my older sibling, but I don't trust you.")

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these aren't fears of what might happen, just disappointments before i even buy the game (i still will) because i know the flaws won't be addressed.

--characters won't be interesting

last one is yet to be seen but you heard it here first folks. by and large, the characters will suck. just like awakening.

That's possible, but since we have an actual writer working on the game this time around, I sincerely doubt it.

Edited by Monado Boy
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One of my fears has already been confirmed; there's no maniac mode. Goes from Hard -> Lunatic again.

Im afraid the "True Fans" will overexaggerate the inevitable flaws (all things have them) of this game because it is like awakening and dare i say people who are new to the series like this game.

Real talk, I mean this in the nicest way possible. Get over yourself. It's like every other post from you is complaining about your imaginary strawmen-- I mean "true fans".

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You know what else I fear ? Huge amount of Yaoi fanfictions.

I said that to joke, but yeah, it can be annoying.

Edited by B.Leu
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You know what else I fear ? Huge amount of Yaoi fanfictions.

I said that to joke, but yeah, it can be annoying.

Dude, I play Ace Attorney and have been fairly active in that fandom. The things I've seen and read...

No but seriously, it's omnipresent in that fandom, and I don't blame the people who like doing it really, since they've got two attractive, well-developed characters with plenty of lines which could suggest sexual tension if you read into it. "I'll leave it in your hands...partner" and stuff like that.

Anyway, with Elfie and Linca, I just found out I've got one more specific fear for those two characters. I'm afraid that they'll complain about their strength/muscles respectively, complaining that it's unfeminine or something along those lines. It'd just ruin those characters for me.

Somehow I get the feeling that Kagerou will complain about her bust size making it harder to sneak around as a ninja somehow (it's Japan after all), but that line won't survive the localization.

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My fears for FE if:

-No S supports (specifically marriage, although I'm not against platonic paired endings for characters being and option). Marriages don't need to be as common as they were in Awakening, but I hope every character has at least 2 romantic options. Anymore than a couple would probably make the supports overly romantic though.

-Going off of known debuffs, that they'll become trivial late in the game if the caps are similar to Awakening's.

-That choosing a side will be the only real choice you get to make in game. Maybe my memory is foggy, but I recall the Direct video saying something similar to "for the first time you'll get to make choices that let you affect the story".

-No postgame or DLC to let you continue playing with characters after the game ends. I don't want the only way to see all the supports to make another playthrough.

- Weak (storywise) villains.

- I'd like if dialogue in base conversations or shiny tiles (if they come back) could change a few times per game to reflect progress in either you're characters supports or the story in general.

-That the jump between hard mode and lunatic will be unbalanced again.

-That the criticals will be similar to Awakening's rather than the GBA era.

What are the things that you guys REALLY don't want to happen in If? For me, I hope that the characters will be less one noted and anime trope - ish like in Awakening. I'm hoping for some good depth and character development. (I'm hoping Intelligent Systems will pull this off well, but meh)

The playable characters in Awakening are NOT as bad as many on this board make them out to be. They were more easily identifiable by a certain trope in many cases, but I really dislike people who make it sound like every character in the game was shallow, especially relative to past FE characters on average (I'm not saying you're going that far, I can't tell if you are). Just because a character could fit into a trope or had a gimmick doesn't make them bad as long as it doesn't dominate their supports.

Reading people's comments on Awakening's characters shows some people either didn't read the supports for many of the characters or have selective amnesia (ex: the people who say Sumia trips in every support or even with every character).

I'm not necessarily saying all this about you in particular by the way. It's just a rant because I get sick of hearing this complaint. Obviously more depth and character development is good, but I too many people say all or most of the cast of Awakening sucked.

Edited by BlueL
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