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RPGs that I'm considering playing...


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I have a couple of RPGs that I want to get and play, and I just wanted to ask if anyone has played any of these RPGs, and if so can you let me know if they are good or not? (NB- If I do get any of these games, it'll probably won't be until July- as I have a lot on my plate at the moment.)

Valkyrie Chronicles: Covenant of the Plume. (I saw it on sale on holiday last year- but I was broke and thus I couldn't afford it)

The World Ends with You. (I have heard nothing but praise for this game, and I know bits about the plot, but... I dunno. Is it tough?)

Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (If yes, I also need to get a working copy of Golden Sun 1, as the copy I have is majorly broken. Then I will need to play through Golden Sun 1 again. I loved playing through Golden Sun 1 and 3, so I think that I will enjoy this one)

Etrian Odyssey III. (I have played Etrian Odyssey IV and Untold, and I like the gameplay. Though I have heard that this game is incredibly hard.)

The Last Story. (If yes, I will need to get a Wii or a Wii U. Plot sounds interesting, characters sound cool and from what little I have seen in an LP, the gameplay looks fun.)

Soltaboro: Red the Hunter. (I literally know nothing about this game.)

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I have a couple of RPGs that I want to get and play, and I just wanted to ask if anyone has played any of these RPGs, and if so can you let me know if they are good or not? (NB- If I do get any of these games, it'll probably won't be until July- as I have a lot on my plate at the moment.)

Valkyrie Chronicles: Covenant of the Plume. (I saw it on sale on holiday last year- but I was broke and thus I couldn't afford it)

The World Ends with You. (I have heard nothing but praise for this game, and I know bits about the plot, but... I dunno. Is it tough?)

Golden Sun: The Lost Age. (If yes, I also need to get a working copy of Golden Sun 1, as the copy I have is majorly broken. Then I will need to play through Golden Sun 1 again. I loved playing through Golden Sun 1 and 3, so I think that I will enjoy this one)

Etrian Odyssey III. (I have played Etrian Odyssey IV and Untold, and I like the gameplay. Though I have heard that this game is incredibly hard.)

The Last Story. (If yes, I will need to get a Wii or a Wii U. Plot sounds interesting, characters sound cool and from what little I have seen in an LP, the gameplay looks fun.)

Soltaboro: Red the Hunter. (I literally know nothing about this game.)

I assume you mean valkyrie profile: covenant of the Plume (The DS game). Valkyria chronicles is a different game(PS3/PC), although definitely worth a go.

Tempted by golden sun and the world ends with you myself, but have yet to pick them up, due to my students budget...

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The World Ends With You - An action-RPG with many innovative ideas, most of which work really well. Also has a cool art and music style, and a good story. 9/10

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume - A strategy-RPG with a dark story, unique mechanics, and a great presentation. 8/10

I haven't played any of the others, but if you're interested in The Last Story, you should check out the other Operation Rainfall games (Xenoblade Chronicles and Pandora's Tower). Just be aware that the North American retail release of Pandora's Tower has a nasty glitch.

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I assume you mean valkyrie profile: covenant of the Plume (The DS game). Valkyria chronicles is a different game(PS3/PC), although definitely worth a go.

Tempted by golden sun and the world ends with you myself, but have yet to pick them up, due to my students budget...

Yeah, that's the one I meant. :) I would have bought it as well, but I was broke.

The World Ends With You - An action-RPG with many innovative ideas, most of which work really well. Also has a cool art and music style, and a good story. 9/10

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume - A strategy-RPG with a dark story, unique mechanics, and a great presentation. 8/10

I haven't played any of the others, but if you're interested in The Last Story, you should check out the other Operation Rainfall games (Xenoblade Chronicles and Pandora's Tower). Just be aware that the North American retail release of Pandora's Tower has a nasty glitch.

I have the 3DS version of Xenoblade and loved it. :) I still need to finish the last couple of side quests, but I completed the main story yesterday. I probably won't have problems with glitches and Pandora's Tower. :)

I have listened to some of TWEWY's music, and I'm not the biggest fan of that genre of music. So, the music doesn't do anything for me. But I'm glad to see that Covenant of the Plume and TWEWY has got some good reviews. :)

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Valkyrie Chronicles: Covenant of the Plume. 6/10 - not bad but not good either.

The World Ends with You. 9/10 - Great, but not good enough to be called a masterpiece.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age. 8/10 - Low rating because finding all the djinn is a.....in the...

Etrian Odyssey III. I havent played this game yet.

The Last Story. 9/10 - Truly good, any RPG fan should play it.

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Valkyrie Chronicles: Covenant of the Plume. 6/10 - not bad but not good either.

What was wrong with it?

I probably won't have problems with glitches and Pandora's Tower. :)

BTW, when I say nasty glitch, I mean "Dear god, I had to restart my game 20 f***ing times" nasty.

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Valkyrie Profile 3 (we will never have more games of the series, it's the third and not just a spin-off, lets face it) is a pretty good game. Not easy (take this how you want), with a serius impostation and serious characters. The tragedy is strong and happens a lot of mature things. The gameplay is funny and enjoiable. Valkyries are hot Also the Seraphic gate totally destroy your ass by laughs! Also Hirst appears there, hottest character

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Hard to the point where I didn't bother with completing the game was Etrian Odyssey II. I think that EOIII is perfectly manageable, sans the bastard of a monster on the first floor, whose arse you'll kick eventually.

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The only game on your list that I have played is Last Story and it is a good game, and as to a new copy of Golden Sun 1 they have it on the eshop for Wii U for $7 and is how I am playing it right now.

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The World Ends With You was very solid in story and characters. The main storyline shouldn't be tough and there's a bit to do post-game. The only "tough" thing I can think of is you getting used to managing your and your partner's battle screens if you're not letting the AI control your partner.

I have Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume but haven't touched it. A friend who's played the others said it wasn't as good--but I can't recall for what reasons and I won't go further without having personal knowledge.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age was fun--but I remember it not giving you direction sometimes on where you're supposed to go. You may need to consult a guide so you don't waste a lot of time wandering aimlessly.

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What was wrong with it?

I am a huge VP fan, so anyone who visits this section has probably seen me trash CotP at some point when the series comes up lol.

CotP is a poor game and you should just play VP1 or 2 instead...even if it's a replay! The voice acting is even worse than VP1 (and not even in a fun cheesy way this time), the gameplay is so broken it's ridiculous, the graphics are sub-par, you need to play through the game at least twice to unlock the post-game content, and the music is sadly not even close to being as memorable as the previous two games. Possibly worst of all is that it has no right being a tactics RPG, because there are no tactics required to play it. Terrain does nothing, your position does nothing (outside of ganging up on enemies), height does nothing..it's all just there to make you have to take a few turns to get to your enemy, who you will proceed to destroy and never have any chance of losing to unless you purposely screw yourself over several times. The only strategy there is to be had in CotP is who you're going to make invincible, when, and for what purpose lol. There isn't even any character customization to make you feel like you have any say in the way your units are growing.

My suggestion would be to play the other games in the series and not spend money on CotP unless you can get it dirt cheap. I'd definitely go after the Golden Sun series if you want a handheld RPG fix, CotP is a bottom of the barrel I've-played-everything-else option.

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@Tangerene: As someone who is NOT a Valkyrie Profile fan, I highly enjoyed Covenant of the Plume. With the exception of the Destiny Plume being broken (which was designed to let the player skip tough battles), all of your complaints require having played previous games.

@Fantasia: Read this...


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@Tangerene: As someone who is NOT a Valkyrie Profile fan, I highly enjoyed Covenant of the Plume. With the exception of the Destiny Plume being broken (which was designed to let the player skip tough battles), all of your complaints require having played previous games.

@Fantasia: Read this...


Linking a 9/10 review doesn't invalidate anything I said lol. You linked the only 9/10 it got from a major publication, its metacritic average is 7.4/6.6.


The entire game is broken. There are no "tough battles" because the sin meter creates a snowball effect. Unless you purposely (because it has to be on purpose unless you are completely new to SRPGs) play poorly to let the game snowball in the opposite direction, where it will then be difficult.

As for the rest of my complaints, only the music comparison is relevant to the other games at all for the point you're trying to make. I didn't say the VP1 VAing was good, I compared them because they are both bad.

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GS: TLA is the best of the 3 GS games by far. And yeah you'll want to play through GS1 again if for nothing else than the transfer code so you can get all the Djinni. Be warned though, the transfer code is a major pain in the ass to enter unless you have 2 GBA's and a link cable.

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What was wrong with it?

Nothing, it's just really boring and bland and you require almost no tactics to win. As I said, there's nothing wrong with it, but it got nothing right either. There are a ton of better turn based games to play so I cant recommend this game to the OP.

Edit: What!? It's the third game and not a spin off!? What treachery is this?!

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The best part about CotP isn't the main story. It's Seraphic Gate - where the developers go "hey let's break everything", and you can go absolutely ham with a roster that isn't possible in the main story. Oh, and no Plume, either.

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Feather o'er the battlefield, UNTO ME THY POWER YIELD!

I personally enjoyed the DS Valkyrie Profile a lot (I hear the 2nd one is the bad one in the series), though nothing beats the original of course.

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To read my review of CotP and then those of others I could pass a bit for the village idiot.

Hovewever, all the critics who they have used are true, eh.

So take your choise on the game wisely, because indeed the two best things about it are:

1) Motherfucking Seraphic Gate. Majestic. But VP 2 has it, and maybe the 1 too?

2) The fact that exists only three games of the Valkyrie Profile series, and there never be made more, so all the fans will surely play the third (CotP) for pure desperation.

But, despite all, I still think is a pretty fun game, with a plot not so great but a fresh distraction from the cliché animu-porotanistu hero. Also is a short game (replayng it too), which remains interesting from beginning to end. Mh, maybe advise it against some of the other games offered, which are beautiful, isn't a great idea, but it's a solid game.

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VC:CotP- mixed response. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't?

EOIII- Those that have played it like it. I'll have to import it though (Argh!), unless EOIII gets an Untold Version? (I'm kinda hoping that it does actually)

Solotarbo- Nobody on here has played it apparently... So, no idea.

TWEWY- Positive comments from all. Another positive is that I DON'T HAVE TO IMPORT!!!

The Last Story- Positive reviews, but I don't own the console. Maybe I can get this at a later date...?

GS:TLA- The best Golden Sun apparently. I can get this and GS:TBS for a ridiculously low price online.

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