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we need more asexuals in FE


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Necro has nothing to do this.

Anyway, ignoring the other unnecessary and meaningless assertions people have wasted posts on here by saying nvm, I say as an asexual myself that having overtly ace characters would be beneficial and add to the growing diversity of sexuality in the series. We have now had overt homosexual characters and implied biromantic/bisexual characters, so why not implied or overtly ace characters? Asexuality can be quite invisible compared to other orientations so representation would help aces and asexuality become known and accepted by more people.

Hmm, good excuse, maybe I should use that next time I revive a thread from July last year. (And, yes, I know necroposting's legal in FFTF, but it still isn't a good thing.)

Also let's be real the representation (at least from what I've heard of 14) has been fucking terrible, like a psychopath and a stalker? The latter of whom the player can do fucking conversion therapy to?? Oh, and don't forget that the sole black person in the series prior to 13 was basically a senseless idiot. Now, I'm not claiming to speak for the LGBT+ community, but do you really trust IS' writing staff to portray your demographic (or anything, ever) respectfully?

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i believe that's soleil and not rhajat in regards to conversion therapy (to clarify, zero/niles is the supposed psychopath, rhajat the supposed stalker and soleil the supposed gay conversion victim)

both of which I think have been rather misinterpreted by people originally - I don't really see the conversion therapy in the support other than the support in question being fucking dumb and bad and rhajat isn't really as much as a stalker as people claim she is (mostly in assumptions relating to tharja) other than just being generally reserved, or at least so I've heard from people that actually understand japanese. I've heard similar things about Zero (supposed psychopath). Even then, I don't know for sure. Despite this, they will probably be still shit at writing of such matters as evidenced by the Soleil support - the implications are bad enough.

i'm of the opinion that as an asexual i simply do not give enough of a shit

edit: the funny thing is that since the series is putting more emphasis on pairings and children it's likely that they wouldn't include asexual characters lol

also nvm

Edited by Tryhard
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Figured with the current direction it'd not jive with the bias of letting you ship whoever you wanted if you tried hard enough.

Most of the games in the series lately haven't been about exploring cultural experiences or philosophies, they'd rather build off tropes, so I don't particularly care about the lack of realism/diversity.

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Parrhesia, I thought that user meant necrophilia when they said necro and that is why I said it was irrelevant to asexuality. I understand now that they meant something else so thank you for your polite correction. I was unaware that commenting on threads which had been inactive for a while was forbidden on this site, so please accept my deep gratitude for enlightening an ignorant new user such as myself.

I thought people were saying nvm because they were ignoring and trivialising my post on asexual representation in Fire Emblem but alas, I misunderstood. Again, you have my sincerest thanks for informing me of the truth of the matter.

IS' representation of characters with certain sexualities may be shaky or awkward at times but it is still representation nonetheless. They could have elected to keep having only straight characters and characters whose sexualities were ambiguous but they did not in Fates' case. It is precisely for that reason I am of the sentiment that asexuality needs to represented and that other sexual orientations require this as well and that IS could indeed choose to feature more diverse sexual and romantic orientations in Fire Emblem in future.

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READ THE CODE OF CONDUCT. That will tell you what flies and what doesn't with the mods. Then, take the time to read the more recent threads. That should tell you what flies and what doesn't with the general community.

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Parrhesia, I thought that user meant necrophilia when they said necro and that is why I said it was irrelevant to asexuality. I understand now that they meant something else so thank you for your polite correction. I was unaware that commenting on threads which had been inactive for a while was forbidden on this site, so please accept my deep gratitude for enlightening an ignorant new user such as myself.

I thought people were saying nvm because they were ignoring and trivialising my post on asexual representation in Fire Emblem but alas, I misunderstood. Again, you have my sincerest thanks for informing me of the truth of the matter.

IS' representation of characters with certain sexualities may be shaky or awkward at times but it is still representation nonetheless. They could have elected to keep having only straight characters and characters whose sexualities were ambiguous but they did not in Fates' case. It is precisely for that reason I am of the sentiment that asexuality needs to represented and that other sexual orientations require this as well and that IS could indeed choose to feature more diverse sexual and romantic orientations in Fire Emblem in future.

fftf is a shitposting board bro, you get warned for effort posts

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Don't lump yourself into the We! When's the last time you even joined a game?!

Trinity Mafia, late November-early December. Seems like a long break, but there haven't been many active games, and all hell's about to break loose in the form of NA Fates release.

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Trinity Mafia, late November-early December. Seems like a long break, but there haven't been many active games, and all hell's about to break loose in the form of NA Fates release.

Oh riiiiite, you were in that game

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