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Tactician Rank Deficit


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So recently I got FE7 and am doing my first run of it. I was doing well in all rankings until the desert chapter where I prioritized items and keeping the green mage contained so my ranking dropped to three stars. I am currently on chapter 23, are there any upcoming chapters in which I can bring the ranking back up?

Also since I am going for high tactician rankings should I just ignore the secret shop and rely on what I have?

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Ah I aplogize, tactics went down due to me sitting in a desert for an hour.

Every other rank is 5 including funds (though I've been tempted to end characters due to how badly they've failed me) but with funds I'm wondering if I should use the secret shop.

Edited by Asoleos
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you just gotta clear the maps as fast as you can for tactics to make up for loss time, I'm not sure if skipping the side missions would help or hurt with that.

with that said, doing anything like stalling for exp or buying items when you could be moving forward would hurt(instead you should also buy while your moving forward)

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Normal or Hard? (I would assume Normal but I don't know if this game was pre-owned, if you didn't clear the game data, etc.)


Consistently across Normal and Hard, I think you can make up some turns in Jerme's map. Linus' map is the easier of the two and, in Hard mode, you can definitely make up some turns (provided you don't use all turns to Arena Abuse).

22xE/23xH (Genesis) has a high turn requirement as well--but that's your call. If it's Hard Mode, you can make up some turns in 26xE/28xH (Night of Farewells); this gets changed significantly in Normal (22 --> 10).

Chapter 27E/29H (Cog of Destiny) as well. Just make sure you have to a way to transport your Lord (from recruiting Vaida) to the throne as quickly as you can.

Can you recall how many turns you think you did in the desert? It has a lower turn count compared to other chapters.

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Sorry about the lack of response but I was working out how to get through those two chapters. I finally got a run where no one died and level gains were acceptable. The ranking also went back up. So thank you Dual.

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Cog of Destiny is a Rout map, not a Seize map. There's no need to transport your lord to the throne.

Also, if you're looking to 5-star everything, be careful with your EXP rank. Keeping that at 5 gets harder later in the game once your characters promote, because they don't get as much EXP, but the requirements increase. You'll need to build up a buffer and rotate units out so that you're always getting as much experience as possible, since lower leveled units will gain more EXP. In HHM you have to get everyone to at least level 15 unpromoted IIRC. It's more lenient in the normal modes but it's still a decent benchmark to aim for.

Also for Funds, in the final chapter, there will be a bunch of S-rank weapons that get dropped by the enemies. Make sure to keep them but not use them- they contribute a ton to that rank. Funds isn't too bad to get overall though. Just sell/use as few items as necessary (particularly gems and promotion items) and try to use Iron and Steel weapons wherever possible rather than Killer and Brave and Silver.

Edited by BBM
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Yeah I got through the route map with a plan called Lyn murders everything within a 3 mile radius. Fun times. Oh also Rebecca getting 15 critical hits with less then 10% chance. Throughout my game she has gotten more critical hits then the people with critical boosting weapons. This has been a blind run, and that's likely what hurt me in the desert because I didn't use a guide. Missed some Gaidens, but hey its more fun blind the first time.

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