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What do you think of the new My Castle mechanic?


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It looks fun! I laughed so hard when I saw the guys chilling in bath and the face-rubbing thing is... admittedly weird, but kinda cute? One thing I totally loved and found endlessly hilarious about Awakening were the confession scenes, so if those are not coming back, I think settling on poking everyone's eyeballs isn't that bad at all. To me it's just very amusing and adorable, not creepy, but I understand why some might feel that way. The more I can talk to my army the better, I think, so socializing even in baths is fine too. Although there's definitely going to be some really tired comedy - I'm thinking about Chrom and female Robin's supports...

I sold my copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf a few months ago, so something about My Castle made me happy - I can play something like that again, only this time in FE setting. I don't think I fully understand everything about My Castles, so need to wait for translations. But it seems like there's a lot to do in this game, I can't wait to play it. The main story is still what interest me the most, but I won't mind doing something ridiculous and cute between the battles.

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My Castle seems like a pretty great idea to me. I'm not convinced it will add much beyond being a short but amusing distraction, but the idea has potential, so I look forward to seeing how it works. The onsen thing too, even, though I'm hoping it will have more to offer in non-Kamui-gendered character interaction than the old "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE RAAWR GET OUT" thing...

The face rubbing strikes me as a mite stupid, but we're bound to get some laughs out of it, so I can't complain too much. I have this mental image of Kamui massaging Harold's chin with a very serious and focused look on his face. If only I was an artist.

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I'm a bit mixed on the whole MyCastle feature.

I think the idea of finally being able to hang around with your units is amazing. Like Fire Emblem tried it's best to establish that everyone in an army was friends, and now we can truly see that in action.

I've got to wonder where we found a dragon though. With Norh it's likely we found a baby wyvern and decided to raise it. Where the fuck you gonna find a dragon in Hoshido?

The face rubbing/amie thing that everyone seems up in arms about is a bit odd. The actual face rubbing is odd, but the idea behind it is sound. Besides I can just pretend Kamui's doing something else with the other person, like brushing someone's hair or reading a book with them.

I'm honestly most excited about the apparent potential to change your hairstyle. Call me a headcanony sap, but as someone who headcanoned her fem!Kamui cutting her hair after siding with Hoshido, I'm really glad I might be able to genuinely cut her hair, rather than simply select a short style at the beginning.

Over all, I think it's an interesting feature. If they implement it right, it could become one of the best parts about if. If not, eh, it'll still be a cool feature, just something that fell a little flat.

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It could prove to be a neat side feature. After all more interactions with your teammates can mean more depth. Either that or more stereotypical anime shenanigans. The customization itself is really neat too, but there will also be such rage at enemies destroying the buildings after customizing My Castle just to one's specifications. Assuming the damage carries over. On the topic of the shops in general I'm all for customization and while weapon shops seem nice it might take away some of the difficulty from Nohr unless it's limited. For instance making it more expensive for weapon shops and upgrades. Same goes for the grinding and honestly could apply to the difficulty setting as well. I hope it isn't restricted as a whole due to the potential of making the supposedly difficult game easy.

Also I've been desensitized to face touching so no screams of betrayal here. That said luring someone to your room to do that does rank on the creepometer, but ultimately ranks relatively low in the grand scheme of creep factor mechanics.

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That said luring someone to your room to do that does rank on the creepometer, but ultimately ranks relatively low in the grand scheme of creep factor mechanics.

I honestly see it as Kamui going, "Hey you wanna just hang out?" and the other person going, "Sure."

It's just rendered as face petting because it's easy to do.

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It could prove to be a neat side feature. After all more interactions with your teammates can mean more depth. Either that or more stereotypical anime shenanigans. The customization itself is really neat too, but there will also be such rage at enemies destroying the buildings after customizing My Castle just to one's specifications. Assuming the damage carries over. On the topic of the shops in general I'm all for customization and while weapon shops seem nice it might take away some of the difficulty from Nohr unless it's limited. For instance making it more expensive for weapon shops and upgrades. Same goes for the grinding and honestly could apply to the difficulty setting as well. I hope it isn't restricted as a whole due to the potential of making the supposedly difficult game easy.

Also I've been desensitized to face touching so no screams of betrayal here. That said luring someone to your room to do that does rank on the creepometer, but ultimately ranks relatively low in the grand scheme of creep factor mechanics.

It doesn't, there's a post on tumblr that touches on some of the features here.

Once you complete a battle against another player, they will leave your My Castle. During battles held at your My Castle, you or your opponent can destroy buildings. However, once the battle ends, the buildings will be restored to their former state.

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I honestly see it as Kamui going, "Hey you wanna just hang out?" and the other person going, "Sure."

It's just rendered as face petting because it's easy to do.

Most likely, but that unfortunately falls under the language barrier issue. It could easily be, and most likely is, saying something completely innocent. However for now those of us that can't read kanji/hiragana/moonspeak see the interaction and the mind goes places. Either that or it fixates without thinking of a plausible reason.

It doesn't, there's a post on tumblr that touches on some of the features here.

Well that's a relief. Also thanks for the link. It addresses the grinding issue too. At least with other players, but at least it can be assumed it'll carry over to the other forms of grinding.

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I like it. It harkens back to quite a few JRPGs I grew up with and it adds a fun layer of world building to the game. Huge step up from the barracks in Awakening.

The face rubbing stuff is weird and I've kind of outgrown the more blatant fan service, but they're not game breakers for me. As long as those things are kept to a minimum this is an idea with huge potential.

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The whole Emblem Amie feature leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but I'll just be ignoring it.

I'm OK with having onsen, though, because onsen are actually completely normal. I'm curious if the bathhouses exist in the Nohr route; if they do, my money's on them being called thermae or balneae.

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If only I actually knew people who played FE, I don't think I'll ever be able to try the Castle attack/defense modes. Shame, because it was one of the more interesting parts to me about My Castle, and it also seems the dragon pet's main purpose is for these battles that I can't access.

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The whole Emblem Amie feature leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but I'll just be ignoring it.

Nice to know that some people can just ignore optional content without burning down houses.

Now excuse me while I proceed to burn down other people's armories.

But it's pretty jarring to see how much this is dividing the community. Like I can understand the face petting is weird, but the game we still only know a little about is no longer worth it?

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I'm OK with having onsen, though, because onsen are actually completely normal. I'm curious if the bathhouses exist in the Nohr route; if they do, my money's on them being called thermae or balneae.

This is the thing that I really hope your right about, since the hot springs fit well with Hoshido, since it's based on japan, but for Nohr it would feel out of place, since it seems based on Europe, and the only place there I can think of where there are hot springs, is Iceland. So I think it would feel a lot more consistent if the changed the hot springs in Nohr for roman bathhouses.

Overall, I can't really say much, the my castle seems fun to mess around with, not a big fan of the face rub thing, but as people mentioned, might be a cultural thing.

The big thing for me is I hope I saw wrong that they are taking durability out (and if I have understood correctly what others her have said), that they seem to make it more casual, less about resource management, but I hope that is a option.

Edit: apparently I can't spell "in"

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Nice to know that some people can just ignore optional content without burning down houses.

Now excuse me while I proceed to burn down other people's armories.

But it's pretty jarring to see how much this is dividing the community. Like I can understand the face petting is weird, but the game we still only know a little about is no longer worth it?

It's not like this kind of stuff is only present since yesterday. This is just the latest highlight of a trend that started with New Mystery, that keeps reducing the entire setting to the sole purpose of pandering to the Avatar. I was hoping for things to get less bad then that and for the worlds to get more engaging again. But now we officially reached a point were characters are literally pets for the player. You can't demean your supposed "characters" much more then that,

Anyway, this is still quite shocking. Introducing an entire class for the sole purpose of pandering to the French Maid fetishists (art direction be dammed) is just what I would have expected at this point. Quite frankly, I am surprised we don't have a school girl class yet (calling it now, btw.). But this is something that even I didn't see coming. I don't even care much about how creepy it might be, it is this crappy attitude towards the characters that gets to me.

Besides that, My Castle sounds rather tedious but it's probably an improvement over how things were handled in the last game. Not to mention that ever since PoR, I wanted a camp were you could move around.

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If only I actually knew people who played FE, I don't think I'll ever be able to try the Castle attack/defense modes. Shame, because it was one of the more interesting parts to me about My Castle, and it also seems the dragon pet's main purpose is for these battles that I can't access.

could have online or streepass functionality you never know

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I don't think there's any Wi-Fi symbol on the box, so probably no actual online play. They could include bonus teams again like in Awakening though, which had a similar functionality to the streetpass characters.

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