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Famitsu 6/11 preview/leaks


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"Charlotte's skill - Woman's True Nature (+4 damage, +20% crit chance against female enemies)

But they aren't lots of enemy woman in a Fire Emblem game, right ?

Inigo skill looks like a rally skill but less cool. You can attack after using it right ?

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M8. I looked back at awakening and realized that Chrom was always traveling with his army. I then thought that a Fire Emblem when you can gain additional unit soldiers would be great for sacrificing and winning in sheer numbers.

Plus it makes a lot of sense. I mean, I hear so much talk about "I like getting to know my army", but in a world like Fire Emblem, only players would want to engage a convo with a weird Blue haired, enigmatic dude with flashy armor, but no one would probably want to talk to a generic guy in your army even though people say they want to.

I'm not saying it doesn't make sense or that nobody will want to use it. I'm just saying that unless I can get actual characters out of it rather than generic units, then it doesn't interest me much. I'll use it once or twice and then forget about it, most likely.

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I'm not saying it doesn't make sense or that nobody will want to use it. I'm just saying that unless I can get actual characters out of it rather than generic units, then it doesn't interest me much. I'll use it once or twice and then forget about it, most likely.

This actual sounds interesting: weaker, generic, expendable units that you can throw out to fill extra deployment spots and use as cannon fodder.

I like it.

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I can see it becoming useful in later chapters where your team could use an extra unit or two that isn't made of wet paper

Since you can't grind in Nohr, this may actually come in handy to help clear up a little bit of the chaos and get your actual units in with a little less pressure.

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Funny, Raswald/whatever his name is looks more like Inigo than Luna looks like Several to me...

I guess I'm alone on this.

Pieri looks like she came to battlefield straight from a cosplay competition. Her hair is awesome in how crazy it looks though.

Oh, and another crazy lady from Nohr? Poor nation.

I'm liking the skills the three of them have. The Awakening nods with Odin and especially Raswald are nice. (I was always butthurt about Inigo not being able to class change to Dancer you see)

Prison sounds interesting, hope that's real and useful. Though if Zero and Orochi are the only ones able to capture... That will be bit of a bummer.

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Oh, maybe we're getting more generic girls?

Maybe not, idk. I do know Charlotte might be useful against pegasus knights. (Maybe not since we have male pegasus knights...)

I can imagine a lot of players making Zero pull in the female units for their Kamui to force or bribe them into being in his army of females readied to serve him

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All around me are familiar faces......

No but really, I wonder if these child clones are going to have any plot significance or if they're just fanservice....

I'm a little salty we only get 2 new faces even though there are 7 characters this time around

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Haha, are they serious? Odin's personal skill gives him +10 crit when equipping a forged weapon with a name consisting of 8 kanji? This must be the weirdest skill we've seen so far...

The most Owain thing I've ever heard.

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heyyyyyy Zero pls be on both sides

I find not owain's hand weird, is it always going to be up like that? I love his design though.

edit: on second thought, zero will probably be nohr exclusive. since we got orochi to capture prisoners in hoshido.

Edited by pureblood
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I wouldn't be surprised if popular 1st gen characters get look alikes as well Not chrom of course.

If there is a not!chrom, does that mean we might get a not!lucina? But we already got Lucina from Amiibo support so that not happen...

Someone mentioned about having the 3 most popular 1st gen characters in this game too. Well, Severa, Owain, Inigo and Lucina are the four characters who get the special scene in the Hot Spring Scramble DLC. Those from the Summer Scramble DLC might get a doppelganger, which includes Chrom. Not!Gaiusplz

If not!Chrom is a thing, I wish for a special convo between him and Lucina :V

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So we now have Severa, Inigo, and Owain as "returning" characters, the next one would be Lucina assuming they're going by the DLC character polls.

I'm curious if we will get her, if we do I hope she has interactions with her amiibo counterpart.

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If there is a not!chrom, does that mean we might get a not!lucina? But we already got Lucina from Amiibo support so that not happen...

Someone mentioned about having the 3 most popular 1st gen characters in this game too. Well, Severa, Owain, Inigo and Lucina are the four characters who get the special scene in the Hot Spring Scramble DLC. Those from the Summer Scramble DLC might get a doppelganger, which includes Chrom. Not!Gaiusplz

If not!Chrom is a thing, I wish for a special convo between him and Lucina :V

I honestly don't see chrom getting one since he's a main character and potential DLC like lucina. I can see not!Gaius, not!tharja and not!cordelia.
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