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Am I the only one planing on doing the third path first? Also what do you think the third path will be? I'm hoping it will go along the lines of. Avatar: "This family stuff sucks... I'm going to fight both of you and bring unity to all the land!" And then you fight both your families. Anyone agree?

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Eh, I have a best for last mentality, I am looking forward to the 3rd path the most, but I want the whole picture before I play it. Its like when there are 3 alternate endings, but the last one is the best and the most right, I feel playing the other two afterward would be anticlimatic for me, but it is definitely the one I am looking forward to the most.

I think you and Aqua find a way to mitigate it, but a third party enemy makes them join forces.

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Naw, I just want a third option, I always love C choices more especially between a rock and a hard place, and its as a DLC I feel it will be shorter but be a little more leeway with how it comes to its conclusion, which I think is awesome. Who knows it may be super tragic, but I have a feeling it wont dissapoint.

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A game that makes such a big deal about choice having one route let Kamui get all of his siblings, or have a team-up between two countries with would be jarring, since one route would be blatantly golden. Especially if the route is only available through DLC or a special edition.

Frankly, I'm hoping that IS won't use a 3rd power as an excuse to brush-off years of invasions, battles, and any other conflicts between the kingdoms. The war goes on regardless of the presence of a 3rd power (see Der Langrisser). Whether Kamui pledges service to an enemy of both kingdoms or conquers the continent, both are better alternatives than ''Both kingdoms team-up and they are in sunny days now'' or whatever.

Edited by Alazen
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I'd like to play it first too, but doesn't it get released a bit after the other two paths?

Yes, they could be releasing it at the same time in the west, but i'm not so sure about that.

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I think the third path could be some kind of united path,probably giving you a balanced amount of characters from nohr and hoshido(or maybe even all characters?Although I dunno how that could be justified storywise)

The fact that there is this whole "my-castle"-thing might mean that you'll join a third country for the third path.

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Am I the only one planing on doing the third path first? Also what do you think the third path will be? I'm hoping it will go along the lines of. Avatar: "This family stuff sucks... I'm going to fight both of you and bring unity to all the land!" And then you fight both your families. Anyone agree?

Better choice for a sociopathyc and ingrate monster.

Edited by ENS
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That, and it looks like you have to buy Nohr or Hoshido first?

what does that have to do with anything? You have to play the first chapter in nohr and hoshido too. Unless you have confirmation that you need to complete a path before the third route,
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what does that have to do with anything? You have to play the first chapter in nohr and hoshido too. Unless you have confirmation that you need to complete a path before the third route,

Misunderstood the OP, for some reason I thought they meant they were only playing the 3rd path. My main reasoning was that I assume people playing Hoshido only weren't going to buy Nohr for some reason.

It wasn't confirmed, no. As a matter of fact, I think I remember the devs even saying you can only play the third route, but they recommended you play Hoshido or Nohr first.

Edited by L95
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When playing games with multiple endings, I always save the Golden Ending for last since yeah, you get the entire picture before the "best" ending where all the important story questions typically get answered (the Zero Escape series comes to mind, especially VLR which forces you to play pretty much every route before you can even get the True End, oh my god -- not that I minded). If is a little different though, with the other path + third path being DLC... I hate to throw the word "canon" out there, but is there even anything akin to a "golden" path in this installment? It feels like the third path would make the most sense, but I've learned to avoid tossing around "canon" in FE.

Like lots of people, I get the feeling the third path will likely boil down to a "united front" type story that everyone here seems to loathe. I don't really mind that trope, as long as they're executed well and both sides aren't just magically friends. I'd imagine lots of distrust and in-fighting amongst the ranks on the battlefield, and if they incorporated that into gameplay, it'd be pretty interesting, I think (I like story and gameplay segregation). Cue babysitter Kamui throwing get-along shirts on everyone.

Slightly OT, but I'm also interested in how each of the Nohr siblings feel about invading Hoshido and why Nohr is built on a giant hole in the ground.

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