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Nintendo Direct 31st May: Possible FE if info?


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Fire Emblem Amie! Onsen! mfw




I'm really loving this. What will Nohr get to compare? The release is coming up soon and the promotion is focusing almost exclusively on Hoshido.

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Mikoto Profile:

The peace loving Queen who rules the Kingdom of Hoshido. The birth mother of the protagonist. She found herself as the crown monarch following her late husband Sumeragi's unexpected death.

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I want to stroke Harold's chin. ;_;

Looks like S supports are pretty much confirmed, but Pokemon Amie in Fire Emblem? Damn son.

Y'know I really liked Pokemon Amie for what it was, but something tells me it's a little less awkward when you're stroking Pokemon...

On the other hand, between that and the Animal Crossing influence I can say for sure IS is directly after my wallet with this game. It's like all my favorite series getting stitched onto Fire Emblem

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Fire Emblem Amie! Onsen! mfw


I'm really loving this. What will Nohr get to compare? The release is coming up soon and the promotion is focusing almost exclusively on Hoshido.

I really want to know the context behind this hilariously ridiculous grin.

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Well, critical cut-ins are back


Not like I'm surprised. Nice to see them back though

Oh, it's that Mouth of Truth monster. Hello

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Mikoto Profile:

The peace loving Queen who rules the Kingdom of Hoshido. The birth mother of the protagonist. She found herself as the crown monarch following her late husband Sumeragi's unexpected death.

So I guess Sumeragi is the other lobster man, the one who gets pierced by arrows.

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They look a lot higher quality though. You only need to look at Awakening''s to see that if you're getting a legacy character for free or part of a DLC they'd probably have just been made with the character creator.

No need to act like this isn't shameless on-disk DLC.

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Indeed, said for Hoshido only.

Is this for sure? Looks like Harold, Camilla and Charlotte were in there. Harold especially, since you can skinship (TMGS anyone?) him in My Room. I wonder what that's about.

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Before the Felicia face thing, there was a list of units Kamui could choose from that included other female characters with hearts beside them. So I guess you can hypothetically flirt with/pet multiple women? It really does look like Pokemon Amie where you boost superficial stats between you and your other units. I'm curious where the Hot Springs from earlier fall into all of this too.

It's all too silly for me to get my knickers in a twist about. Though I am curious if any of it holds substance.

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What is this weeaboo garbage world map in Hoshido?

It's a town. Like in Gaiden, but better. Which is nice, since the series has a lot to learn from Gaiden and I'm glad it's finally doing just that.

In other news, Kozaki finally got to draw Ike! How nice. Shame it's locked behind an amiibo wall.

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What the flaming fuck

I just watched

? ? ? ? ?

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Okay. What. The. Actual. ****! Is going on?

So, amiibo confirmed to be on-cart DLC unockers, then?

And a massive new feature called "My Castle" is Hoshido ONLY? And please don't tell me S-supports are back when they've got no reason to exist anymore.

And the website updated. Yeah. More fanservice.

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But is "My Castle" for BOTH Nohr and Hoshido ?

We saw Harold getting a massage...

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It's not a normal town it has way too many unneeded features like stroking character's faces and hot springs. This is what Nintendo gets for hiring hentai artists.

This always irks me a bit. Kozaki was never a hentai artist. The guy who did Celice's DLC re-design? Yes. Even the artist behind Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem had his roots in it. But not Kozaki.

But is it for BOTH Nohr and Hoshido ?

We saw Harold getting a massage...

People keep saying "Hoshido only", but then we see people firing out examples like yours. *shrugs*

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So uh...face stroking is a thing, huh?

Seriously though, what? I mean...does it substitute marriages somehow? Can you do that with people of the opposite sex? What the hell is it even used for?! At least in Pokémon it makes some form of sense.

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